Horse Games for Nintendo DS

Last week it was games for the wii and this week a long list for the (much) more popular handheld Nintendo DS.

There are tons of horsey options for the DS, all of them offering a fun new pet and hours of entertainment. Some of the games are suitable for an older crowd while still others are better for the youngsters. Each one provides a link to where they can be found on Amazon and a brief description.

You can’t take your horse with you everywhere you go, but you can take the next best thing, your DS.

*All links open in a new window

Barbie Riding Camp
Barbie Riding Camp
Play Barbie at riding camp in classic Barbie style. Take care of your mount because you have lots of adventures, competitions and shopping in store.
Bella Sara
Bella Sara
A fantasy game allowing you to care for and accessorize your horse. Connect with their website and ride with other users to hunt for hidden items and codes.
Bratz Ponyz
Bratz Ponyz
A fun game for the younger crowd, filled with interesting mini-games like jewelry making, coloring and tattooing your pony to dress them up.
Bratz Ponyz 2
Bratz Ponyz 2
The second game in the series, offering 4 pony characters with plenty of new accessories, a photo studio and mini-games that can be played with friends.
Championship Pony
Championship Pony
A variety of training exercises and mini-games with competition sites around the world. A lifelike environment and dreamy customizable horses.
Discovery Kids Pony Paradise
Discovery Kids Pony Paradise
Care for your own pony from birth to adulthood. Grow your bond as you accessorize, feed and care for your new friend, then take them for rides.
Ener-G Horse Rider
Ener-G Horse Rider
Raise your horse from a baby. Play through the game to unlock items and send your horse to friend’s DS for play dates via wireless connection.
Horse Life Adventures
Horse Life Adventures
Design your dream horse, then watch them grow as you feed, care for and groom as you train to enter competitions and go with you on adventures.
I Love Horses
I Love Horses
Train, play with and care for your horse while enjoying a variety of mini-games and agility challenges set in the world of Greenhill Ranch.
My Horse and Me
My Horse and Me
An FEI licensed game allowing players to become immersed in equestrian life. Great horses models, varied backdrops and plenty of mini-games.
My Horse and Me Riding for Gold
My Horse and Me Riding for Gold
The second in the series, this game features new animations and focuses on the bond formed between horse & rider. The world’s only FEI licensed game.
My Little Pony: Pinkie Pie's Party
My Little Pony: Pinkie Pie’s Party
The Ponies help you explore Ponyville and celebrate Pinkie Pie’s birthday by playing mini-games. Uncover Pinkie’s hidden presents along the way.
Petz Horseshoe Ranch
Petz Horseshoe Ranch
Raise your horse from a baby, watch it grow and play with other horses. Play to unlock items and send your horse to friends for play dates.
Petz Horsez 2
Petz Horsez 2
The second game in the series letting you raise a foal. As they grow older you can work together to train for a variety of competitions.
Petz Pony Beauty Pageant
Petz Pony Beauty Pageant
Play as a pony trainer and run the Pony Club. Take care of your charges, make friends and enter your pony into beauty pageants and a parade.
Pony Friends
Pony Friends
Great for a younger audience who enjoy the routine of grooming and playing. Customize your pony and enjoy fantastic trail ride scenarios.
Pony Friends 2
Pony Friends 2
Second game in the series with even more fun. Enjoy over 25 different trails, befriend wild horses and design cute accessories.
Pony Luv
Pony Luv
Choose from six cute pony breeds and then teach your new pet some tricks. Get the latest in pony gear from the tack shop, enter competitions.

69 Comments on “Horse Games for Nintendo DS

  1. hailey

    hello if any one in saint john new brunswick has championship pony , barbie riding camp , bella sara, ener-g riding camp , horselife adventures,i love horses,my horse and me , my horse and me riding for gold for ds wii ps2 email me at if you are willing to trade me for any of my games if you want to see the games i have email me and i will email you the list p.s if you have mmore then one of any of this you get as may as you give me…….. thank you….. hailey

  2. Lauren

    i love horses believe me i have six of them !!!
    but they are not easy to take care of . just because i have real horses doe’s not mean that i dont like horse games! if i could i would buy all of them!!

    1. rรณise

      i love horses so much and if i could i would buy all of the horse in the world too! What is your horses called i have two and their very hard to look after they are called lenny and clpper. I hope you have a nice day.

  3. Alsu

    This games are great! I love horses and ponies, and I have a brown pinto pony. His name is Sugar. Good that i have an 8GB micro card that I can download 365 games! I will download all of this games! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Alexi

    ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s cool. I absolutely adore horses and I own 12 of them in real life, but there are some games on this list that I don’t think horse-lovers would find amusing. Especially the dress-up one. I’d say that’s for ages 6 – 9…. ๐Ÿ™‚ But who am I to judge?

  5. Destiny

    I Love Horses!!!!! I have 3 and am an intermediate halfway to advanced rider. My first horse was a Purebreed Arabian Mare named Chaparrel. She is a sorrel with a white sock and white blaze. My second is Sir Rain he is a Apaloosa/arabian gelding he is a flea bitten grey with some large quarter sized spots (Black). And the last one is Deedra a black Quarter horse paint (doesnt look like it) she has 4 white socks. with crooked white blaze and blue eyes. she has white quarter sized speckles on her tummy.

