The Wielkopolski Old Type, Wilekopolski w Starym Typie, Poznan or Great Poland Horse is a light riding and driving horse that was created in the 19th century in Poland. In the beginning they were called the Poznan Horse, named for Great Poznan Country from which it comes.
The foundation stock for this breed were German half-breds, (mainly Trakehner) bred to native stock. Later, between the World Wars Thoroughbred, Arabian and Anglo-Arabian influence was added as well.
After the second World War the Trakehners were taken from Poznan to the Mazury district and they soon became known as Mazurian horses. By 1962 the Poznan and Mazurian animals became essentially one breed blanketed under the name of Wielkopolski. Today there two type of the breed, the modern Wielkopolski and the Old Type, both bred for different purposes.
Average height 15.1 – 16.2 hands
Head is handsome with a straight profile
Neck is shapely and slightly arched
Back is straight and long
Chest is deep
Shoulder is long, sloping and muscular
Legs are well muscled and well defined joints
Traditional Colors
Generally solid colors
Practical and easygoing
Calm and sensible
Riding horse
Sport horse
Show horse
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Polish Genetic Biodiversity Programs