Horse Movies of the 1980s

woman with a horse in the 1980s

A popular decade for horses on the silver screen. The bright days of dayglo inspired faves like The Man From Snowy River, Pharlap and Legend. Each one provides a brief description with links to their IMDB & where they can be purchased online. Enjoy!

The Last Unicorn

The Last Unicorn (1982)

Based on the novel by Peter S. Beagle about a young unicorn who learns she is the last in the world. She goes on a quest to find what happened to the rest of her kind with the help of a rather bumbling magician.
Amazon | Prime | IMDB | Trailer

The Man From Snowy River

The Man From Snowy River (1982)

About a young man who looses his father and is forced to work in the lowlands to keep his family farm. He uses some fancy riding to capture a wild colt in the hopes of impressing the men of the high country.
Amazon | Prime | TCM | IMDB | Trailer


Phar Lap (1983)

Based on the true story of Australian racehorse Pharlap. An ugly horse who, with a little coaxing (and the intense love of his groom), went on to become an inspiration to Australia and one of their most famous horses.
Amazon | TCM | IMDB | Trailer

Bush Christmas

Bush Christmas (1983)

About an Australian family that is struggling to save their farm from foreclosure. Pinning their hopes on a very special horse winning a New Year’s race. When their horse goes missing the children go on a dangerous outback adventure to retrieve him.
Amazon | IMDB | Trailer

The Black Stallion Returns

The Black Stallion Returns (1983)

The saga continues as The Black is taken back by his original owners. Alec stows away on a plane and follows them to Morocco. As he chases his horse through Morocco he makes some highly unlikely friends.
Amazon | Prime | Apple TV | IMDB | Trailer


Champions (1984)

A true story about a British steeplechase jockey who discovers he has cancer while on vacation in Kentucky. He forces himself into harsh treatments, beating the disease and going on to race again in the 1984 Grand National.
Amazon | Prime | Apple TV | IMDB | Trailer

The Red Fury

The Red Fury (1984)

About a boy who falls off a train and ends up in the care of an old drunk. The boy suffers racial prejudice at the hands of white town folk, so the drunk gives up the sauce, defends the boy and teaches him about horses.
Amazon | Prime | Apple TV | IMDB | Trailer

Archer's Adventure

Archer’s Adventure (1985)

Archer’s Adventure is the exciting story of a young stable boy who rode an amazing horse named Archer some 600 miles across Australia to enter the Melbourne Cup of 1862. A testament to the robust horses of Australia.
Amazon | IMDB | Trailer


Legend (1985)

A classic tale of good and evil. Darkness personified wants to bring everlasting night by killing the unicorns. Jack becomes involved when darkness takes the woman he loves. He must save the unicorns and his girl to save the light.
Amazon | Prime | Apple TV | IMDB | Trailer

Legend of the White Horse

Legend of the White Horse (1985)

Originally named Bialy Smok, this is a satire of cold war politics, mixing modern politics with fantasy. The story takes place in a fictional European country where a young blind girl shares a strong bond with a white horse.
Amazon | IMDB | Trailer


Sylvester (1985)

About a young woman named Charlie who works breaking horses to support her siblings. After loosing her job, she decides to train her strongest bronco, Sylvester, for 3-day eventing, something she knows nothing about.
Amazon | Prime | IMDB | Film clip

Lightning: The White Stallion

Lightning: The White Stallion (1986)

Lighting is a racehorse who is stolen from his master and winds up in the hands of a young girl. Stephanie has bad eyes but handles Lightning well. Together they win competition money which will cover the cost of surgery on her eyes.
Amazon | TCM | IMDB | Trailer

Hot to Trot

Hot to Trot (1988)

Hot to Trot is about a stockbroker named Fred who just lost his mother and must share his family business with his no-good step-father. However, Fred also inherits Don, the talking horse with a knack for reading the stock market.
Amazon | Prime | TCM | IMDB | Trailer

Summer of the Colt

Summer of the Colt (1989)

A story of three children spending the summer with their grandfather on a ranch on the pampas of Argentina. Each child has their own ups and downs compounded by adapting to their proud grandfather, they all learn a lot about themselves and each other during that summer.
Amazon | TCM | Apple TV | IMDB | Trailer

63 Comments on “Horse Movies of the 1980s

  1. Karen

    Watched Pharlap (cried a lot), Hildago, Man from Snowy River, National Velvet, Champions (cried), now waiting for War Horse. Getting the tissues ready – have read a book called Jack similar to the WAR HORSE story and I cry every time I read it. Then og outside and give my horses a hug.

