The Connemara Pony originates in the Connemara region of western Ireland, for which they are named. This area has an inhospitable landscape and scarce forage, shaping these hardy ponies into a tough, robust breed.
The origin of these animals in Ireland is unknown. Some believe they are descendants of Scandinavian ponies brought by the Vikings; others believe they come from the Irish Hobby horse which is now extinct; still others say they came from Andalusians of the Spanish Armada.
Regardless of their origins and very possibly influenced by all of the above, the Connemara ponies thrived in the area. Later Arabian, Hackney and Thoroughbred blood was added.
The influx of bloodlines continued until the original blood became highly diluted. In 1923, the Connemara Pony Breeders’ Society was formed to preserve the breed type. Today this popular breed can be found worldwide and their versatility makes them well suited for the show ring. To register animals must pass a Grade 1 inspection and meet specific criteria.
Average height 13 – 15 hands
Sure-footed, hardy and agile
Head is well-shaped, in good proportion with body
Neck is long and defined
Body is compact and deep in the chest
Back is strong and muscular
Legs are clean and muscular, cannons are short and dense
Feet are hard and strong
Traditional Colors
Grey | Bay | Black | Chestnut | Dun | Palomino | Roan
Pinto patterns cannot be registered
Sensible and willing
Gentle & tractable
Intelligent with good sense
Riding pony
Show pony
Endurance riding
Harness horse
Helpful Links
* all links open in a new window
International Committee of Connemara Pony Societies
Connemara Pony Breeders Society Ireland
American Connemara Pony Society
British Connemara Pony Society
Canadian Connemara Pony Society
Connemara Pony Breeders’ Society of Australia
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