Mounted Tour or Trail Guide – Horse Jobs

people riding horses on a trail

This is another of the dreamy dream horse jobs for horse enthusiasts because it means being paid to ride. While it encompasses a wide variety of different types of employment, there is a lot of hands-on experience with the animals themselves along with a potential for adventure.

What You Need

Above all a love of horses is a must to work as a mounted guide, but that’s not where it ends. Regardless of where you are and who you work for, this position requires being alert, understanding body language (both horse and rider) and a strong work ethic. In smaller establishments guides may also be responsible for varying degrees of horse care and maintenance in addition to tours. Stables offer a range of riding packages to their guests and guides can expect to be in the saddle anywhere from an hour to eight in the saddle.

An engaging personality, solid horsemanship skills and the ability to lead others are good qualities for a successful mounted tour guide.

Job Description

While the job description may vary by location, there are many common elements to expect. Mounted tours range in time and distance, guides may be responsible for their charges for a scenic hour or may take more involved trips that last several days. Guides must have a good understanding of the local geography, flora and fauna along with the animals and people they are supervising.

Responsibilities Include

Planning and developing routes
Preparing horses for clients
Supervising an uneducated public away from the stable
Teaching the public how to treat and ride their horses
Emergency support
Maintaining trails and routes
Horse care & medic during long trips
Taking clients on tours and answering questions
Routine stable maintenance


The requirements for this position will vary tremendously, some places will require a high school diploma, others will want years of experience on top. Some employers will place their emphasis on how well you work with people, others how well you work with horses.


A few places to start if you are interested in a career as a mounted trail guide.

*Link opens in a new window
Australian Trail Horse Riders Association

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

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2 Comments on “Mounted Tour or Trail Guide – Horse Jobs

  1. caleb roushar

    ill just a humble rider looking for a job that fits me i dont my own horse but id like to i can care for six riders max and clean stable and or stalls th dr has limited my work do to a leg problem and problem with my left side it im proves some when i do that of trail guide if any one can help let me know

  2. Michelle Terrell

    I am very interested in a career riding horses . Mounted tour or trail guide I have been riding horses for 30 years . For pleasure but I have a passion for horses that most people dont understand . I’ll exercise horses on a farm , ride on a trail . My husband and I want to find a job together on a ranch or farm . If anyone has an opportunity for me please email me .
    Thank you very much,
    Michelle Terrell


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