  2. April

    When I was super little as a kid my mom bought us this movie. I don’t remember what it was called and it was SO long ago that I only remember bits and pieces. From what I remember there was this boy and I think his stepparents or whatever were very mean to him. One day he made a wish I think… And one day in the middle of the night I think a huge white horse came to him and gave him a gift. She gave him a blue donkey that could talk and fly to be his best friend because he didn’t have any. She also granted him two magnificent mustains with flaming manes and neon orange hooves. From what I remember he lost these two horses when they escaped…

    But I can’t remember the rest. And i can’t remember the name of hte movie. I REALLY want to know so I can see it again! The thing is mom gave the movie away because she thought it was too “dark” for us to watch. But I’m older now and when I describe it to her she doesn’t even know what movie I’m talking about. It was THAT long ago.

    Does this information sound similar to anyone? If so can you tell me the name of the movie? I reallyyyy want to see it again.

    1. Hannah

      I remember this movie! I had it too when i was little! I will look to see if I still have it when I get home. It was about a boy who was given a talking donkey to be his best friend, and two beautiful black horses, who end up being kept in the Kings stables, and the boy is made his groom. The boy is sent off on many tasks for that king, and one is to get his bride to be. Of course, the boy wants to marry said lady, and when the boy returns with her, the King has devised a plan to make himself young again. There are three tubs full og hot water, warm water and cold water i think, and he forces the boy to jump in each one first, just to make sure it works. The boy comes out all grown up, and marries the women he has been waiting for, and everyone lives happily ever after…..xD

  3. Kay

    Was it a cartoon? If so, it might be called “The Magical Horse” or “The Magic Horse”, which I also had as a child. Sounds familiar.

  4. Amanda

    Sylvester is on of my all time favorites. The part when she is trying on her dressage clothes cracks me up every time.. 🙂

  5. Kelly

    Looking for a TV movie that aired in the mid to late 1980’s about wild mustangs in the west. A girl was trying to keep the horses from a group that wanted to harm them and she manages to remove the horses off the land to a safe area. Unsure of the title ‘Blue Sky’ or ‘Sky Blue’ and those may not be right. Have search those titles with no luck. Any help would be great.

  6. Denise

    Looking for a movie about an Indian boy who had to go and live with his grandfather on the reservation.Had a crippled horse that he had to tend to.Can’t remember the name of the movie.Any help would be great.

  7. Nicole

    I am looking for a movie from the 80ies that I used to watch when I was a little girl. It was about wild mustangs in mexico. The movie was about a black wild horse and I remember a mexican ranch and a young mexican boy in the movie. He called the horse something like (Ped shudo ?) or something like that.
    Does anybody know the movie and the name?

  8. Jennifer

    Peter Lundy and the Medicine Hat Stallion… It was a made for TV Movie (maybe Disney)

    Bluegrass 1988 CBS Mini Series Starring Cheryl Ladd and Mickey Rooney

    Smokey the Cow Horse- 1926? B&W Western

    Please email me at if you have any copies of these movies either for sale or I can pay for copies to be made. These movies are not produced on DVD and will be lost to future generations if we don’t preserve them.

  9. Gemma

    Looking for the name of a movie I watched when little about a young girl and a horse lost in the desert. Can’t remember too much except the horse was white and the girl wore a red jacket,I think it may have been made in the 80’s.

    1. Tamara

      I think we are looking for the same movie…I recall this storyline, I think there was a dog too, and she’s trying to get back to her father at a ranch i think. At some point, the trio encounter a cougar or mountain lion and the horse or dog attack it?? Any ideas? This has been bugging me forever. Apparently there is a wild cat in Flicka, but this isn’t the movie I am thinking of.

    2. Tamara

      I think this movie might be called Wind Dancer (1993). Found the trailer on Youtube and it’s looking familiar. Have ordered it on DVD to see if I am correct! Girl confined to a wheelchair is taken to a ranch for rehabilitation where she bonds with a painted horse and a dog wearing a red bandana around its neck. Thieves try to steal the horse, and it takes off into the wilderness. She follows it (yes, in her wheelchair, tough going) and the dog accompanies her. Together, the three must survive out there and find their way home again to the ranch and her father (and the therapist, dad’s obvious ‘love interest’). There is a scene with a mountain lion in the trailer, and the girl is wearing a multi-coloured, red/purple, patterned jacket. Looking at the trailer, it looks mighty B-Grade, but I wouldn’t have picked up on that as a kid.

