The Shagya Arabian comes from Hungary and was established during the Turkish occupation of Hungary that lasted until the end of the 17th century.
During this time many animals of Arabian and Asian descent made their way to Hungary and the local people adopted them int breeding. In 1789 the Babolna Stud Far was founded to breed the Arabian specifically and began to import animals for their selective breeding practices. The goal was to increase size without sacrificing the unique characteristics of the Arabian animal.
The foundation of the breed was a stud named Shagya imported from Syria in 1836 who also gave the breed it’s name (officially in 1982). Almost every Hungarian breed carries the bloodlines of the Shagya to some degree.
Average height 15 – 16 hands
Head is characteristically Arabian with dished profile
Ears are small and set high
Eyes are large and expressive
Neck is long, slender and arched
Back is slightly sunken
Legs are strong with dry joints
Traditional Colors
Docile and easy mannered
Spirited and happy
Riding horse
Improving other breeds
Sport horse
Endurance horse
Helpful Links
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Shagya Arabian Registry
The North American Shagya Arabian Association
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