Horse Farrier Interview – John Silveira Pt 2

If you haven’t read the first part one of John’s interview, be sure to check it out.

My full name is John Jerome Silveira Jr.

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Follow John on twitter: @Care4Horsescom

What do you see as the biggest problem facing the farrier industry today?
I’d have to say the lack of of the truth and missing information. I call it the old school methods still in practice. I’m sure we would almost all unanimously agree that Farrier’s themselves can be a breed apart and many times not easy to deal with when it comes to questioning them about their methods of shoeing.

So right there there’s a kind of closed mindedness that needs to be overcome as well. It’s an interesting trade because I feel the standards – let me repeat that The STANDARDS themselves are lacking.

I’m going to sound really opinionated here, but really the industry
needs to come up to speed with todays standards – and it’s just not there yet. Unfortunately and that’s an understatement but really, it’s the horses that are paying the price.

John's Research

What is your favorite breed & do you own or ride horses yourself?
I’ve owned 4, actually 5 horses, 2 quarter horses and 3 Arabs. I have to say I’m an Arab man myself. Love those little Arabs.

Raised a Khemosabi baby from the day he was born – he’s still a Stallion to this day. Fantastic horse – could ride him with mares – walk him through the mare barn and trailer him with mares, not a problem!!!! And what an athlete, I miss riding lately.

What effect do you think the Internet has had on the farrier industry?
Good question, haven’t really given that angle much thought, but I’d venture to say that it’s opened up and expanded the awareness of just how important shoeing really is to the whole Equine world.

There really is alot of talk going on out there when it comes to shoeing – innovations – studies, it’s really rampant, now people have a wealth of information at their fingertips when it comes to shoeing.

Glue-on Shoes

I have a quick story that will add to this.

One of my clients is an Avid reader of shoeing blogs and websites. I’ve been shoeing for her going on 2 years now and always talk talk talk with her about shoeing when I’m working with her on her horse Mickey.

He was a special case – Thoroughbred on the verge of going lame from the work being done on his feet. So we made alot of changes and improvements, but to make the long story short even though she studies constantly she regularly sends me links to someones website on shoeing or another blog on shoeing asking me to clarify things for her.

Point is, there’s so much information out there when it comes to shoeing and really much of it is not complete – so we all are familiar with information overload right?

The internet is a tremendous resource, but the average person and even the quite educated person about horses feet and shoeing still has to weed through mountains of information and hopefully piece together the truth, and that’s not an easy task.

Sorry but i’m being long winded – it’s just I find so much to say when it comes to shoeing.

Has it had an effect on your career?
Oh yes! it’s helped me get a slight bit more business which is fine, but more importantly it’s increased my own sense of professionalism and expertise through stepping up and putting myself out there through my blog and writing articles and just speaking out.

Some of what I say is controversial and I’ve been a target so to speak, that was new for me and demanded more excellence from me.

Horse ShoeWhat else are you passionate about?
LOL oh I’m passionate I’m Italian, French & Portuguese!! give you a clue ? (-:

I’m passionate about becoming the absolute best person I can be. I do and have done quite a few self development bootcamps (5 day bootcamps) all aimed at pushing alot of personal buttons. Been and continues to be quite the experience.

While you got me here one in particular just completely blew my mind and that would be what is called “Breathing Rebirthing” —> Oh My Gawd! It was like NOTHING I’ve ever done in my life – and trust me I’ve been around the block once or twice.

Anyway. Yup…LOVE motorcycles, really have a passion for Aikido, and like to flyfish, i use bamboo flyrods, tie my own flies and to be the elite snob even use silk flyline.

But right now i’m totally involved with my 7 year old son, truly the light in my life. Kind of the Rennaisance type I’d say.

Any funny farrier stories?
Ah that’s another good question. Hummm. It’s a pretty rough business and a pretty rough crowd I really can’t think of anything funny – isn’t THAT funny LOL.

Lots of wild stories though. Been kicked a couple times, seen a farrier get a broken leg from a kick while working. I think the wildest stories I can think of came from when I was at the Horse Shoeing School – it was Co-ed and I tell you the girls WOW they can get into some wicked fights – that’s another story for another time.

If you could tell everyone one thing about caring for their horses feet, what would it be?
I’d tell people Keep all the flares on your horses feet to the minimum especially the long toe syndrome where the toe of the foot grows forward.

Move the shoe rearward on the foot with slightly longer and wider heels of the shoe – and rasp that extra toe rearward after moving the shoe to the rear. That would give anyones horse a good start.

Inside Horseshoeing Secrets of Lameness Prevention

Coming News
I have an eBook that’s about to hit the internet and go live – Inside Horseshoeing Secrets of Lameness Prevention. It’s free and it’s the first eBook in a series of two – The Secrets eBook will teach everyone how to recognize all the little things that can lead to lameness.

Most people just don’t know these things. I’ve been telling my new clients this information for over 18 years now and not one of them has ever told me they already knew what I said.

You can put yourself on the Priority list to recieve the free eBook simply by leaving your name and email address and request “TheSecrets” to me personally at John [at] Care4Horses [dot] com or go to website and fill out the form.

I have a book just about to hit Amazon within a few weeks as of 03/2009, also have a DVD program on these methods in the works as well.

I’m available for Clinics or any other type of consultation – just ask.

Been my pleasure, see you next time.

John “TheFootDoctor” Silveira

More to Come

Many thanks to John for answering our interview and be sure to subscribe to his farrier blog for more information.

Also check out the interviews section for more interviews from around the horse industry.

Are you doing great things for horses or do you someone in the industry you’d like to see featured? Add your name and website in the comments below or drop me a note to get involved.

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