  10. JoseJiff

    Hi Looking for a movie
    It is about a horse that would run faster when hearing some music.that’s all i can remember about it
    I appreciate if you give me the title

  11. connie

    I’m looking for a movie I watched as a child. It is about a girl who takes some wild horses across country and a big highway to set them free. Does anyone know the name of this movie?

    1. Cassie

      This is the Same movie I am looking for my mom, as she always talks about it but cant remember the name, did you have any luck yet?

      1. Beth Lowrey

        I think the movie may be Wild Horse Hank. There were two at the same time with the same basic plot lines. One was Running WIld or Running Free.. something of that nature the other was Wild Horse Hank. I can find the later on DVD thru amazon but no trace of the other movie.

  12. ashley

    there is this movie i watched on disney channel it is about a girl who lost her father in a sabotaged horse race she loves to ride she got her fathers ability to hear horses talk can you help me out please

  13. jerry

    hi, i’m looking for a movie, about a indian boy named jesse and a black horse, maybe in the 80 or 90’s can’t remember..

  14. Mj

    I’m trying to find a movie about a troubled teenage girl who gets sent to some ranch. There is a really bad trailering accident and the horse barely makes it. The girl falls in love with this horse and ends up saving the horse before a tractor crashes into the barn…I think it’s a 90s movie…any ideas?

    1. Tamara

      Dark Horse, starring Mimi Rogers. I used to hire this out all the time from my video store as a kid. Have waited years for it to be released on DVD; but alas, I gave in and bought a VHS copy on eBay the other day, hehe.

  15. tara

    I need help finding a movie please . It was about two boys who lost there mother and his father was running from the law and they moved place to place to avoid being caught by the law and some how this white horse came from out of nowhere and took a liking to the little boys and the boys took the white horse home and tryed hidding it from there dad then they brought the white horse into the house to keep anyone from taking the horse and they took the horse up and down in the elevator they ran around with the gypsy people and at the end the police found the boys and there father so to save the horse the youngest boy jumped onto the horse back and ran down the beach and the only way to get away was to go into the ocean and they did and the horse kept swimming and the little boy couldnt swim and he fell off and as he was under water he seen the ghost of his mother then his dad swam out to save his son and the little boy had drowned they did cpr on the boy and he came back to life and told his dad that he seen his mom in the water the horse’s name was tarenanook. if you know what movie im talking about please help me.

  16. Claire

    I am looking for a movie that I watched as a girl during the 90s. Its about a girl whose mother dies and her father owns racehorses. She rides a bay horse in a race where she has to dress originally as a boy. She also ends up with the groom who was her childhood friend. Any suggestions?

  17. Dot

    I am looking for a movie that I saw when I was a kid. It was about a girl who is troubled of course and she ends up staying at a race horse farm with a family. The son is in a wheel chair and she ends up being a jockey of a big dark bay or black horse. She has like crazy clothes and the name is strange and starts with a P in the movie. I think she has like a pink Tutu on and she learns all about working with horses. Any ideas?

  18. Breezer

    Ik ben op zoek naar een film die gaat over een paard (volgens mij een zwarte) die samen met een jongentje speelt, hij neemt het paard mee door middel van een zelf gemaakt fluitje. Kan iemand mij vertellen hoe deze film heet. Thanks

  19. Kate

    I’m trying to think of this movie name: I remember there is a farm with Andalusian horses, and there’s a girl there who grooms and clean stalls. The girl that shows the Andalusians decides she doesn’t want to show this beautiful gray Andalusian because the other girl has been riding him. The other girl is referred to as shovel girl, but she ends up winning the show. Anybody remember, I think it was in the 1980s?

  20. carlos orellano

    Hola, Ojalá que alguien pueda ayudarme con esta película, resulta que la vi hace años y no recuerdo el nombre.
    Se trata de un indio, un soldado confederado y un caballo salvaje. El indio quería domar al caballo y el caballo era indomable, hasta que llegaron los soldados confederados y tomaron preso al indio junto al caballo, uno de los militares se hizo amigo del indio. al final el coronel o capitán iban a matar al caballo, y el indio se puso entre el militar y el caballo, entonces iba a matar a los dos entonces el soldado amigo del indio se interpuso entre el indio y el otro soldado… La historia de la película esta basada en 1860 más o menos. Es antigua la hicieron como 1950 o 60′.
    Si alguien la conoce… por favor díganme como se llama desde ya gracias.

