Burning Bush – Toxic Plant of the Week

Burning Bush

Image from Somewhat Frank

It’s that time of the week again & Monday morning is a good time to learn about another plant your horse can’t eat. Today a closer look at the vibrantly beautiful but dangerous Burning Bush.

A Little About Burning Bush

Euonymus is Burning Bush, also commonly called Summer Cypress, Strawberry Bush, Hearts-a-bustin, & Spindle tree. This is a shrub with long, oval leaves (which turn bright scarlet in the fall), flowers are small and green or maroon, fruit is a red, pink, ivory or yellow capsule with red seeds.

How Dangerous Is It?

Generally grown as an ornamental bush, most horses contact with a Burning Bush is extremely limited – they are unpalatable and only a concern during drought season. However, grazers should be kept away from them on principal alone as the plant can do some damage.

The whole Burning Bush is toxic to equines.

Burning Bush

Image from KurtQ

What To Look For

You know your animal the best, so you should know when something is amiss. Burning Bush toxicity symptoms can include browning of mucus membranes & blood, difficulty breathing, blindness & loss of coordination.

Learn More

Be sure to check out the Burning Bush page to learn more about the plant and while you are at it why not check out more toxic plants?

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*It should be noted that I’m not a veterinarian. This information is written specifically for horses and should be used for reference purposes only. If you think your horse has eaten something toxic call your vet right away.

One Comment on “Burning Bush – Toxic Plant of the Week

  1. philip lisagor

    You have a paragraph where it doesn’t sound like this plant is a problem for horses except to keep grazers away from it, then it orange letters it says, “The whole Burning Bush is toxic to equines.” and this has left me confused, If I have some outside my pasture but near a fence that is marginally available to horses, is this a problem situation? thanks.


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