Canik Horse


A localized variety of Anadolu, the Canik is raised in wild herds of up to 500 animals and are well-liked for their aggressive attitude and ambling gaits.


This is an ancient Turkish breed which were kept pure until the 19th century, when the blood of Caucasus cavalry animals was added. Found in Anatolia near to the Black Sea in the Canik Mountains, for which they are named. The Canik has long been appreciated for their surefooted abilities on mountainous terrain and ambling gaits make them good saddle horse.

According to the DAD-IS, as of 2003 this breed was at risk, however they provide no other information about them.


Average height 13.2 – 14.2 hands
Agile & surefooted
Lateral four-beat gait


Beautiful animals
Medium size head, with broad forehead and astraight profile
Neck is short
Croup is sloped
Leg and pasterns are very strong
Hooves are strong and hard

Traditional Colors

Found in most solid colors, but bay is the most common


Alert and energetic
Brave and nervous
Can be difficult


Riding horse
Pleasure horse

Helpful Links

The domestic livestock resources of Turkey

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Canik Horse
Canik Horse
Canik Horse
Canik Horse
