Snow Polo

Click to see VideoHonestly I didn’t even know this sport existed, but I guess cold countries want to play polo too. Polo in general is a part of the equine industry that I know next to nothing about.

Good or Bad?

While it looks like it could be great fun, (on grass or snow) this is a game that also seems like it’s incredibly hard on the animal. As I spend more time writing about animals I’m coming to believe that using them as professional athletes isn’t very fair to them.

Snow Polo from Dacapo on Vimeo.

Not A Cheap Lifestyle

I have no doubt that polo ponies are treated fairly well overall, however that can also be said for racehorses…as long as they are winning. I’d love to hear what my readers think about polo, snow polo or horses in sports in general, show me the way!

3 Comments on “Snow Polo

  1. Nanette Levin

    In my experience, horses started right and treated right love to have a job. For ‘professional athletes’ it’s literally in their blood. Contrary to popular crusades, most of the breeders and trainers bringing forward competitors I know care a great deal about their horses and ensure they have good an appropriate homes when their initial career ends. It’s interesting to witness the farm herd at Halcyon Acres as they’ve been given bigger spaces and more natural environs to ‘be free.’ They compete for riding and training time. Wasn’t something I expected, but taught me a whole lot about how horses are wired. Those who think turning a horse out virtually untouched is kind may want to consider asking the horse what he wants.

  2. A

    Horses who are professional athletes have the ability to be a great athlete, and that also includes their mental state as well. A professional athlete, equine or human has to have the right mindset and I’m sure the professional riders would have stopped training their mounts if they knew they wouldn’t have the right stuff to make them a professional althlete

  3. Snoo

    Most sports aren’t entirely fair on the animal, but if it doesn’t end with and an animal seriously hurt or traumatised then thats going to far. Hey, can you do a page on Horseball or Polocrosse? I’m very interested on these horse sports. Thanx


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