Transportation Specialist – Horse Jobs

Woman wrapping a horses legs for transport

This is a rather unique position within the horse industry & one that allows for a great deal of flexibility. The experience required for being a horse transport specialist must include four wheels (& sometimes even 2 wings) as well as four legs.

Changing Gears

There is a higher percentage of men in this field of the horse industry, especially in long haul aspects of it. Horse owners have a number of different reasons for needing horse transport which requires a high level of adaptability on the part of the transporter.

This requires a knowledge of travel options and the connections to ensure each animal has a good experience and gets where they need to be.

More Than Horses

This is a position that requires a solid knowledge of vehicles, trailers and hauling animals. Special care must be taken with live cargo and a love of the animals themselves is an important element. Some animals need to be hauled thousands of miles so knowledge of mild routes, suitable rest stops and basic horse care is essential.

Alternately, some distances can’t be spanned by truck, so a thorough knowledge of transport options and airports is needed for those longer journeys. Planning skills and a rolodex are also helpful elements of a great transport specialist.

Job Description

It’s impossible to pin down an exact description of this job, however there are some key elements that will be universal. Essentially the goal is to get a horse safely where they need to be with a little trauma as possible (remember horses were meant to walk on their feet, not roll on wheels – understandably it freaks them out). The longer the journey, the more care will be involved in orchestrating it.


Planning & booking the animal’s journey
Preparing animal with necessary protection for transport
Planning food & water for the duration of the journey
Checking trailer & equipment for safety
Loading animals
Carefully hauling horses to their destination
Making necessary stops to exercise and rest animals
Feeding and care of their charge until reaching destination
Lending a hand at shows & events they haul to
Keeping trailer clean at stops
Booking necessary flights & transport at either end of the airports


Generally horse experience is secondary to driving experience in this position. Drivers will need a class A or B drivers license and a clean driving record is of primary importance. Drivers can work for a hauling company or drive their own rig & the scope of work ranges from long distance hauling to local show circuit gigs. As always when working with horses, experience and affection for the animal is an added bonus.


A few places to start if you are interested in a career as a transportation specialist.

*Link opens in a new window
Truck Driving School Directory
Class A license requirements
Class B drivers license info

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

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9 Comments on “Transportation Specialist – Horse Jobs

  1. Jan Blawat

    It takes more than a love for horses, you’d better be experienced at loading and unloading them. By Day 3 or 4, even a good hauler often refuses to go back into the trailer. And being a good driver is a lot different than being a skilled hauler. IMO.

    1. Paige

      Thanks for the info Jan. I found very little online describing this job and it’s nice to hear from someone who sounds like they know their stuff!

  2. Johnny

    I have been a Wrangler/driver for 16 years. Horses are great freight.The world is full of junk and what I haul lives and breaths and normally makes a great many folks happy. Considering all I am doing is driving a truck life is pretty darn good. Never look at a horse in the eyes when loading. If a horse tries to break away from you wedge your shoulder against their chest. They will stop. If they rear as you are handling get 3/4 the way behind them and smack them in the butt- they will lower their front legs and will often try and kick. When they do this they will lower their front legs and you can get a tight rope on their halter. Happy Trails !

  3. Joey

    I’m a hualer with over a million miles under my tires. If you are getting into this line to get rich think again. I do it for the horses, You really can build a bond with them on the road. You also will really learn how to drive a rig to the limit and know when to push it just past it. You will not be a steering wheel holder they dont last long.

  4. Carolyn

    Hi there!

    I am looking for a Class B horse transport job in PA or VA. I currently live in eastern PA but am willing to locate. I have experience hauling horses and love to ride them as well! (grin). I have been doing many different driving related jobs in the last few years and have been very dissatisfied. I truly believe this job would be perfect. I love to travel, love horses, and I am a very safe and sane driver.

    SO! Do you any of you know where I could possibly go to find one of these positions?? I would truly appreciate the help! Thank you!!!

  5. curtis wilcoxson

    My fiance and i both work as a team transporting horses. Is that a problem?? We have a 40 acre ranch in Heber, AZ and love our horses very much, so when i started transporting it was a dream come true. Please e-mail me back if there are any openings. Thank You, Curtis & Kristi

  6. Steven J. Herrera

    I do not have a cdl licence but am working on getting one, if there is an opening for non cdl drivers please let me know , live in arz. but would work from any where in the southwest, have been around horses all my life and know how to handle them well , please let me know of any openings , thank you Steve H.


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