Equine Products Category

Zodiac Ponies

GiftAnother weekly gift post and these may be my all time favorites. They are the cutest little Zodiac Ponies you’ve ever seen, each one with it’s own charm.

The ponies are made of sterling silver and each one is designed to convey the unique personality of all 12 signs of the zodiac.

Here the complete yearly cycle. I’ve provided the dates associated with each sign, a link to where each sign can be purchased on Amazon and a closer view where available.
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Horse Gift Ideas for Babies

GiftThe holidays are coming fast so this is my weekly installment of gift ideas – today it’s all about the babies. Who says horses are just for little girls? I think the tots can appreciate them too.

Here are some fun horsey gift ideas which are great for the little ones themselves or for horse loving mommy’s-to-be.

Each one includes a link to where they can be purchased on Amazon and a closer look where available.
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Horse Lunch Bags

GiftI’ve been searching high and low for fun horse gifts that will appeal to all age brackets & skill levels. I’m making my lists, checking them twice & I will try to offer horsey gift ideas on Mondays through to the holidays.

Last week it was backpacks, this week lunch bags. Some of them are cute enough you may be tempted to keep one for yourself.

For each one I’ve provided links where they can be found on Amazon & closer views where available.
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Horse Backpacks For Kids Of All Ages

GiftThere is no denying it, the holidays are on the way & gift ideas are everywhere. For those of you who know horse lovers, this is a good place to start.

I’ll be posting about as many equine-related gift ideas as I can find.

Stylish Horse

Here are some very cute backpacks with a fun horse theme, and enough options to satisfy horse crazy kids of all ages. Each one provides a link to where it can be purchased on Amazon & a closer, alternate views where available.
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Suitability – Make It Yourself


Recently I ran across a whole new area of the equestrian industry that I hadn’t previously been introduced to. Suitability makes and sells equestrian patterns for adults, children and horses.

The Ultimate DIY

They offer a variety of patterns for both English & Western show clothing and include everything from show jackets to chaps to breeches. And that’s just the patterns for people, they have a number of patterns for horse clothing too.

Make your own fly masks, horse blankets…even halloween costumes.

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Unicorn Books

UnicornMost debates about the existence of the mighty unicorn are passionate ones. An innocent post about the existence of unicorns turned into a grand discussion about mythical creatures of all types.

So, for all of you unicorn lovers out there, (and I know there is a lot of you) I put together a list of some of the best unicorn books I could find.

Whether you want to find your inner unicorn, learn about their lore or read about unicorn adventures, I’ve got you covered.

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12 Horse Calendars for 2010

Most horse lovers I know (myself included) never seem to get tired of horse stuff. I’m not mentioning the holidays yet, but soon there will be Christmas Carols everywhere we turn…get prepared now.

A Calendar For Every Month

Thinking towards the future, here are 12 beautiful 2010 horse calendars which also make great gift ideas. I’ve included a shot of the front & back covers (who buys a calendar they can’t see inside of?) and links to where they can be purchased on Amazon.

Spirited Horse 2010 Wall Calendar

Horse Calendar
Features the portrait photography of Tony Stromberg & each month offers an inspirational quote.

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Animal and Earth Friendly Lifestyle Guide

Guy hugging a tree

Image credit Ben Amstutz

Although I’ve managed to track down a number of great green horse products and feed, I wanted to provide resources for products we use and consume when we aren’t on our horses too.

The Price We Pay

As animal lovers and owners we have a responsibility to animals everywhere to use products that have the least amount of impact on the environment and the critters that depend on it.

The Good Things Never Are…

I’m not saying it’s an easy commitment but it is one that everyone needs to make before it’s too late. I’m here to help and I’ve tracked down a number of great companies who make everything from cleaning products, to socks to makeup.

*Some of the websites carry more products than just the categories I’ve put them in – why not browse a little?
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