Horse Jobs – Trainer

woman watching a horse in a corral

In small establishments the trainer title will encompass barn manager as well, however in larger stables the trainers duties are far more dedicated and specific.

What You Need

This is a position which benefits from some experience in a specific discipline, previous teaching and professional riding experience. Trainers work with both people and their animals, which often requires a delicate touch and a strong personality.

A firm understanding of every aspect of horseflesh and strong communication skills are essential tools for a training position.

Job Description

A horse trainer is responsible for training, behavior and overseeing the exercise routine of each animal in their charge. In larger stables they may work with a barn manager or foreman (and where applicable, oversee an assistant trainer) to establish working schedules which will be carried out by grooms and exercise riders. At smaller locations the trainer may do the prepping, riding and groundwork themselves.


Developing & implementing specific exercise routines
Developing supplement schedules
Under saddle work
Ground work
Training in general manners
Correcting behavioral issues
Managing stable/ barn employees


Generally a trainer must have previous professional experience with horses, whether it is previous training, a proven track record (so to speak) or professional competing. A high school diploma is almost invariably required and any formal schooling in veterinary science or animal husbandry is always helpful.

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

Please be aware that when you post your personal information in the comments it is public and can be used by anyone. Protect yourself and keep identifiable information (like last name, email, address and phone numbers) out of public online spaces.

101 Comments on “Horse Jobs – Trainer

  1. Nicole Smit

    Hi, I’m a young and energetic 23 year old female, looking for an equestrian job overseas.
    I live in South Africa.
    I’ve been in the the Provincial Equestrian Showing and Equtation Team from 2000 to 2006.
    I’ve been SA Working Hunter Champion, SA Show Riding Champ and SA Reserve Showing Champ. I was also included as a reserve in the South Africa National Showing Team.
    I would love to come and work for your yard.. I have a passport. Please don’t hesitate to call me!
    Thank you for your time!

    1. ana

      We are looking for a horse training during 2 monthes, July and Agost, to come to Andorra.
      We run Riding Courses with kids and we would like a person to help us with that work.
      We can offer accomodation + salary.
      If you are interested please contact me at :

      1. Rowen Negrin

        My wife and I would love to go Greece and work with your horses. We are very knowleable and have owned and cared for horses for many years. We have passports are both American by birth and grew up with horses in New York and Pennsylvania and also California. We love animals of all kinds and our needs are simple and easy. We would require transportation and a minimum wage with food and lodging. We can train, groom, ride and care for horses in every way. We are honest and reliable and can be useful in many ways to make your lives more enjoyable. Where are you located and what are your desires and needs concerning your horses? We are looking forward to hearing from you, Rowen and Barbara Negrin. My ancestors were from Ionnina. Email 954-907-2254 We speak English only but are quick learners and are generally very expressive. If the desire is there We can do anything.

    2. Koshy Philip

      We are based in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. We are developing our stables and are looking for a trainer and riding instructor. If you are looking at a two year assignment overseas do email me.

  2. fara

    hello,anyway i look this site for my bf who love work wth horse.he is good wth horse n all since 5years i would like to knw have u job in switzerland as he living here wth me..thx

    1. Laszlo

      My friend would like to work.

      He is age 39, Hungarian.
      He has been in jumping for 20 years. Mainly he was riding horses to train to jump as well as young horses to train and they were sold. He is an A class jumper – this is the highest category in Hungary.
      Now he is working with young horses and training horses and riders to jump as well as a jumper.

      He speaks very little German or English only. He knows some professional words, but it would take about 1-3 months to learn to use the language properly in everyday life to be able to communicate properly.

      He could start immediately.

      Please see the riding skills at these videos:
      The horse he is riding there is 5 years old, trained by him from zero.

      Thank you


          MADAM OR SIR

          My name is DASTAGER AHMED. I am a horse rider. I have a 10yrs experience in horse racing. Learnt riding at ban galore amateur rider institute in India from the year 2001 to 2002.

