Image from equusasdie
The addition of Riding Aside to my RSS collection got me to thinking about riding sidesaddle and why it scares me so. It just seems so strange to sit on a horse and not actually be astride it.
Something About it Freaks Me Out
I think it looks very pretty, but don’t imagine I will be trying it anytime soon. Thankfully now I can read all about it.
Riding sidesaddle may be one thing, but jumping is another thing entirely. Instantly the idea gives me the jitters, simply because balance is an essential element in jumping. And how can both legs on one side truly be balanced?
The part of me that always wonders if I remembered to tighten the girth just won’t allow me to try it.
Who Knew?
I thought the idea was interesting so I started looking for images and was surprised when finding them was easier than I expected.
Then I ran across the videos, which look bumpy and uncomfortable and absolutely prove my theory.
Really I’m interested to know what my readers think, any chance you’d try jumping sidesaddle?
Not only would I jump aside, but I do. I think that most folks who jump aside practice it far less than astride jumping. However the feel and equitation are totally different, so you cannot rely upon the fact that you are an excellent astride jumper to see you through jumping aside. I believe the one you reference is of a relatively novice aside rider (however experienced she may be astride). For better jumping, see
I also ride aside and jump like it I am also a pro Showjumper astride. To jump aside you use your cane {whip} as the leg aid, folding to the right side and keeping down harlf a stride more on landing or slip you rains. It’s not uncomfortable at all!
How can both legs on one side truly be balanced? YES! You have to be in total blance even when walking let alown jumping, if lady’s arnt in blance we would fall of – how meny do you see fall off? Side saddle is all about elgance.
Why not give it a go yourself, it really is fun!
I have tried it, and I enjoyed it! I went to a sidesaddle clinic riding a friend’s gelding whom I had never ridden before. The first day I was walk, trot, and cantering, and the second day I jumped a couple small jumps. I was never uncomfortable and I loved it!
All my side saddles are reinforced for jumping. I really admire does ladies that hunt sidesaddle and jump anything anywhere. The Israeli equestrian federation does not allow the use of sidesadlle on show jumping competitions, they say side saddle belongs in the hunter jumper class only, but sadly we do not have such classes, which leaves me jumping more or less only at home, which is still fun… What ‘s funny, is that ladies 100 years ago were fighting for their right to ride astride, and now I am fighting for my right to ride aside. Men keep telling us what to do, that is what has not changed.
I have never jumped sidesaddle but i have ridden side saddle a few times. I would love to try jumping aside sometime!!! I think it would be so fun. As long as you have a trustworthy horse and good enough balance, I don’t see how it could go that badly. Again, I would love to try it sometime!!!!