Cute 3D Characters and Horses in AI – Northern Europe

3D character of a boy with a horse
Generative AI is a useful tool for a variety of purposes. Especially making images of the absolute cutest characters, what’s not to like?

As a fun project we decided to see how AI generalizes people and horses from different countries around the world. There are a lot of countries, so we had to split it up regionally (we tried to get everyone). Today’s cute characters come from Northern Europe.

Aland Islands
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Aland Islands boy with a horse, in the background Aland Islands
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Aland Islands girl with a horse, in the background Aland Islands
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Danish boy with a horse, in the background Denmark
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Danish girl with a horse, in the background Denmark
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional English boy with a horse, in the background England
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional English girl with a horse, in the background England
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Estonian boy with a horse, in the background Estonia
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Estonian girl with a horse, in the background Estonia
Faroe Islands
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Faroe Islands boy with a horse, in the background Faroe Islands
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Faroe Islands girl with a horse, in the background Faroe Islands
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Finnish boy with a horse, in the background Finland
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Finnish girl with a horse, in the background Finland
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Greenland boy with a horse, in the background Greenland
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Greenland girl with a horse, in the background Greenland
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Guernsey boy with a horse, in the background Guernsey
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Guernsey girl with a horse, in the background Guernsey
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Icelandic boy with a horse, in the background Iceland
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Icelandic girl with a horse, in the background Iceland
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Irish boy with a horse, in the background Ireland
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Irish girl with a horse, in the background Ireland
Isle of Man
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Isle of Man boy with a horse, in the background Isle of Man
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Isle of Man girl with a horse, in the background Isle of Man
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Jersey boy with a horse, in the background Jersey
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Jersey girl with a horse, in the background Jersey
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Lithuanian boy with a horse, in the background Lithuania
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Lithuanian girl with a horse, in the background Lithuania
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Norwegian boy with a horse, in the background Norway
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Norwegian girl with a horse, in the background Norway
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Scottish boy with a horse, in the background Scotland
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Scottish girl with a horse, in the background Scotland
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Svalbard and Jan Mayen boy with a horse, in the background Svalbard and Jan Mayen
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Svalbard and Jan Mayen girl with a horse, in the background Svalbard and Jan Mayen
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Swedish boy with a horse, in the background Sweden
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Swedish girl with a horse, in the background Sweden
3D character of a boy with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Welsh boy with a horse, in the background Wales
3D character of a girl with a horse
Prompt: Cute 3d character of a traditional Welsh girl with a horse, in the background Wales

What do You Think?

How did the AI do? It’s understanding of culture is obviously generalized, especially in smaller countries and island nations. However, no one can deny that these little tykes are as cute as can be.

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