Faroe Pony


The bloodlines of the ponies on the Faroe islands are one of the oldest and purest equine breeds on the planet and they have not been influenced by outside blood. Also called Faeroes Pony and Faroe Island Horse, The only other breed comparable in age and purity is the Icelandic Horse (they also share an ambling gait).


The Faroe Islands are located between Iceland and the Shetland Islands and are a self-governing community within Denmark. These animals are said to resemble those brought to the island from Europe and Asia around 200 BC. Although the Celts and the Scandinavians brought horses with them to the islands which likely shaped the breed as well.

Their numbers sunk to a critical point and an association was formed to preserve their bloodlines and by 1988 their numbers had risen. Because these animals are so precious, they are not allowed to be exported. The only place to see a Faeroe island horse is on the Faroe Islands.


Average height 11 – 12.1 hands

Traditional Colors

Most colors


Clever and sure on their feet
Hardy and friendly


Riding pony
Show pony
Pack animal

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