The Alter Real breed comes from Alter de Chao, a small town in the Alentejo province of Portugal, where the flagship stud is still located. Real is the word for ‘royal’ in Portuguese, the Alter Real is the Royal breed of Alter.
This handsome royal breed is the parent to thoroughbred Lusitano animals in Portugal. It started in 1726 when King João V began construction on palatial stables in Belém, creating a beautiful riding school. Once completed, João V began a program for breeding fine saddle horses, establishing the Royal Stud Farm of Alter in 1748.
A nucleus herd of Andalusian mares were collected, selected for their fine conformation and bay or brown coats. By this time João’s son D. José I took control of construction and created a stunning establishment for their breeding programs. A stud that is still in operation today and among the oldest in the world to operate continuously and uninterrupted since its inception.
Recent Years
At the start of th 20th century the Alter Real faced extinction when Portugal renounced its monarchy. At that time the government discontinued the breeding programs and gelded their stallions. Luckily, a few of both sexes were saved and bred personally by Dr. Ruy d’Andrade. In 1942 a small, thriving herd was handed back over to the Ministry of Agriculture for safekeeping where the herd continues to thrive.
Average height 15.1 – 16.1 hands
Strong and powerfully built
Impressive high-stepping action
Head is refined
Short, strong neck
Broad, muscular back
Long pasterns and strong hocks
Traditional Colors
Intelligent and quick to learn
A beautifully elegant, high energy animal
Show horse
Performance horse
Pleasure animal
Carriage horse
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