Not Your Average Zorse
Their name sounds vaguely like a creature from Lord of the Rings, based on that and genetics alone the zorse is bound to be good for a story.
Meet Eclyse
This pretty little German mare is Eclyse. No. she doesn’t have a zebra hide under that white fur coat of hers, she is truly a freak of nature. The product of a mare horse and a zebra stallion, Eclyse is an oddball even in the Zorse community. The mare obviously passed on pinto white pattern genetics, which is what gives her such a strange look.
More Common Zorse Hides
The look above is uncommon, even by zorse standards – but these mysterious striped animals exist in a variety of colors. Including tiger stripes…ok the example below isn’t more common but how could we not show it?
What Are They Like?
Temperment varies from a calmer animal (more like a horse), to those more spirited and tough (both characteristics of the zebra). Being an inter species coupling, the resulting Zorse is unable to reproduce.
Don’t believe me?
It’s ok, at first I didn’t believe the pictures were real either. But Eclyse is real, check her out in this video: