Nicaraguan Paso Horse


The term Paso Fino translates to ‘fine step’ and their lovely gaits cannot be taught, they have to come via genetics. The Paso is in fact distinguished by their four-beat lateral gait.


Similar to the Criollo strain found in the country, Paso animals are descendant of Iberian horses brought during colonization. However the gait that Paso animals display is more reminiscent of the Jennet than others that came across from Europe. Jennets are known for having a smooth amble and it was found that mares passed the gaits on better than studs.

Paso strains can be found throughout Latin America and each country has essentially developed the breed enough to call them native. The same can be said for Nicaragua, as the type has been developed specifically for the needs and climate found in the country.


Average height 14 – 15 hands


Head is small with a slightly convex profile
Neck is medium in length, upright and arched
Chest is medium wide
Back length varies
Legs are straight and slender
Hooves are small

Traditional Colors

All colors


Docile and willing
Spirited but gentle


Cart horse