          1; Work rider/riding boy till 2003 to 2005

          Trainer S.K. HABIB KHAN

          Ban galore Turf Club LTD

          Licensed work rider/riding boy

          At ban galore Turf Club LTD India B.T.C.LTD year 2005

          Experience in oversea;

          1; Worked in LINDSAY PARK STUD keyneton road angaston, South Australia

          As a track rider for period of 1year 2005 to 2006

          2; Worked in SYLESTER KIRK RACING Cedar lounge upper lambourn

          Berkshire England U. K for a period of 2year 2007 to 2009

          3; Recently I was in Bahrain working for ROYAL STABLES for

          The trainer A.M SMITH from 2009 to 2010

          Madam or sir this is my experience detail. If u needs my experience letters i will send u.

          Right now I am searching for a good job .if u need a more details u can mail me.

          THANK YOU FROM


        2. charlotte bowden

          hi i am looking for a job with horses if you got one i am great with horses and good at horse riding and looking after horses

        3. Christina W

          I am an equestrian of 6 years age 14. I have experience training horses and have broken a horse before. I work on ground manners, fears, or just plain training. I do second level dressage and jump 3’6″. last year I went to pony club championships and my team and I placed in third. I am looking for anyone in northern Virginia who needs their horse to be trained or worked with.
          thanks y’all

      1. amanda ham

        Hello I’m in 7th grade but I do a lot of horse shows can I still work there thank you please reply as soon as possibly

  3. lim choon siong

    hi ,i am mike lim from a small asia country, singapore,i am interested to learn from you as a horse trainer.i am 29 years old and had basic experience ,as i am learning to take care and grooming horses in singapore turfclub.hope that you can give me a chance to learn from you.please contact me at alot Regards mike lim

  4. Dandy Rawley


    I’m a fifty-five year old male who loves horses, but unless I’m a girl, 15-25 years old, who the heck would hire me.

    1. M. L. Jordan

      I might. What discipline(s) do you ride/train/teach/show? Which philosophy or method of training do you believe in? What kind of position are you looking for? What experience do you have? What country are you in? -and- would you relocate? How many family members would be coming with you?

      1. Ashley

        Hi M.L. Jordan,

        Where are you located? I am interested. I have ridden different english and western sports. I am training my quarter horse right now and using natural horsemanship methods like Monty Roberts and Clinton Anderson and they have worked wonders on my mare. Could you please email me at
        with the subject line Horse Job Offer. Thanks. 🙂 Hope to hear from you soon.

    2. Michaela Hundt

      Hello Mr. Dandy!
      I am Michaela Hundt and I also have a unbreakable love for the horses. I have been riding for 9 years, also every experienced. I ride saddleseat, western, and drive. I ma wanting to open a riding academy in Florida, but i need some trainers and hard workers. PLease e mail me at

    3. Koshy Philip

      Hello Dandy,
      We are based at Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. We are looking to develop our stables. We are a small eatablishment and presently have 20 horses which are Thoroughbreds. If you have experience in training horses and giving riding instructions and can do a two year stint with us do email me. We would be looking at two people to manage the stables, one for horse training and riding coaching and the other for show jumping and dressage.

  5. Emily Triesch

    I’m an equestrian science major at William Woods Univ. Interest in the racing world in general. I have schooled Thoroughbreds off the track, would love to get into it more. Would like to take up a career in this industry. Hard-working and determined. Let me know of any paid internships across the US during summers! Very willing!

  6. Jaime

    Hi, anyone looking for an apprentice?

    I am an 18 year old girl that grew up with horses. I have a deep desire to be a horse trainer, and am willing to relocate from California. I would love to work with Spanish horses doing Dressage or Western Pleasure, but I am up for anything. Though my background is mostly western and natural horsemanship, I am willing and very eager to learn any other type of discipline, especially Dressage or racing (I am quite petite). I am very determined and will put forth everything I am for this.
    Thanks so much for the opportunity!
    Please email me at with any questions you may have. You will receive a prompt reply!

  7. Tessa Howe

    Hi i just have a question,

    what should a 17 year old girl do to acommplish her dream to be a horse trainer and breeder? My father is in the military so i cant really get the experience i need for the job. I only have maybe a months expereience with horses, but i love them so much that i would do pretty much anything to reach my goal. Is there any hope that i might be able to get an internship when i get into college or is it better to start at a younger age?

    1. Taylor B

      Hey Tessa I am as well 17 years old. I worked with horses for over a year and im looking for a career with horses they are my absolute dream. Basically im feeling same way as you. Its so hard to look for a career with horses. Expescially where i live.

