Show Photographer – Horse Jobs

man photographing a horse

While many of us fancy ourselves amateur show photographers, sport photography is not an easy art to master. This is a horse job that allows not only an opportunity to work up close and personal with horses, but to pursue an art form as well.

What You Need

A horse photographer is a unique position in that is offers a great deal of flexibility and independence. Show photographers may be contracted by show staff, trainers, individual owners and even by magazines and publications. Above all a successful photographer must have a good camera and know how to use it in a stressful, dirty, action packed environment.

Extreme adaptability, good communication skills and a high-speed eye are all essential elements of a great show photographer.

Job Description

As with all horse jobs, this one varies based on location and show. Each contract is likely to be different and a great deal of travel may be required. Show photographers can be employed to do everything from document the individual competitors showing process to taking shots of all show ribbon holders.

Photographers may be required to work with a variety of show staff, horse owners, riders, trainers, handlers or grooms just to name a few.

Responsibilities Include

Providing clean, accurate photographs of show classes
Photographing important moments in the day
Setting up staged photo moments
Capturing candid opportunities


For the most part, requirements for this job will be good photographs. Many potential clients will want to see a portfolio of previous work and will expect similar quality for their own event. Larger establishments may require a high school diploma (and perhaps some secondary photography experience or schooling) to put a photographer on staff. However individual owners and trainers are likely to only care about photography skills.


A few places to start if you are interested in a career as a horse show photographer.

*Link opens in a new window
Equine Photographers Network
Society of Sport and Event Photography
Interviews with horse photographers on The Equinest

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

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2 Comments on “Show Photographer – Horse Jobs

    1. Tyla

      Although it sounds great it is hard to make a profit from. It requires expensive equiptment and a great eye. Not to meantion travel and accommodation money. I am ‘trailing’ it, I have a business name. It helps with an income but unless you get yourself known as a great one its not worth while.


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