Horse Jumping Games Online

The horse games post has continued to be popular. It seems horse lovers do enjoy an online game or two.

Today it’s all about horse jumping games online, test your skill over fences.

*All links open in a new window

Play the games and have a great time but please remember not to post personal information (like your email, address & phone numbers) anywhere online. Once published they can be seen (and used) by anyone. Protect yourself and be aware when visiting online spaces.

6 Comments on “Horse Jumping Games Online

  1. Julia

    Hey ! Can’t you put out some more jumping games ?? 🙂
    Cuz’ i looove them !! Thanks for this awsome site !!
    Love Julia <333

  2. Stephanie

    Try horse isle. Best online horse game there is. You can play the original (more 8-bit) or either of the horse isle 2’s. You can play eternal where your horse can live for ever or play life cycle where you can breed horses but they die. Im YumCookies on both but I play eternal much more. If you need help on eternal like a lease I’ll be happy to offer you one! 😉


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