      1. Michaela Hundt

        Taylor and Tessa I also know where you are.

        I am Michaela Hundt and I am 14. I have been riding 9 years and have been training for 4. I know its a long shot but me and my family are going to try and open a riding academy in Florida and are looking for young people that have the same dream. I am writing a grant that will give us the money to open it. And if you are interested please call, text, or e mail. (813) 5034152 and

    2. Michaela Hundt

      Hello everyone!

      I am wanting to open a horseback riding academy in Florida and I need help to open it. I am looking for experienced trainers that have a love for the horses. At the academy i am hoping to start I would love to be able to offer everything. For example, saddleseat, wester, hunter/jumper and others. Please call or e-mail me.
      (813) 503-4152 or

      1. dsoucek

        I have not look email while 0mail. I think emails list start ride co to? open rider academy? i trainer. want trainer? I ride 10yr, feed, groom, handle, lead, round pen, saddle, break run out, ride commands western pleasure, herd cows. break 7. 2 ranches. love animals. supply donations? agri community should work together same goals. land tx look?

  8. Justin E. Bowles

    My name is Justin Bowles. I am a Pre-Vet student at the University of Idaho. I have participated in Rodeo since I was a Sophmore in High School. I enjoy shoeing horses, and am looking for an internship with a horse trainer.

    I am 23 years old, grew up on a dairy farm and have been around hard work and horses my whole life.

    Contact me at my email,

  9. Brianna

    Hi, my name is Brianna, and I was wondering what the average salary of a horse trainer is? I think it’s my perfect career, but it might be low on pay. I would thank answers, please reply, thanks!

  10. Erin

    Over 10 years riding experience and receiving an AAS in Equine Science and Management in May. Looking for a job as a horse trainer in upstate NY. Gave a 4 year old his first month of training (ground work + riding).


  11. Jadyn

    Could you possibly put estimates of salaries in the US. I would love to see how much money I could make when I grow up. I would like to be a horse trainer/breeder, run my own Quarter Horse breeding facility, and be an equine photographer!

  12. james

    am james from kenya am apolo horsetrainer i just wantd to know if there are jobs for the syces and what are the reaquaments?

  13. Sarah

    hi my name is sarah i live in wales(uk)i would love to have a job training horses from nervous youngsters to bold eventers 🙂

  14. farhan

    i am very good player of polo in pakistan polo club i am ready to work in any where i charge very low rate if someone intersted cal me 00923008701870 i am very good trainer plus groom thanku


    Looking job for horse rider boy and rider in anywwere
    plz give me that adess that i got job in horse rider boy
    i have 3 years experience from Hyderabad race club india

  16. Cesar Tanoyra

    estoy en busca de trabajo en rubro ecuestre. hace mas de 15 años que tengo experienci con caballos (mi edad 26). he competido en prueba completa de minimas y medias exigencias. he amansado caballos de forma racional, sin maltrato alguno, hasta 12 en un año para trabajos a campo. tengo el ciclo basico de la carrera de veterinaria. estoy con muchas ganas de trabajar. soy de argentina y no tengo ningun problema en salir del pais. pasaporte al dia.

  17. Rosli A.Karim

    I’m Rosli from Singapore,i am interested to learn from you as a horse trainer.i am 43 years old and more than 5 years experience taking care and grooming horses in singapore turfclub.I ever work under trainer late Ivan Allan & Dr. Yeoh kheng Chye,hope that you can give me a chance to learn from you.please contact me at alot Regards mike lim

  18. Hay

    I am 12 and would like to be apprenticed to a hohrse trainer. I am BF with KEN McNABB the pro horse trainer from RFDTV!

  19. majid

    i am looking for work rider in the UK,i am 29 years old,i have a 6 years great experience about young horse,training,grooms,driving.
    (i love horse)

  20. Torrey

    I am only 17 years old and i live in wyoming i have trained a minimum of 14 horses every summer and am currently looking for more horses to have brought to my clinic if you have any and are not scared to learn something from someone yonger than you than I am your man.

