The recent vein of horse games has been a lot of fun, so I thought I’d continue everyone’s playing time. Here is a list of horse games for Nintendo wii (don’t worry, I’ll add ’em as I find ’em).
There isn’t as great a variety as there is for the Nintendo DS or even PCs, but in my experience with wii almost any game can be addictive. In fact, one of these games is the only video game ever to be licensed by the Federation Equestre Internationale. Each game is accompanied by a link to where it can be found on Amazon and a brief description.
Everyone loves a good video game and the Nintendo wii is one of the greatest game consoles ever, if you can’t get outside to ride this is an entertaining second.
*All links open in a new window

Barbie Horse Adventures: Riding Camp
A role playing game that allows you to play as Barbie and gives you the choice of 15 different horses to ride, each one with their own personality. Take care of your horse, take riding adventures and compete for ribbons

Horse Life Adventures
Allows users to design their own perfect mount with breed & color choices. Take care of your dream horse, shop for supplies, compete in events or take trail rides through beautiful scenery. Easy to control and fun to play with stunning visuals.

My Horse and Me
A game that allows players to become immersed in equestrian life. Accurate horse models, a variety of backdrops and plenty of mini-games make this a rewarding equine gaming experience. Much of the game is highly customizable which makes for a unique experience.

My Horse and Me: Riding for Gold
The second in the series, this game features new animations and focuses on the bond formed between horse & rider. This is the world’s only FEI licensed game.

Petz Horse Club
Go on a great adventure by discovering, making friends with, taming & caring for wild horses. You can create your own horse family, each animal with their own personality for training & competing.

Petz Horsez 2
The second game in the series, Petz Horsez 2 lets you choose one of 5 breeds and raise a foal. Groom, play with & feed your baby and as they grow older together you can train for a variety of competitions.
i wish u guys had imagine champion rider. online play don,t have to download
It’s a fun game but u have to jump over 10 to 13 jumps and under 42 sec. But that’s the hard part.
it scould work
all the wii horse games r boring
not all horse games are boring!
Not all of them are boring, for those who are potential Horse Game buyers, here is a list of horse games/farm games with horses you may wish to play:
Nintendo DS:
Pippa Funnel
Pippa Funnel Ranch Rescue
My Horse & Me
Nintendo Wii:
My Horse & Me
My Horse & Me 2
Petz: Horsez 1
Petz: Horsez 2
Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility (now includes goats, ducks, silk worms, ostriches which you can ride, horses, cows, sheep, chickens, monkeys, dogs, cats, ?pigs?, and a jacuzzi in the mountains!)
Imagine Champ. Rider
Barbie Horse Adventures
Pony Ranch (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED – no riding, just breeding, feeding, keeping and opening up your farm and ranch to public)
Also in the Pony Ranch Series: Wildlife Park, Wildlife Park: Wild
Creatures, and the joint one (2for1) Wildlife Park Golden Edition (buy one game but get the two aboves included).
Happy Gaming!!
this is so cool and awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U forgot pippa funnell ranch rescue. its awsome.
Gallop and Ride is an awesome game. Its more of a training and breeding game. You can raise your own foals from the horse you pick out of your barn. You can have like 6 to 8 horses. You can buy or foal them. Its the best game for the stable stuff, but weak in the area of competitions. It is a really fun game and worth the money. But its more of running a stable and not competing.
I wish Nintendo had a game on horse racing like G1 jokey in Japan, but Japan has a different type of system so I coulden’t buy it from Japan!
Do you use the wii board to play my horse and me. It seems that the wii game is more expensive than other games why is this so?
You dont use a wii board for any of the horse games sorry dont know why its more exspenive
I’m looking for a fun horse game that includes small compatitions,free riding,stable working and a large variaty of horse breeds and color if you know a game please tell me! thanks
My Horse and me 2 is a great game and suits what you are looking for. I have it myself and it is the best game i have ever had! You start off on a huge ranch and look after your own horse. You can choose what you look like and what the horse looks like. You can train your horse and take it to competitions across the world. You can also go in the stable and groom, wash and stroke and muck out. You can collect trophies and medals from competitions and also clothing items. You can choose your horses tack and your own clothes aswell. There is a story to it. I won’t tell you it because then it will be a surprise for you! It is a wii game but it is definately a must have. Hope i have helped and email me if you do want to find out the story!
Well i know a game online that could fall under some of those. its called its rely fun to play once you get the hang of it. and if you do make a game, add me LizyE 🙂
Try 🙂 i know its not a wii game but it can be really fun. if it takes a wile to get used to, let it, it only gets fun the longer you play. and if you make a game, add me LizyE 😀
my horse and me 2 is brill
At least you guys have horses to ride 🙁 my parents wont even get me riding lessons 🙁 but i am TOTALLY horse crazy! 🙂 my dad is going to try to get me a job at a stable nearby 😀
Try i know its not a wii game, but its still fun 🙂 and if you do make a game, add me LizyE 😀
Do you know of any games where you can actually have a horse?
Do you know of any games where you can actually be a horse?
I have all but two of these games XP
I want my horse and me riding for gold on the wii so bad!!!