The Barthais was once classified as a heavy horse and their roots are thought to go back to France pre 7th Century AD (Arabian blood was added for the first time in 732 AD). However, over the years their bloodlines have become lighter and smaller to the present day animal, which is now classified as a pony.
The Barthais Pony is very much like the Landais Pony, although more robust and used for agriculture or other heavy work. This breed comes from France near the Stribrnem shore and is the result of local stock crossed with Berber. For a time both breeds were developed and maintained separately, but eventually they were merged ans now only the Landais Pony breed exists. There are no true pure blood Barthais Ponies left.
Average height 11.8 – 13.2 hands
Sturdy and tough
Has a natural “kick” action in its stride
Head is small for size, but handsome
Ears are alert and eyes are intelligent
Body is muscular and sturdy
Legs are strong and slender
Pasterns are long with natural pump action
Mane and tail are full
Tail is carried high
Traditional Colors
Willing and kind
Riding pony
Work pony