A Quick Tour of The Equinest

The EquinestSo The Equinest has grown (and changed) quite a lot since the early days. Now that the re-design has had time to settle, I figured I might as well give you a tour of all the main sections, in case you’ve missed anything important.

Toxic Plants

It is amazing the amount of plants that are toxic to horses, everything from buttercup, to foxtail awns, to red oak tree.

Plant Identifier

If you know your horse ate something, but you have no idea what it is called, try the plant identifier to see if we can help you identify it.

Horse Jobs

For those of you who want to make a career of horses our jobs section lists openings in the US, the UK, Ireland, the rest of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Canada, Asia, and Africa.

Horse Breeds

The list of horse breeds is very long, so this section will always be in progress until I can get through them all. Be sure to check back from time to time to see what has been added.

Horse Colors

Horses come in such a huge assortment of colors and patterns. Before you decide your favorite, be sure to check out the horse colors section to learn a little more about the black and chestnut base coats and all of the dilution genes and white patterns that affect them.

Horse Riding Schools

Organized by state, there is a great section dedicated to riding schools across the United States, this section will be updated as I find more and I will be adding schools in other parts of the world as well.

2008 Equestrian Olympics

Whether you watched every equestrian event with rabid intensity or missed them completely, the 2008 Equestrian Olympic cheat sheet will help you remember the summer in Hong Kong this year.


Find out which equestrian events are coming up and be sure to let me know about any I may have missed.

Horses From Around The World

One of my favorite sections, be sure to browse some of the horses of the world and see what horse culture is like in other places.

So go on, subscribe via RSS or Email to get the latest news

2 Comments on “A Quick Tour of The Equinest

  1. Paige

    Thanks very much Michelle, It’s been a fun project.

    As always, if you can think of anything you’d like to see more of, less of, or improved please let me know. 🙂


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