  21. Abel C.

    I am a 29 year old male bilingual (Spanish). I was raised working with horses in a cattle ranch. I am a certified (Horse Instructor) Certification issued by the U.S. Government. I am searching for any type of horse work near or around San Diego, CA. Thank you

  22. Beatriz

    I have been dealing with horses since I was 12 years old. I’m great with all horses. I’m an excellent horseback rider. I also use to teach horseback for about 6 years. I currently own & raise 8 horses.

  23. Beatriz

    I’m a 32 yr old female I’ve had a lot of experience with horses . I speak both Spanish & English fluently.

  24. Roxy

    I’m 16 & my mom is looking into Horse training jobs in California… we use to live in Texas were my mom trained & cared for about 23 horses. She’s 30 & she has dealed with horses her whole life. We use to live on a huge farm but we had to sell all our horses when we moved here. There isn’t a horse my mom can’t het through to! She is a great horse back rider who has even taught others. Shes spanglish.

  25. Lily

    Hi I have an AEF level 2 certificate and have many years experience with horses and I train all ages I am pursuing to find work in the Penticton/kelowna area

  26. hi im teri

    i am 13 i will be 14 next month i have a 13 year experience i love horses and i have trained horses before and i need a job.

  27. Christina Caylor

    I live in Dallas TX. I started riding when I was 3 years old my mom was a horse trainer when she was young. My grandparents had 27 Arabian horses. I was just wondering if there is a place around Dallas that could use a little help around the stable. I will work free of pay. I just want a place where I can ride again. I really miss being around the horses and riding. If you or if anyone you know needs some help me email is thanks and have a blessed day

  28. Richard

    My name is Richard Saryan, I am a professional trainer and jumper with 30+ years of experience.
    I teach all types of disciplines, train both horses and riders on all levels. In New Jersey I train green horses, stallions, old horses, ex race horses and riders on all levels.
    My prices are reasonable and I will get the results You are looking for. I have references from my clients in NJ.
    I would love to train Your horse and could find a perfect location for Your horse in New Jersey or if it is more convenient for You I could travel to Your location.
    I can be reached by e-mail:

    1. Tiffany Wager


      My grandpa got a mare recently to replace the one he lost and he was wanting to gt her AI at the vet clinic and she isn’ quite gentle enough u know shes kindof acts like shes scared like she was abused but we don’t know for sure,but we wanted to get her gentled down enough to where e could handle her,little stuff like loading, standing for vet and ferreir, being handled such as grooming, and more. We live outside of Keystone sd so if u can’t travel to see us I will have to find someone else that, and what is your cost?

    1. Ashlee Smith

      I love horses! I just wish I could start riding again. Er just move to Enterprise, AL. We haven’t had time to look for a new place for me to ride. If you know any places that would be great. My email is Please email me.
      Ashlee Smith 4-26-14

  29. Arvinth.P


    I like to work with horses as a trainer,i have been with horse for past 7 years and i know nearly 70% of horse riding and training….i like to work in my country India….

  30. Courtney

    It says in the job description that you must have experience training or competing professionally to be able to work in this field. Is that true? I have been riding for 10 years now so I have a pretty decent knowledge about horses. can someone who is in this field give me some advice please? thank you.

  31. cris hernandez

    hellow, I’m Cris Hernandez looking for horse Training job. i have a experience for caring & handel of horses since i was a five year old.i hope i will be qualified to this position. thank you very much in advance. god bless!

  32. Steve Greene

    steve greene
    I have over 30 yrs working with horses from cuttitng to barrel racers to western pleasure i just sold a small farm
    looking to relocate
    I am a hard worker.between working with my horses i also built houses.
    I also love dogs.
    i am a true cowboy all the way down to my feet.
    i live and breath horese 24/7
    i am my one ferrier, i do like the mustang roll on a horse
    some horses have to have shoes.
    i am very sorry this is the best resume i can give. Is just to tell you what i am made of
    i also can help with a birth if need be

    i’ve learned through my years is you give a horse respect and it will respect you back.
    Give me a chance let work foe a week and if you dont like the way i work you get a week of work for free
    thank you
    Steve Greene

  33. Alix Chace

    36 year old F, 110 lbs, 20 yrs riding experience, ridden TBs for 15 years, competed eventing Training level, training track experience in South Carolina last fall, looking for another training track to get some more experience before i apply for my exercise rider license! currently working on my fathers farm we’ve got 15 TBs but need to go south to get on a training track before race season, please let me know if you need any help with conditioning/ breaking… ive ridden yearlings on up and assisted with breaking horses as well. references available.

