Sometimes horses do the silliest things, which I guess is part of the reason we love them so dearly.
Don’t Worry, Everyone is OK
From what I’ve read, all of these animals recovered with minor injuries and no serious harm was done to anything other than their dignity.
So it’s ok to have a chuckle over them now, although I’m sure no one was laughing at the time. Good thing for us (not so much the horse) they stopped the rescue long enough to take a few snapshots.

This silly guy ate too many fermented apples and fell into the family swimming pool. By the way, the horse’s name is Fat Boy.
Hey, a horse can enjoy a pint now and then too can’t she? This horse actually became a regular at a pub in South Tyneside, UK.
Then there is the story of this drunk guy who rides his horse into the bank…then takes a nap on the floor.
Maybe you’ve seen this poor mare who managed to get her head so stuck in a tree that it took a kind man with a chainsaw to free her.
And yet another tree curious horse. Almost unbelievable that this has happened (and been photographed) more than once, but it has.
This poor guy had to wait for rescue until the well was dismantled, one brick at a time
Both shots of horses stuck in the tree are actually the same incident. The second photo has been shopped to include a saddle – the lighting is all wrong near the horses rear, and the stirrups and ropes appear to be defying gravity. Quite funny anyways though 🙂
who would think this is funny i would kill my self to get that horse out of there i am 13 years old and some older people wouldn’t do that for a horse.
Calm down there kiddie, the horses were fine, no need to go about freaking out over internet images.
If only more people thought like you and I do. 🙂
Yeah, look at the fence, same in the background.
the photo is NOT shopped you nublet
its was when the horse FIRST got stuck, they unsaddled it to help the horse.
they then covered the horse with blanket while the tree was cut.
i am guna photoshop you a brain… you nub
It’s photoshop work. Look at the curved branch at the top. It’s the same. U r the one who needs a brain
Riiiiiiiight. Not photoshopped…. And I’m a magical glowing unicorn here to grant you you heart’s fondest desire. Just google ‘horse head in tree,’ and it will become quite obvious that the photo with the saddle is ‘shopped. Unless you intend for us to believe that this ONE photo with the saddle on is correct, and the rest of the 264 photos of the horse in the same pose WITHOUT A SADDLE are somehow ALL photoshopped.
a) The saddle is clearly saturated much more than the rest of the photograph, even a novice to photoshop user can see that.
b) The saddle seems to be defying gravity, as mentioned before, where the stirrups and rope should be at different angles. The saddle is also lacking a girth, seems to be sitting only on one side of the mare, and the random black line across the saddle that disappears under the front of the saddle pad would appear to be reins that have been tucked behind the saddle. Reins that go nowhere… Odd…
c) Unless they were riding her bridleless, your irrational comment can’t even hold a drop of water, because if they couldn’t get her head out of the hole, they sure as hell couldn’t have gotten an entire BRIDLE off.
Perhaps YOU should follow your own advice and do some research of your own before you start acting like you actually know what you’re talking about. Or are older than the aforementioned 12 year old.
And NOOB is traditionally spelled like so. Nub is what you have left when your neighbor’s pitbull bites off your finger.
ok, that pic was obviously photoshopped. Stop being such a jerk. I saw the same pic without the photoshopped saddle and blanket. looked fine.
And if you were trying to be sarcastic and funny, i’m sorry, you should make yourself clearer if that was your goal.
OK!!!!!!!!! if i were the owner of this horse the horse wouldn’t be in this tree it really upsets me.
ok every one here is a retared a horse is a horse let them be you all need brains.
wow, people have no life that they need to troll a website for horses. lol
is the horse okay now??? (the horse in the tree)??????????????????? 🙁
Sadly, no. The horse had to be euthanized with a chainsaw.
the one in the well is a donkey not a horse…
I would do whatever it took to free that poor horse from the tree. (by the way the 2nd tree horse is the same horse, somebody badly photoshopped the saddle on her)
The last one isn’t a horse, it’s an ass.