Looking Upon the Plains – Horse Image of the Week

People on a hill with horses
Today’s image was taken in the 1870’s near the head of Horse Creek. Natrona County, Wyoming. Interestingly the area near Laramie where the photo was taken doesn’t look that different today.

Plains of Laramie Wyoming

Why We Like It

It seems these fellas are from the General Land Office with the Dept of the Interior doing a geological and geographic survey of the US territories. What a daunting task, just in this image alone we can see how big and empty Wyoming was. The second image is from roughly the same area in 2019, which is both strange and poetic. It might even be possible to re-create this image in the same spot without having to remove anything obviously modern.

All of the people in the image look to have been manually touched up at some point. Funny that editing images to make them look ‘better’ has been around for so long.

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