Recently the fires in Los Angeles were in areas where horses are kept. Local horse lovers worked hard to get them out of harms way, but when horses panic, they can be difficult to manage. Especially when they are enormous.
Young Hero
Lucky for Sovereignty, 16 year old Kalyna Fedorowycz is a true hero. They were unable to get the frightened animal into a trailer, so she saddled up. Together they braved a 14 mile ride through all kinds of danger to safety. We try to show a bit of world horse culture on Fridays and this is a great example. A kind father and daughter team helping a scared animal tugs at the heart strings. She shares some video that her father took from their wild ride out of the fires.
Cheers to Kalyna!
Such a brave young woman deserves recognition and appreciation. She is a class act and her father must be extremely proud of her, as are horse lovers around the globe.