Fantastic Old Horse Photographs 2

Horse Drawn Streetcar no. 148 New York City
Awhile back I posted some interesting & fantastic old horse photographs and as I’m working through old post ideas I found part 2 (with more to come).

The Where & When

Where I could find the information I added dates, locations and brief descriptions. There are so many interesting horse photographs out there, and it seems quite a few of them aren’t even from this century!

Chief of Vancouver Police on Horseback – Vancouver 1935

Chief of Vancouver Police on Horseback

Equitation Image – 1922

Equitation Image

Quentin Roosevelt & Pony – 1902

Quentin Roosevelt & Pony

Gas masks for man & horse – 1919

Gas masks for man & horse

Queen Victoria, Princess Louise & Servent – 1863

Queen Victoria, Princess Louise & Servent

Children on a pony drawn sled – 1909

Children on a pony drawn sled

Horse racing on frozen lake in St. Moritz – 1931

Horse racing on frozen lake in St. Moritz

Boston Horse in Hotel Lobby – 1931

Boston Horse in Hotel Lobby

Old is Good

If you haven’t checked out part 1 be sure to take a look and stay tuned for part 3 in the weeks to come.

6 Comments on “Fantastic Old Horse Photographs 2

  1. Tyler

    I love these. Vintage, old photos of horses and what they were used for are my favourites, so this is a real treat to look upon. Thank you! I absolutely love your site too.

  2. Amyzan

    These are great! I love the last one especially.. I know the little girl in me would have wanted to do the same thing. “Can I bring my pony in?”

  3. Jadyn

    Loved the gas mask picture. I think its so cool that they cared about their horses so much then as well as now

  4. ANGUS

    great pics 🙂
    I am looking for pics of an old race track that existed in the 1860 era at Callensville, KY(out side of Morgan, KY. in Pendleton County, Ky….
    the site of the track has long disappered and is farm land now..
    in its day they trained and raced horses there and prepared them for the big tracks up east’
    there is no history to be found about the track any where !!
    I have my info from “old timers” and storys of the track.
    I was in hopes you may have some pics of the old track there!
    Thank you,
    Angus MacDuff


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