  34. Dorothy Soucek

    Dear HR,
    My name is Dorothy Soucek. I would like to apply for the job of horse broker. I have exersized horses for 5 years. I trained horses for 1 year. I charge $300.00 to break a horse. I also worked for both of my uncles on there cattle ranches. My email is Please contact me if you are interested in hiring me. Willing to relocate.

  35. Tiffany Wager

    We are having a hard time finding someone around here that does ranchwork that has available space left and we can’t really haul the mare over 100 miles so i feel bad to ask u to come down here we need someone to do at least 30 days worth of training with her she wants to be friendly but just stands out of your reach and when u go to touch her she backs off thats y we think she might have been abused.

  36. LD

    I’m a 40 year old man. Have worked in the equine industry all my life. Became an amature National Hunt jockey at the age of 19yrs went professional for 2 yrs but returned to amature, retired from race riding 3 years ago. Have been training horses myself for 6 years on the point to point circuit in ireland with numerous winners. 3 years ago i became a professional trainer and have gotten 7 winners on the track with a very small number of horses in training. I ride all of the horses myself aswell as pretrain and break, only use other workriders when very busy. Since the economic decline the racing industry in ireland has become a very difficult place for a small trainer like myself to survive. I currently still have horses in training but seriously considering relocating if the right job oppertunity arises. Apprciate a response if you know of a position that might suit me. Thanks

  37. Lila

    Hey I’m looking for a practical course with horses. I love riding and I’ll be soon 17
    By the way I’m from Germany.

  38. Kelly Spearblade

    I am 12 years old where can i work that is a ranch in CA for the summer i have been riding horses since i was 3 and i love them i am extremely experienced and i would love to work at a ranch.

  39. Arabians Farm In Bahrain

    Dear horse lovers,

    We are looking for a highly dedicated person with experience dealing with Arabian horses in term of Showing, breeding & training to manage the barn, known some vet work & staff for a full time job. Our barn is fully equipped facility & contains 60+ Arabian horses. Kingdom of Bahrain.

    1. khalil ALQutub


      is this job still open,
      My name is Khalil, Jordanian, have experience in Natural Horse training.
      I am interested, can you give me more details, your name and location of stable.


  40. Josette

    hey am Josette but call me Josie I was wondering if you could help me I love Horse but I love animals too but I don’t know what to study I was thinking about doing veterinary assistant but I love horse so much but I don’t know what to study?

    1. Ashlee Smith

      I just turned 14 today. I’m planning on teaching kids how to ride horses when I grow up. I would do what you love doing best!

  41. Horsesrunwildnfree

    Well I’m young (14) but i’m interested in horses and i used to have 42 horses and i live on farm in va!!! I LOVE HORSES!!!! REPLY if you love horses!!! please

    1. Ashlee Smith

      I love horses! My mom grow upwith some and now I want to teach kids how to rode horses when I grow up. I turned 14 today! How old are you? My email is Please email me. You could be my next best friend!

  42. geraldine

    i am 50 looking for a job dealing with horses. it would be a dream job being around horses. im hard working and feel i can connect well with horses. I dont have alot of experiance with horses but have in the past been around them many times. every chance i get i go to the country to see and visit certain horses. I live in belleville illinois would need a position here in this area.I would be willing to learn anything, and sure i could learn quickly.
    thank you

  43. Brandon Colon

    Hello, my name is Brandon Colon i am 18 years old, i live in New york in Brooklyn, i would like to apply to be a horse trainer, i have been riding horses since i was 7 through 9, i have a passion for them ever since, i love riding them and would love to learn other ways to work with them even better. I am a senior in high school now, i am willing to take this job. Please contact me at if u have any questions i will be willing to answer them.

    Thank you for your time, hope to hear form you madam or sir

  44. Maria Kegeler

    My name is Maria. I am 18 years old, live in Germany and this summer I passed my A-levels.
    Now I want take a year off, gain some work experiences and improve my English, French and Spain as well as work with horses, before starting my university studies.

