Equine Products Category

Earth & Animal Friendly Products For Horse People

Horse in Nature

Image credit grimaldojr

Society in general has been wasteful for far too long and we’ve hit a tipping point where the weight of the world literally lies on the shoulders of every one of us.

The main problem most people have with natural and sustainable products is the higher price tag associated with them.

Money doesn’t grow on trees you say. And to that I reply, it’s a small price to pay, if we don’t do something soon there will be no trees left anyway…

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Earth & Animal-Friendly Bedding

Woman cleaning a horse stall
Horses that are kept indoors need a fluffy, absorbent bed to keep them dry and warm.

There are a number of options available on the market, but when buying something in such large quantities it is important to ensure they are as sustain-ably and renewably sourced as possible.

Follow Their Lead

The UK leads the pack in this department with a number of recycled (& recyclable), renewable and sustainable options. But they can be found in the US and Australia too, the more we support responsibly sourced and managed companies, the further their reach will grow.
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Organic Horse – Health and Beauty

Horse Bath Time

It’s amazing how many products wind up in a horse owners stockpile, everything from wormers to fly sprays to shampoo.

Safety First

When choosing products, consider the health of everyone involved and when you can buy organic, natural and sustainable. In today’s chemical landscape no price is too dear to pay, lucky for us there are still good ones out there and their prices are reasonable.

Mother Nature Knows Best

Let’s face it, people domesticated horses long before chemicals were invented. There are natural ways to keep your animal healthy and they can be responsibly sourced. Everyone can do their part by supporting the companies who share that mantra.
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Picthall and Gunzi Horse Books

Picthall & Gunzi Horse BookAttention horse photographers, last week I recieved an email from Katy over at Picthall & Gunzi which is a UK based children’s book publisher.

They produce educational books worldwide for children between the ages of 0-10 years old. Their books are designed to be educational, to encourage learning, and to be entertaining to children.

Looking for Photographers

They are currently looking into designing several horse and pony related books including a sticker activity book, a board book, and a fold out poster book.

Katy contacted me about using some of the images on theequinest, so I offered to publish her request and see if any of the photographers would be interested in submitting their work directly.
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Breyer Horses

Breyer HorseSomething about a love of horses drives young girls so raving mad that they collect hundreds of plastic models in homage.

An Old Favorite

Breyer Horses have been around since I was a kid and and I loved them every bit as rabidly as the real thing. They were a source of endless hours of amusement to me and I still protect them fondly today.

In fact, evidence of my own childhood obsession is stashed away in boxes to be revisited someday. Admit it, you have boxes of them too.
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Book Alert – Mustang

MustangThe history of America wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for the horses that got us here.

Mustang: The Saga of the Wild Horse in the American West

Mustang is written by Deanne Stillman who gives a detailed story about wild horses on the North American continent, from prehistory to present day.

Chapters Include

  • Horses evolution on North America
  • The animals the conquistadors brought to North America
  • The horses role in building the American frontier
  • The plight of mustangs today

Deanne began work on Mustang ten years ago when she learned that 34 wild horses had been gunned down outside Reno, NV. Two of the accused were Marines, and one was stationed at Twentynine Palms, CA.
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A Huge List of Horse Movies

Lists of horse movies by the decade they were released.

Thanks to everyone who makes suggestions & shares their faves in the comments. We’ll be adding them all but it takes time. Keep checking back for updates!

Horse Christmas Gifts – Something for The Guys

PresentFinding the perfect gift for the horse-crazy man in your life may not be easy, but The Equinest is here to help.

For The Guys

Part three of a series, this post will concentrate on horse gifts specifically for men.

Don’t Stop There

To find more gifts that everyone will like be sure to check out the rest of the series. horse essentials, fun and funny horse gifts and gifts for the horse kid in everyone, and don’t forget the best horse calendars for 2009.
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12 Horse Calendar Selections for 2009

Wrapped presentAlmost any horse lover will be excited to unwrap a lovely 2009 horse calendar on Christmas morning.

Horses in 2009

I did some homework to find the best horse calendars out there for the coming year. This is a gift that can be appreciated all year long.

Customize It

A calendar isn’t a particularly original gift, but if you spend a few bucks (or a little bit of time) you can make it a memorable one.
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