Hungarian Sport Horse


Also known as Hungarian Warmblood, the Hungarian Sport Horse comes from the Mezohegyes Stud in Hungary. They are a mix of European warmbloods and native Hungarian breeds.


This breed began late in the 18th century when the Mezohegyes State Stud began breeding for sport horse qualities. Using strict breeding practices they crossed traditional Hungarian breeds including Nonius, Furioso and Gidran with Hanoverian, Dutch Warmblood and Holsteiner. The breeding goal was to develop a versatile breed agile enough to be used for riding but also strong enough for pulling carriages.

The Second World War caused their numbers to suffer and many were confiscated from the stud by German soldiers. At the end of the war, Allied soldiers took back many of the stolen animals, some of them making their way across to the US by mid 20th century. Like many European breeds that survived WWII, only the toughest animals survived, lending the breed a robustness that is difficult to breed for.

in 1966 the Hungarian Horse Association of America (HHAA) was founded to preserve the bloodlines and promote the breed. The goal was to preserve strict breeding standards adhered to before the war and continue to produce fine sport horses.


Average height 16-17 hands


Head is well-defined
Ribs are well-sprung
Muscular hindquarters
Legs strong with large joints

Traditional Colors

All solid colors


Intelligent and curious
Willing and athletic




Helpful Links

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Hungarian Sporthorse Breeders Association
Hungarian Horse Association of America

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Mezohegyes Sport Horse