  21. natalie

    hi i am looking for a movie i watched a few years ago
    it had to do with a horse breaking its leg and a little girl made her father put the horses leg in a sling that’s all i can remember any thing that sounds similar would be very helpful

  22. DeltaJoy

    Looking for tv movie about a boy who takes his horse across America to a big horse race like the Derby and all the adventures along the way.

    1. Maja

      I think the movie you might be thinking about is “Archers Adventures” only it’s about a young man who takes his horse across Australia to the Melbourne Cup, and all his adventures along the way. Based on a true story, excellent movie!

  23. Sharon

    I am looking for a movie I think is called Christo boleko. It is about a young boy in Puerto Rico who has no family and survives by selling oranges at the market. He sees a Paso Fino colt and falls in love with him. The owner hires him to work on his farm and the boy rides Christebo and the horse bulks when a car driven by a wealthy youth speeds by and honks his horn to scare the horse. The horse injures his leg and when the owner talks about putting the horse down the boy runs away with the horse. Has any one seen this movie. I would love to see it again,

  24. Daniela

    hi i’m looking for a movie that is about a girl that practice gymnastic, and in a show she has an accident a became blind then she goes to a recovery center and she begin ridding a white horse that i think is call ghost, that is a horse a boy rescue from his owner who hits him, i remember that at the end there is a jump show and the girl goes whit the withe horse.

    plese help me i’ve been serching that movie for a loooong time

  25. caroline jordan

    hi i’m looking for the name of a film, it starts in australia with a horse pulling logs on a mountain and ends up racing and is then sent to america where he is killed for being so good, please help i’m going crazy

  26. jessa

    I saw a movie when I was a kid about a race horse called Shadow. The horses’ back was injured because he was ridden too soon as a colt, but they raced him anyway. Has anyone else heard of this movie, or know where I can find it?

  27. melisssa

    cant remmeber the name but two teen age boys run away in search of a retireed prostitute and become her ranch hands she runs a horse stud farm…? what was this movie called?

    1. Debs

      The movie about the two boys running away to find a retired prostitute is called “the last prostitute”. I have seen it on vhs.

  28. Nani

    I am looking for a movie, that I’ve watched growing up. It’s with a teenage girl from the city, who gets into trouble and her mother sends her to a ranch to work off her community service there. While at the ranch, the girl gets hurt/injured from trying to save a horse.

  29. Ben Maples

    Looking for a movie about a bomber crew shot down over Turkey [I think] during WWII. One of the men is taken in by ranchers that teach him to train a horse that helps him escape to freedom. Pretty sure it was made in the 80’s. The movie begins the man at old age, realizing he has to have his old friend put down. He starts flashing back to how him & the horse came to be. Great movie.

    1. Maja

      I think I’m looking for the same movie! I believe it was called “Brody’s Escape” or something like that???? I’ve looked everywhere but can’t find it. If anyone knows more please let me know. Thank you!

  30. Marissa

    Hello all,
    I am desperately looking for a cartoon movie that was made 80s or pre-80s. From what I can remember it’s a medieval setting with kingdoms constantly going to war with each other. There is a little white princess horse with black mane in a castle and befriends a little brown horse. Somehow, the horses in the castle stables vanish (through a closet?!?) until only the old/lame ones are left. I think they are abducted to help build a giant bell or something…? I can’t really recall but I would LOVE to find this movie again. Can anyone help….?

  31. zoe

    Hi I’m looking for a film aired in the 80’s around xmas i think, it looked to be set in the uk, it was about a boy and a big black horse ( definitely NOT one of the black stallion films) the horse was stabled in an old stone building and the saddle was covered in sheepskin, please help it’s driving me mad, again it’s not one of the black stallion films.

  32. Abby

    I am looking for a movie from my childhood. The movie is about two kids (a sister and a brother) who visit a grandma or aunt’s ranch. A farmhand sings bye bye blackbird with a guitar to the boy. Throughout the film, it features horses including breeding and the eventual birth of a foal with the kids discovering the mare in labor.

  33. Anne Marie

    Looking for a made for tv romance from the ’80s starring Jane Seymour about her falling in love with a horse breeder. Can’t find it on her IMDB. Help?


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