    I am seeking a live in position for about 4 months. I don´t demand a high salary, the only condition is that I don´t have to pay anything for my stay abroad.
    Paid should be the travel expenses, board and lodging, health insurance and some pocket money.

    I am a member in an English riding club for circa eight years. There it is usual, not just to come and ride, we also have to muck out, feed, water and clean the horses, bring them to the paddocks and saddle them by ourselves. Furthermore we also have to help the smith and the vet.

    I also gave riding lessons to beginners. I worked with children, some of them mentally or physically disabled.
    Furthermore important may be that I passed my driver´s license. I think that I drive cars well, but I don´t have any experience in driving trailers or tractors.
    If it is important to you, I am sure that I could learn it.
    Overall I am motivated and open to learn new things.

    I hope that this give you the main information. If you have questions or are interested in pictures or a detail I maybe forgot, than please ask me, I´ll answer it.

    I look forward to hear from you.

    1. Sæunn

      Hello –
      would you care for comming to Iceland and ride horses?
      We have great horses, that need a worker – and they are waiting for a willing person to train them and ride!
      If so…contact me at
      Kveðja frá Íslandi
      Sæunn, Lágafelli

  45. Deirdre

    Hello, my name is Deirdre and I am 18 years old. I am currently a senior in high school and will graduate in May 2013. I will be attending St. Andrews University in fall 2013 which is located in Laurinburg, North Carolina. I will be studying equine business management and will ride for their equestrian team. I have been riding for 13 years and have experience in Western, Hunter Jumpers, Dressage, and Saddle Seat. My specialty is Hunter Jumpers. I rode in Germany for 7 years and recieved most of my training there. I have worked with green horses and have helped break in horses. I am looking for a job as a trainer or assistant trainer. Please contact me at if you have anything available.
    Thank you,

  46. chip

    well i been working with horses my hole life and i do it all. i work with them when they are first born and all the way up to 18. i brack horses and train them for a liven. so if you need them brock or trained i do it all thanks.

  47. Ashlee Smith

    I’m 14. I would like to have a summer job to save up money for my dog and for collage. I would like to go to Auburn for collage so that I can teach kids how to ride horses. I also want to learn how to help horses that have problems. I love horses so much! I live in Enterprise, AL 36330. If you need help on your farm please let me know. My email is
    Ashlee Smith

  48. Louise Kolbe


    I am a 23 year old female and my boyfriend, Barry, is 26. We live in South Africa and take part in Endurance Horse Riding here. The two of us are planning a trip to southern France for the year of 2016 where we would like to work as horse trainers. We both have reputable riding histories:

    Barry: More than 7000km competitive riding. Completed Faure-Smith 201km Ride four times.
    Louise: More than 3000km competitive riding. Completed Faure-Smith 201km Ride five times.

    We both grew up with horses and have been breeding horses and riding for many years. Barry is currently completing a degree in Animal Health and works on a farm in Bronkhorstspruit, South Africa, which farms with horses, cattle and sheep. We are both physically fit and ready to push ourselves.

    We are not yet picky about where in southern France we would like to go, so available jobs will be the deciding factor. Please let us know if there is an opening, and what further information you would like about us. My email address is:

  49. Daphne

    Hello i am looking for a part time job with horses. I am 17 but have been working and traing all breeds and sizes of horse. I am currently training a Percheron mare who is 5 to ride. I start horses and also do “tune ups”. I can train driving riding, and ground manners. I am looking for jobs and projects around Lincoln Nebraska! I hope to work with your horse soon!

  50. Barbara

    Good day
    I am from Port Elizabeth South Africa we are currently looking for work ridders to work racehorses. Also someone to look after broodmares on stud farm etc …

  51. Katherine

    Hi, I’m Kasia. I’m 19 years ago. I’m looking for a job with horses. I work with horses for 10 year. I have a experience with saddling, grooming. I work witr young horses. This is my passion. I love horse and another animals, so I wand to have this job. If you have any work to do any thing with horses i would appreciated if you would consided me. I want to live in Kopenhaga. Please, help me.
    you can contact me +48 788459162 or

  52. Vern McAllister

    I am a 52 year old working man with 30 years experience training and showing arbians,
    morgans , quarterhorses. out for a time due to health issues but now I m back and would like to start working again.
    sincerely vern


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