Equine Products Category

2010 Holiday Gift Roundup

Gift TrollyShopping days are coming to a close so if you haven’t gotten something for everyone on your list, get crackin’! Always here to help, I’ve collected all of my gift idea guides into one handy post, literally something for everyone.

This list also includes additional ideas sent to be by other people and I do hope everyone will leave their ideas & wares in the comments below.
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Horse Books

Most horse lovers can never have too many books about their favorite animal. That said, books make a pretty good (& educational) last minute gift if you haven’t finished your holiday shopping yet.

As a writer I’m a firm believer that books are an important part of life. When I was a kid if I wasn’t riding I was reading & I hope to pass that on to future horse loving generations. Here is a great list of horse books that any horse person will love. For each one I’ve provided a brief description, a link to where they can be found on Amazon and a peek inside where available.
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Horses In The Home

Red RibbonThe days are getting shorter, in length and in time before the big day. Have you finished your holiday shopping yet? If not I’ve got a few more clever equine items to share.

Horses At Home

So far I’ve featured horses for all different aspects of our lives & today I thought I’d broaden the categories a little and create a horses in the home list. Many of these items are beautiful, functional and many of them can be useful in the office as well. For each listing I’ve provided a brief description, a link to where they can be found on Amazon and a closer look where available.
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How to Draw Horse Books

How to Draw Horse BooksMy post about how to draw horses (Pt. 2) have been popular ones, so I decided to expand on that idea as gift ideas. This is an entirely unique way to feed your favorite horse lovers hobby.

When I started reasearching I found all kinds of books created to help budding artists draw the difficult equine form. Whether you want to draw caricatures or lifelike animals one of these books can help. For each listing I’ve provided a brief description & a link to where they can be found on Amazon.
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Horse Theme Clothing Gift Ideas

GiftIt’s difficult to find horse clothes that aren’t overly horse, or worse yet overly garish. Luckily I was able to find a few fun items that I want for myself and I had to share them.

We are well on the way to the holiday countdown so it’s time to snap to action if you aren’t finished with your shopping. Here are some fun ideas (mostly for girls, sorry guys) that would look great under your favorite horse lover’s tree. For each selection below there is a link to where it can be found on Amazon and a brief description..
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Horses for Baby

GiftIt’s black friday and everyone that hasn’t already is getting their shop on. For those of you who know horse lovers I’m here to help, I’ve got tons of fun horsey ideas to share with you.

Today it’s all about the little ones and although babies may not know they love horses, their moms & dads sure do. I looked specifically for cute and classic with a whole lot of unique thrown in. For each adorable selection below there is a link to where it can be found on Amazon, a brief description and a closer look where available.
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Horses in the Car

GiftMost horse people love their cars (or trucks) they are the vehicles that take us to our horses (& take our horses with us).

Customize Your Vehicle

Here are a variety of ways to personalize your vehicle & share your love of horses with everyone on the road. Whether you want a total horsemobile or just an accent to keep your favorite animal in your sights. For each selection there is a link to where it can be found on Amazon, a brief description and a closer look where available.
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Horse Gift Wrap

GiftI’m guessing that by now everyone is well on their way to being finished shopping (except for you last minuters – you know who you are). So I thought I’d share a fun way to cover your gifts (horse theme or not).

Wrapping it Up

Gift wrap is a personal choice, some opt for an artistic statement while others buy with budget in mind. Here is a fun selection of horse gift wrap that runs the gamut, from artistic to bold to just plain fun. For each selection there is a link to where it can be found on Amazon, a brief description and a closer look where available.
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Horses at Work

GiftWho doesn’t daydream about horses while they are at work? Now you can take some fun reminders with you because I’ve found some of the cutest office decorations.

Not A Big Category

I couldn’t find very much office horse, but what I did find was so fantastic I had to share. I’ll keep looking and update this list as I run across more items. My absolute favorite is the bookends, they are fabulous and would look as good at home as they would in the office. Each selection includes a link to where it can be found on Amazon, a brief description and a closer look where available.
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Horse Jewelry

GiftLast week I shared a bunch of horse jewelry boxes and this week it’s time to fill them up! Horse jewelry means that we can carry our favorite animal with us where ever we go…what a great gift to give a horse lover!

Wearing Horses

I’m a firm believer that horse jewelry should be subtle and not be overly horse. It’s important to appreciate careful material selection and fine craftsmanship, regardless of your jewelry’s subject matter. Each selection includes a link to where it can be found on Amazon, a brief description and a closer look where available.
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Gift Ideas for Younger Horse Lovers

GiftLet’s face it, no matter how much we like it the holidays are all about the kids. So I found some unique (and mostly girlie) horse theme gifts for the young horse lover in your life.

Girls Love Horses

It’s no secret that young girls love themselves some serious horse & I can’t think of a better animal to daydream over. Here are a fun collection of gifts that your horse girl will go nuts over. Each selection includes a link to where it can be found on Amazon, a brief description and a closer look where available.
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Horse Theme Jewelry Boxes

GiftToday I decided to try something I’ve not searched for in the past. It’s not just about horse jewelry, it’s also about having a cool place to keep it.

Horses Around the House

It’s important for many animal lovers to keep mementos of their favorite animal around them. For that reason I’ve been searching for enough gift ideas to suit even the most discerning gift giver. The selections below include a link to where it can be found on Amazon, a brief description and a closer look where available.
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