Horse Pictures From Estonia

Estonia FlagThere is an Estonian native breed one that retains many physical characteristics of the native northern horse. This particular breed has had little influence through the blood of other breeds.

This animal is also known for their kind disposition and robust frame – a stark contrast from the high strung light breeds of their neighboring Russia like the Akhal-Teke.

Horse in Estonian is hobune

Horses in Estonia

Image from roxeteer

Horses in Estonia

Image from roxeteer

Horses in Estonia

Image from roxeteer

Horses in Estonia

Image from jurvetson

Horses in Estonia

Image from triin

Horses in Estonia

Image from gwghim

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2 Comments on “Horse Pictures From Estonia

  1. Elizabeth

    Great post but there are some mistakes that I would like to draw attention to.
    The horse on the fifth picture isn’t an Estonian horse, he is a Toric(another Estonian horse breed)and Holsteiner cross(registered as an ESH-Estonian Sport Horse). The horse on the sixth picture is an American Trotter. The horses on the seventh picture might be Estonian Sport Horses(ESH) or Akhal-Tekes, they surely aren’t Estonian horses. The horse on the tenth picture is also not an Estonian horse, there are no Estonian horses that have such color combination, that color does not exist in that breed, nor in Toric breed.
    Please correct the mistakes so there won’t be no false information regarding to the breed.
    Estonia has five native horse breeds. There is Estonian Heavy Draught Horse, Estonian Horse, Toric Horse, Estonian Sport Horse(ESH)and Estonian Sport Pony(ESP).

    Pictures of an Estonian Draught Horse stallion Hospadin(click on the pictures to make them larger)-

    Picture of an Estonian Horse stallion Anakee- and an Estonian Horse stallion Atvar-

    Pictures of a Toric Horse stallion Opaal- , and a Toric Horse stallion Preester- ,

    There is no certain look of ESP or ESP because the breeds are so young that the looks of the horses varies a lot.

    I hope I was helpful.


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