  6. Samantha

    I Used to play all these games all the time, All i ever thought about was horse’s the one Christmas my mum got me horse riding lessons, I Got to canter within 4 weeks. i love horses and i have my own horse too now called Skye she is a black cob. She is Beautiful and i love her so much xx

  7. lucy

    i love horses they were all i ever thought about. i used ask for horse ds games all the time. i have been riding horse since i was 3 and im now 11. on my 9th birthday my mum got be a horse, his name is tonto, he is daple grey he is the best present iv ever had xx

  8. Elizabeth

    I love horses! I take riding lessons and I’ve been riding English for 4 weeks now. Before I rode on an English saddle, I had to ride on a western saddle for about 2 years. I don’t have any horses, but I wish I had some. ๐Ÿ™ When I grow up, I’m going to college for something to do with horses! ๐Ÿ™‚ Horses are pretty much part of my life!

  9. nicole

    hi i live in cedar lake i had a bella sara ds game but one time i left my ds a my friends place shes 9 but her brother lost my ds game when i tolled him he has to put it away when he plays with my ds hes lost it i has been about a few months i asked my dad if i can get another one but he says no i was at an advans level in jumping i am so mad still i have a youtube acouunt called applehorse123 thx bye

  10. jen

    that is so cool everybody! i love horses too. i never took riding lessons. this is my first time doing this how about you guys? i have paint mare named Rain Dancer. Rain for short. i just started to ride her. she is the best horse in the world. well in my world at lest. have you ever had a horse that you loved and never wanted to let him or her go because that surten horse just cared for you and just for you? i had that feeling more then once.

    1. joanna

      My grandparents had a horse named bob,but he got struck by lightning and my parents didn’t even tell me, but I cried for days when my grandparents had to tell me. – luv all the games, but only want the ones not for a younger crowd. Bye bye!!

  11. Heather

    I got a few horse games, but i can’t find them all LOLZ. I have one horse, she is a black paint mare, possibly mustang, her name is Painted Feleine <3

  12. SnooLovesHorses

    Hi, I LOVE Horses, and I have a 7yo Black boy. He is sooo sweet! I also love Horse games. All the games have got me interested in buying some so thx a lot. My friend who has a chestnut gelding called Clipper has heaps and heaps of games and most of them are horse games.

  13. Jessica

    HELLOOOOOOOOO!!I LOVE horses, infact I have 3 horses my horse is Lil a quarter horse sorrel with 3 white socks and a star and a strip and my moms horse is a appleoosa/quarter horse and NO markings and my other horse is atchicly a miniture horse is black. I just love horses and wish I had all of thees games because I just love horses!!!!!!!!! Sorry, Im sortof over reacting:( Bye bye hugs! :]

  14. Taylor

    I love horses! My friends think i’m crazy. I ride english and am an intermediate rider, so close to being advanced! My favorite horse is Apple. She is a black appaloosa mare. I wish I had a horse so badly! You peeps are lucky…Bye Bye!
    -Taylor ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Emily

      Hi Taylor at the stables I go to there is an Apploosa called Frostie and he is very cute, i to wish i had my own horse

  15. keisha

    hey i love horses. i have two horses one grey welsh moutain pony and one black and possibly australian pony called gidget i love love love horses and want to own a stud farm when i am older!!!

  16. Bree

    Pony Friends is REALLY boring.. the graphics aren’t good and while customization of your horse is unlimited its a routine of ride, groom and ride, groom. I finished all competitions in less than a hour.
    Wouldn’t recommend

  17. Emily

    I love love love horses and ponies i ride every Saturday at park stables in Colchester and I wish I could have my own i love a horse called pepper a Skewbald Icelandic :):)

  18. Rose

    If I were you I would buy Petz Horsez and Petz Horsez 2.But my most favorite game is the Pony friends series.I have two horses, Sundance, my buckskin Australian Stock horse, and Moonbeam, my blue roan Appendix Quarter horse

  19. jasmine

    I have 6 horses and my 2 faverits are pancho and harry 1 is my moms the othere is my perents and 2 are mom and colt so we dont ride them well a little the mere but the colt is less then 1 week old

  20. Dulcie VanDutch

    Hey there world, im 14 and i <3 horses! I have 2 right NOW, A 17yr old Polish Arabian Ex-Stud (he was gelded late …. like when he was 10 so i call him an ez stud not a gelding) He was my first horse, and a 4yr old off the track thoroughbred mare. Im an advanced show jumper comepeting at 4ft AND I LOVE THESE GAMES… well most of em…. <3

  21. Daizy

    I love horses so much. I have a horse rescue and breeding farm. Here are some of the pony’s and horses there. One is a grey appaloosa and her name is Princess and she just had a foal and he is a chestnut and his name is Rusty but the dad is a palimino Appaloosa and his name is Trusty. I also have a pure Male white horse named Curly he has no mate. I also have a pure black Female horse named Mia she also has no mate. I also have a dark Chestnet named Jinger she has a mate named Bluff. Bluff is now blind but they have a pretty filly her name is Cheeka. Cheeka grew up now she is a black appaloosa and she has a mate named Hooter. Hooter is a palimino.They have a twin filly’s named katy and meg. Meg is a dark chestnut. Katy is a light chestnut. I have ALOT more!

