The Tiger Horse breed was established in 1992 and based on the spotted horses of the Iberian peninsula, the name Tiger used to describe their lovely spotted coats.
All animals with leopard spotting patterns come from the same ancient Chinese ancestors who made their way to western Europe through the years. Tiger Horses of ancient Iberia shared the smooth gaits, brilliant colored coats and bloodlines with the Spanish Jennet. These animals were found useful for colonization of the new world and by the mid 16th century breeding centers were established in both South and Central America.
The native people in the Americas immediately took a liking to the spotted coats and hardiness of Tiger horses and they quickly spread. Developed by a number of tribes, including the Nez Perce who have become famous for their spotted ponies.
In 1938 a registry was established for spotted animals and breeding programs were established to preserve their coloration. Unfortunately Arabian, Thoroughbred and Quarter Horses were used – all of which bear dominant genetics that effectively wiped out many of the Tiger characteristics. Luckily, small pockets of original bloodlines remained – mainly in the Pacific northwest of the US and Canada.
In 1991 some genetic research was carried out on gaited appaloosas and by 1994 the Tiger Horse Association was formed to preserve these animals in an attempt to re-create original bloodlines.
Average height 14.2 – 15.2 hands
Head is lean with straight or slightly convex profile
Ears are mobile and curved
Eyes are large with white sclera
Neck is set high, medium in length and well arched
Shoulder is sloping
Back is short and strong
Legs are sturdy with broad joints
Hooves are well shaped
Traditional Colors
Must display leopard spotting patterns
Affectionate and gentle
Sensible and intelligent
Riding horse
Show horse
Cow horse
Helpful Links
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The Soulon Tiger Horse Breed Registry