Equine Products Category

Horse Computer Games for Windows

Horse Computer Games for WindowsWe’ve already got horse game lists for the wii, the ever popular Nintendo DS & today we are going to focus on PC games made for Windows.

In creating my many horse game lists, I’ve come to realize that this is a market for all ages. From the wee ones to us adults, but this category has got all ages covered. Each one provides a link to where they can be found on Amazon and a brief description.

From dressing up My Little Ponies to intense USEF licensed horse training and competition games, there is hours & hours of fun here!

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Horse Games for Nintendo DS

Last week it was games for the wii and this week a long list for the (much) more popular handheld Nintendo DS.

There are tons of horsey options for the DS, all of them offering a fun new pet and hours of entertainment. Some of the games are suitable for an older crowd while still others are better for the youngsters. Each one provides a link to where they can be found on Amazon and a brief description.

You can’t take your horse with you everywhere you go, but you can take the next best thing, your DS.

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Horse Games for Nintendo wii

The recent vein of horse games has been a lot of fun, so I thought I’d continue everyone’s playing time. Here is a list of horse games for Nintendo wii (don’t worry, I’ll add ’em as I find ’em).

There isn’t as great a variety as there is for the Nintendo DS or even PCs, but in my experience with wii almost any game can be addictive. In fact, one of these games is the only video game ever to be licensed by the Federation Equestre Internationale. Each game is accompanied by a link to where it can be found on Amazon and a brief description.

Everyone loves a good video game and the Nintendo wii is one of the greatest game consoles ever, if you can’t get outside to ride this is an entertaining second.

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Horse Breed Books

The Horse Breed BooksThere is such a diverse variety of shapes, colors & types in the modern horse world and the list of breeds found worldwide is virtually endless.

Here is a great selection of books with info about many of the different horse breeds along with their characteristics, origins, temperaments and lots & lots of pictures. For each book I’ve listed where they can be purchased on Amazon and (where available) a peek inside the book.
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The Equinest Gift Guide 2009

Gift IdeasThrough the past few months I have been throwing out gift ideas every Monday. Yes, I know today is Friday…but it’s last minute time. Don’t worry, it’s not too late to get something for those left on your list.

I’ve prepared a collection of all of my gift ideas for 2009 into one handy post, (and even added a few extras) there is something for everyone here.

Don’t panic, you still have plenty of time to make the holidays a success & I’ve got hundreds of ideas to share.

Without further ado, here is a long list of ideas for all types of horse lovers.
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Horses In The Bathroom

Gift IdeasNo matter where we are, most horse lovers like to see reminders of their obsession…and truly, nothing is sacred. When it comes to decor, adding horsey touches is a fun way to extend your passion into your daily grind.

This is a collection of items found in most bathrooms with a fun equine theme. I tried to go for simple and understated, but there is some wacky in there too.

Whether you want one or two accent pieces, or every part of your bathroom to reflect horses, you are sure to find something you want here.

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Horse Bags

Gift IdeasOne thing most equestrians definitely need is more bags, can we ever have enough for all of our stuff? Here are some fun & colorful duffels, totes & purses with one common theme…horses.

Whether you need to carry your keys, your wallet, your work, your groceries or even your boots, there is a bag for you here.

If there is anything horsewomen love more than shoes, it’s bags & I managed to find a whole post worth of vibrant and fun bags for the horse lovers of the world.

Each bag has a link to where it can be found on Amazon and alternative & closer looks where they were available.
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Horse Jewelry

Gift IdeasSometimes horse jewelry can be a bit over-the-top, however there are always exceptions to the rule. I did some searching to come up with some of the coolest horse jewelry I could find.

Of course there is always the zodiac ponies if you are looking for something whimsical & fun.

Perhaps I went overboard, cute stuff just kept jumping out at me, so I kept adding it to the list (can you tell what a necklace junkie I am?)

As always every piece has a link to where it can be purchased on Amazon and a closer look at the product where available.
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Horse Gift Ideas for Kids

Gift IdeasPerhaps some of the most passionate horse lovers are the young ones (which is probably why their toys are the best), so I devoted a whole post to horse gift ideas for kids.

From rain boots to Barbie to Shrinky Dinks, there is something that will appeal to almost any youthful horse fan (and perhaps some of the older ones too). 😉

For each one there is a link to where it can be found on Amazon and a closer look at the product where available, enjoy!
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Cool Breyer Equipment and Tack

Gift IdeasPerhaps one of my favorite toys growing up were my Breyer horses & I can admit to hours spent creating felt leg wraps and yarn halters for them.

Back then there weren’t nearly as many cool options for models and a DIY attitude kept them looking flashy. These days it seems they have thought of everything, from travel wraps to show jumps to trailers.

There are tons of fun accessories and miniature equipment for those who still enjoy a model horse or two.

Here are some of the cool Breyer accessories I could find, all things I would loved to have had as a child.
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Horse Gift Ideas

Gift IdeasAs the holidays draw near, I have been throwing out gift ideas once a week. This Monday morning I thought I’d put together a post with a variety of fun gift options for horse people.

Some of them practical, some of them whimsical, you are sure to find something for the horse lover in your life.

For each option I have provided a link to their Amazon page and a closer view where available.
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Horses in the Kitchen

Gift IdeasFor those of us who love horses, it is important to surround ourselves with their likeness no matter where we are. This simple fact makes it easy to find gifts for horse lovers.

Horse theme gifts can be a tad over-the-top, so I’ve taken care to choose those things I think are timeless and cool, (with a little whimsical thrown in for good measure).

Today it’s all about horses in the kitchen, here are a number of horsey items in a variety of styles. For each I’ve provided a link to their Amazon page and a closer view where available.
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