Józef Brandt was a Polish painter during the later 19th and early 20th century and was particularly well known for his battle scenes. This is the third in a series of his art & I have one more to come.
Painting Machine
Mr. Brandt must have slept with his paints and brushes because he painted a lot of work. I like to call him the Polish Frederic Remington, they have a similar storytelling style and clearly shared the avid need to paint constantly. Be sure to check out more of his work in Pt. 1 and Pt. 2.
Czarniecki the Koldynga
Lisowczycy Archery Contest
Cossack Rider
Cossack on Horseback
Cossack on Duty
Jews Going to the Fair
Brandt’s Horses
Although they aren’t the star of his show, horses make an appearance in a huge percentage of Brandt’s work. Check out Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 for more of his amazing work.