  22. Belinda

    i have had lots of horses in the past few years. i’m a pretty good ride. the horse i currently have is a part arab part stock horse, he has 3 white socks and a white blaze, and his name is Aztec Gold.
    i also enter my horse into dressage competitions.
    i also have a lot of horse ds games.

  23. Rhona

    I live in scotland and i love horses and animals horses especially. Horses are so beatiful and gentle u wouldnt think there big.

  24. irina

    ik vind deze paardenspellen echt eerlijk waar super. ik neem ze allemaal. en ik heb thuis een paard. het is een merrie 4,5 jaar oud, haar naam is Star en ik heb haar gekregen toen ze 1,5 jaar oud was. ik heb haar zelf ingereden.

    groet irina

  25. Stevey

    I just love horse I have 20 Horse they are so pretty i have a minuter pony she is my baby!!!!!!!!!! I wish i got these for Christmas I have 1 Horse game hope I can get more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love you got to run!!!!!

  26. Matilda

    I have a wonderful Blue Grey 14.2hh Conemera and I love him to bits. His name is Breeze and he is such a star. My parents bought him for me when i was 13 and i am now 16. I love all these horse games and i wish i could buy them all for my sister but i dont have enough money as all my savings go to Breeze xx

  27. Anna

    At least you guys can ride ๐Ÿ™ my parents wont even put me in riding lessons. but i am TOTALLY horse crazy! ๐Ÿ™‚ but where i live, there isnt much room for, between the apartments next door, and nursing home behind me. but my dad is going to try and get me a job at the arabian stable near my house ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. warriorcatfan44

    hey! i dont have any of these horses games and i’m trying to figure out which one is the best and the funnest. were moving soon and my dad says hes going to try his best to get me a (or probably a couple) shetland pony when we do move. so i’m trying to find a game as close as you can get to a real horse(for a video game) and have some really fun and sometimes challenging quizzes,tests,etc. so if you know i would enjoy if you could let me know. :))


    I absoloutly adore horses! and these games are awesome ๐Ÿ˜€ its sooo painful knowing that i will never be able to have my own horse for a very long while, because i still live with my parents (im 14) i work down at my local riding stables but things there are not done properly, e.g cleaning tack, managing the horses weights, and all that kinda stuff but its a start ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. cynthia wijaya

      i love it too… love horses. i will be a horse vet.nd i want to know what types of horse games are there and must complete……………………………………..

  30. HoloTheWiseWolf

    I’ve played all these games apart from the babyish ones like Barbie. I just want to say to people: “STOP TELLING PEOPLE IF YOU HAVE A HORSE IN REAL LIFE. It’s basically showing off and nobody cares anyway, so just stop.”
    That is all. XD

    1. CAllicostar5690

      well if you werentt jelous you wouldnt be thinking as it of showing of! besides, you cant tell us what to do!

  31. emma

    i have a palomino gelding and i love him even though he is crazy and the one horse game i really want is the ener-g

  32. macey

    all of u r lucky. i live in scottsdale and im HORSE CRAZY! if i had a horse i would have a brown arabian mare. i havent tried any horse games except imagine animal doctor u get to be a horse vet. i dont recomend it . it sucks. my dad is going to sighn me up 4 lessons but my uncle has horses and i can ride just not 2 good. so u r all lucky


  33. CAllicostar5690

    I have 17 horses and i barrel race and jump and i love the game MY HORSE AND ME it really shows you what its all about! ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. carole

    I have. 1horse he s a black throbeed and. His name is charmur he so ssweet I love. Him so much Android all these horse games. Bye bye if only I could give a horse to. Any one who wanted one

  35. Ashlea

    I have been riding for 4 years but I have never had a horse of my own…. I don’t have any money. If I had a horse it would be a white arabian mare or gelding. I know arabs can’t be white but I mean a grey whose coat fades when they mature and not when they get old. Everyone says I am a natural but there is not much point if I don’t have a horse…. You guys are SO lucky!

    1. cynthia

      its ok well you could play the horses games. pretend only you have a horse. how about playing its fun. all types of horse breeds are in there. you can chat with friends too…and feed your horse,race and more. but its a bit difficult to get credits. just try to play that game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. Caitlynn

    I love horses but just looking at the front cover of the game is Mindanao difficult for me because then I really can’t decide on which game I want… I was hoping for other peoples votes on what game I should get and I would really like and enjoy for example: my horse and me to… would you guys like to help me vote on this one please I would really appreciate it…

  37. Leigh

    You guys are forgetting Zelda – Ocarina of time
    you may not have Epona all the time but riding in that game is extremely satisfying


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