Horse Jobs – Vet Assistant

Vet and assistant looking at a chart next to a horse

Another important member of the equine world, often vet assistants are working their way through medical school and will someday become a veterinarian themselves. They handle the more basic tasks and often accompany the vet on stable visits.

What You Need

Working with both people and their sick animals requires a great deal of patience, tact and multi-tasking ability. This is a position which benefits from the ability to follow instructions, strong listening and communication skills and a through knowledge of the equine animal.

Calm under pressure, physical strength and the ability to learn on the fly are favored characteristics of a solid vet assistant (and a vet-to-be).

Job Description

Responsible for assigned duties around the veterinarian’s office or on location, such as feeding and examining. The vet assistant works closely with the vet to help troubleshoot problems and mend accidental injury.


Handling a variety of animal temperaments
Feeding & care for animals on-site
Preliminary examinations & help during exams
Pre- & post-op care for animals on-site
Accompanying vet on stable calls
Responding quickly for emergency calls
Assisting vet in surgical procedures
Application of medicine & preparation of lab samples
Cleaning, restocking and preparing work areas, on-site & off


Most veterinary offices will require more than a high school diploma in this instance, many will want a bachelor’s degree in animal care or a related field. Potential employers could require that their assistants have taken and passed a national veterinary exam, which will vary by country.

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

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16 Comments on “Horse Jobs – Vet Assistant

  1. karen lin

    I am looking for a job as a vet tech or assistant. By profession I am a RN with many years exp. in the ICU’s and ER. I have spent the last 5 or so years at the winter eq. festival in weswtpalm where my daughter was competing. I am also a equine massage therapist and feel a sense of communication with horses and dogs. I found myself drawn to anytime the vets would show up and would to work in the field with them. I am a hard worker and love to learn. I believe that whoever hires me will be very glad. Please let me know of any potential jobs. Thank you, Karen

  2. Kim

    I’m looking for the best vet assistant program (equine) that I can complete on-line while still working. Any help would be great!

  3. Autumn

    i am still in school soon to be out and i love animals and i am trying to figure out what job that has to deal with animals will be the best for me and which one a vet or a vet tech im having a really hard time with this because im not sure i can go to college for that long and be away from my family and boyfriend and friends…….PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me if any one can

  4. David Champ

    My name is David
    Am looking to relocate to the Ocala area in Florida
    in August.does any equine veterinarian down there
    in that area need an assistant or a tech starting in september?
    My background/i worked with both Standardbreds
    and thoroughbreds on farms and racetracks in the
    Northeast.worked with the Marion Dupont equine center
    in virginia and am going to college for veterinary technology.have ridden around with two vets and love
    My number is 804-314-9565 if you want talk to me
    thanks David

  5. Emily

    hi im Emiy. im 14 and i want to no if u think its to young for me to be thinking of being a vet assistant? i absoulty love horses with all my heart and had them all my life. After seeing the vets save horses lives i want to help. thanks

  6. Jan

    Grammar, grammar, grammar!
    Professional people are looking for people with good communication skills. Before you post any written word online make sure it is grammatically correct. Your writing skills (or lack of) may make a difference in whether you get hired or not. Your ability to communicate correctly verbally certainly will affect whether you get hired or not.

  7. Michelle

    While yes, I absolutely agree with Jan that communication skills are essential in any given profession, I don’t think 14 is too young to begin thinking about what you might do with your life. Emily, get all the experience you can. Volunteer at a local animal shelter, vet clinic, pet store, zoo, etc. until you know for sure this is what you are meant to do!

  8. vet tech schools

    Becoming a veterinary technician can be a very thrilling time for somebody who has decided to change careers to enhance their individual and skilled life. It truly is probable to earn a nice living and get a feeling of fulfillment from working as a vet tech and you are able to only do this should you get the proper education and certification.

  9. David Champ

    Your right jan
    Grammer is important to success in life and work,I had
    to take three english classes in college to get my
    speaking straight.
    As i said in my message i used to work at the racetrack,and they have their own lingo and
    languege.and also track people are not the smartest
    in the sports world,so that is where i get that.
    I take business courses while I am trying bring my math scores up,like marketing.managment,entrapreurship
    economics,business law,would those classes help?
    Am going for an interview witha vet this thursday,how should I present myself,it will also be working interview,what should I wear?
    David Champ

  10. zarrar khalil


    i am veterinary Assistant and equine welfare Assessor working in brooke Hospital for Animals lahore pakistan for last 10 years,Brooke Hospital for Animals is the uk base charity only for equine.
    if you consider my job i will be very thankful to you.thanks
    zarrar khalil

  11. Brittney

    hello my name is brittney and i am looking for a job and willing too do what ever is needed and I have experiences with horses and would be more than happy too be hired for any job.


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