Also called the Military Criollo, la Raza del Caballo Santa Gertrudis and Raza Militar the Criollo Militar is a strain of the breed found in Mexico. They come from Iberian animals, but are distinctly different from the handsome Azteca.
The term Criollo originally meant animals (or people) of purebred Spanish ancestry who were born in the Americas, but through time it has come to mean breeds native to the Americas. Criollo Militar breeding began in the early 20th century by crossing Spanish animals with Arabian, Barb and Quarter Horse blood.
Specifically bred for military, the Criollo Militar was only bred by the National Defense Secretariat (SEDENA) in Santa Gertrudis, Chihuahua. This was to ensure uniformity and quality animals. Herds were left to graze freely in a totally natural environment, with human intervention only for selection of breeding animals and necessary medical attention. This encouraged natural selection, creating a robust type.
Average height hands
Head is well proportioned with straight profile
Ears are thin and arched
Neck is medium, thick and muscular
Chest is deep and wide
Mane and tail are thick
Back is straight and short
Legs are long and clean
Hooves are hard and thick
Traditional Colors
Black, chestnut, brown and bay
Good tempered and docile
Intelligent and robust
Official events