Horse Reunions – Find Your Long Lost Horse

* Anyone who is looking to find their lost horse should visit the Horse Reunions website directly to find their long lost mount. While I think it’s a great service, The Equinest is not affiliated with them and comments left on this post (while I appreciate them) will not reach Horse Reunions.

Horse Reunions

I was reading one of my favorite snarky blogs, Fugly Horse of the Day and she has been working on a site that facilitates horse reunions. In simple terms, they reunite people with horses they used to own and love.

A Handy Concept

The idea is this: there are so many horses out there being abused, starved and slaughtered, chances are some of them have someone out there who cares about what happens to them.

Even better, you can add your horse(s) to their database so if they should ever end up in dire straits there will be bread crumbs back in your direction.

What a fantastic idea for horse people. If there is a chance you can make a difference in the life of a horse you once loved, wouldn’t you take it?

All for A Good Cause

This new concept is sponsored by Northwest Equine Stewardship Center which is a rescue operation who could sure use a few extra dollars (or a small facility in Monroe, WA) this holiday season.

I’ve already signed up and now I’m off to look for a few horses from my past…really hope I don’t find any in trouble.

198 Comments on “Horse Reunions – Find Your Long Lost Horse

  1. Kristy

    I’m trying to find out where my 16 year old Arabian gelding is. I left him with some people who I thought I could trust in New Mexico and they got rid of him without my consent. He’s a bay about 14.5 hands with a star on his forehead. He goes by the name J.R but his name on his paper is River Jazz Saga. He is constantly throwing his head around if you walk by like he is saying “yes” as he was taught to do that as a trick along with “shaking hands” with you. I’m deeply upset by this as I’ve had him since I was 13 and if anyone has any information id love to know. Thank you.

  2. Dana Joseph

    I have been looking for this horse for over 20 yrs. He would be 31 by now so I have less and less hope of finding him alive but I’d still like to know what happened to him. He is a 1985 chestnut TB gelding and he was named Ketubah’s Boy. Sire was Play the Red and dam was Ketubah. I rode him for a couple of years ages 4 -5, his owner’s name was Jan but I can’t remember her last name. She just called him Ketubah. I almost bought him but it was such a bad time, I was just going off to college and really couldn’t have afforded him at that time. I’ve regretted it ever since. He was 16.2. I rode him as a hunter/jumper. If this sounds familiar to anyone or you recognize his pictures or even have any tips on finding a lost horse please let me know. I’ve leased and owned and ridden other horse since but this one took a piece of my heart and I just want to find him or at least know he was ok.

  3. Debbie palmer

    I have been looking for my Arabian horses since 1991. Marquis a 4 yr old stallion & Sir William a weaning (aka Little Red) were leased to John Donoway – I discovered through the news station that my horses had been taken by the Wicomico Humane Society. Another horse in his care was found dead & my two horses were found malnourished. I contacted the Humane Society – I was only told that the horses had been placed in a foster home – I have trying to find them ever since. So much time has passed with no success. I just want to see them, to be sure they are living a good life. Not knowing for all of these years has been difficult- Marquise was graying & Little Red was chestnut with a white star on his forehead with flax mane & tail.
    . If I had know my horses were not going to be cared for I never would have leased them. I hope that someone will see this post & be able to help me; please.
    Debbie Horner Palmer


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