Horse Jobs – Vet Tech

Two men standing in a veterinarian office

Often Vet Techs are ambitious students working their way through vet school in the hopes of becoming a veterinarian themselves. They usually work in a more technical atmosphere than the vet assistant and require a bit more training.

What You Need

Often the animals that a vet tech works with are very sick, which requires compassion as well as the strength needed to support upset owners. This is a position which benefits from someone with an aptitude for science, critical thinking skills and a complete knowledge of the equine animal inside & out.

A calm demeanor, strength of body and character and the ability to think on your feet are important characteristics of a good vet tech.

Job Description

Responsible for a multitude of daily tasks around the veterinarian’s office and on location, sometimes their duties are combined with that of the vet assistant and they work closely with the vet themselves.


Handling a variety of animal temperaments
Performing physical examinations
Taking x-rays
Conducting laboratory collections & tests
Inducing & monitoring anesthesia
Performing dental prophylaxis
Preparing for & assisting during surgery
Advising & educating clients


Becoming a vet tech requires more than just a love of animals and determination, it requires schooling. Many vet schools will offer certification programs for vet tech students. Often the programs are 2-years in scope, however some universities offer a 4-year accreditation leading to higher responsibility and higher salary.


A few places to start if you are interested in a career as a veterinarian technician.

*Links open in a new window
American Association of Equine Veterinary Technicians
International Veterinary Nurses & Technicians Association
National Association of Veterinary Technicians
Vet Tech Schools & Programs Online

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

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16 Comments on “Horse Jobs – Vet Tech

  1. DegreeFinders

    My first thought was on the picture. Poor horse. I imagine they’re trying to help it, but that looks so uncomfortably painful. I hope it’s not.

    At any rate, nice article on the vet tech field.

    1. Clarabell

      That horse is being taken to surgery; and the method of carring him is not going to cause him any pain; it is the best way to get an animal that large onto the surgery table (which you can see is very padded through the doorway) Trying to push or pull the animal would be impossible, and lifting him under his body could injure his ribs or internal structures, the legs really are the sturdiest and safest way to move him. it looks weird I admit; but it is really safe.

  2. Emily

    Isn’t that dangerous considering that the horses body weight could crush it’s internal organs and it could result in death of the horse if you leave it in that position for to long!

    1. Hannah

      That is not a dangerous way to move the horse because the horses organs that you’re talking about are what make up a good portion of their body weight. It’s just as dangerous as keeping a dog or cat upside down – not dangerous at all. And as Bree already said, the horse is anesthetized, so it doesn’t feel anything and it wont struggle which would be the biggest cause of injury in that position.

  3. Bree

    They’re only in the harness for a few minutes at most. It doesn’t hurt them, because they are already under anesthesia. Can you think of a better way to transport an animal that large? I don’t think so.

  4. Rosalyn

    I am considering becomeing an equine vet tech. But I don’t know much about it. can you tell me some basic things an equine vet tech would be responable for?

  5. Somer

    I’m a vet tech with much experience with horses. The horse is in the stocks for an ultrasound. Being in stocks does not in any way harm or hurt the horse. And the ultrasound being done is exactly like the ones done on pregnant women.

  6. Somer

    Also, horses are routinely moved from one room of the hospital to another using hydraulic lifts and tracks from the ceiling. It does NOT crush the organs.

  7. David Champ

    My name is David I live in Woodbridge
    I have twenty seven years working with equines,have worked at the racetrack w/both Standardbreds and
    thoroughbreds and two equine clinics.
    am currently attending college for Veterinary technology and business.
    Am looking to relocate to the Ocala
    area in Florida this summer,am looking to line up a job for that
    If any veterinarians in th Ocala
    area are intertested my number
    is 804-314-9565
    David Champ

  8. Rachel Bilby

    Hi i am a ultrasound Technician . I am very intereseted in learning how to perform ultrasound on animals. I actually had a student who said she was doing ultrasounds on horses part time . I would love to learn that field . I’ve been doing ultrasound for ten years . General, cardio ,vascular . Just wondering if there is any jobs out there in that field . I would love to just sit in a case and watch . I live right down the street from ocala . I live in Crystal River FL Thanks

  9. David Champ

    Rachel Bilby
    what is the market down there like for equine techs
    and assistants?
    Does the veterinarian that you work for need anyone in September.
    If so i would be interested.
    David Champ

  10. Ashley

    I am a 29 year old vet tech student. And would like to specialize in equine medicine, and would like to do my externship next summer at an Equine hospital with a liscenced vet tech. However I can not find any near Charleston, SC, or Greenville, SC. Could you please help me?

  11. allison



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