I’m always posting about plants that are toxic to your horse because I think it’s important to know what they look like. Clearly I’m not the only one.
Naughty Trees
This video is specifically about Oak and Maple trees and their toxicity, but there is a whole bunch of plants to be aware of. In fact I found a variety of videos about poisonious plants and I fully intend to work them into the schedule. You have no idea how many plants horses can’t actually eat!
Poisonous Plants and Horses: Oak and Maple
Stay Tuned
I’ll keep looking for more helpful plant videos to post. Even if you find them boring, you’d be surprised how many of the plants you’ll recognize and how bad they can be.
I’m definitely aware of oak – hadn’t considered maple… but have generally been told to consider ornamental trees as a no no for horses! I’m a plant person and a horse person, so thanks for the info 🙂