Horse Jobs – Schooling Rider

Man riding a horse bareback in the snow

Often a job offered to college students and aspiring riding or training professionals, a schooling rider is in charge of daily exercise.

Great Communication Skills

This is a position which benefits from a teamwork attitude, the ability to follow strict instructions and a strong focus on communication. It is not uncommon for a schooling rider to have contact with numerous horses as well as numerous members of the barn staff on a daily basis.

Not Just A Love of Horses

A love of horses, a tireless work ethic and the ability to think independently are all elements of an effective schooling rider. This is a job that offers a high amount of contact with the animals and strong riding skills are absolutely essential.

Job Description

Responsible for implementing the exercise and schooling programs set up by the barn manager, horse trainer and / or riding instructor.

Generally found in larger facilities, a schooling rider works the charges assigned to them putting them through daily paces or warming them up for professional riders.


  • Following establish exercise schedules
  • Often responsible for grooming of their charges
  • Warming mounts up for professional riders in competition
  • In some establishments, their duties are interchangeable with assistant trainer, foreman or groom duties


Schooling isn’t generally an issue when applying for this position, riding skills and general horsemanship experience are far more important to most perspective employers.

Larger facilities may require a high school diploma, although equine-related secondary schooling is always a plus.

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

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23 Comments on “Horse Jobs – Schooling Rider

  1. Siantelle Williams

    hello, im siantelle williams, and i just read you Horse Jobs – Schooling Rider description. I have been riding horses since i was four years old and it is my altimate dream to work with them. I am now sixteen years old and still riding, although i do not have my own horse at the moment, but i would love to have one. On my dads side of the family we have all been working with horses, my aunty has an amazing farm/yard in Camarthenshire Visit the website.. (Glyncochstud)just type that into goolge and click Glyncochstud simply the best, on the website it will show you the yard and some of the horses i have worked with in previous years. If you no of any jobs or if you have a job for me working with horses i am willing to take it. I would come work with you on your yard for 6months+, anything you would ask me to do i will be willing to do it with a smile on my face :). Please write back to me and let me no.

    1. angie the lover of horses

      hi im angie but u can call me angela. i am a lover of horses and i have been riding horses sence age 2 in a half i am 15 years old n i want to find a good job that i can mess with horses cause i grew up with horses all my life and if i have to teach riding i will. from 1 to 10 the best i am is about 10. the only problems i have is running the horse with no saddle or any rains but im good at every thing else. my dad said that i am going to be barn manager soon. u guys will be so amazed that the barn is clean and all the equipment:)

  2. samantha cooper

    I am 27 years of age and have been riding since i was 6.
    I attended college and achieved my national certificate in horse management and my Bhs stages 1 and 2.
    I am keen to escape this country and take my skills elsewhere.
    I would like to know where abouts this position is and exactly how i would go about applying?
    I look forward to hearing from you,
    many thanks
    Samantha Cooper (Miss)

    1. Jessica

      hi my name is jess and im 13 years old and i was wondering because i really love horses how to get on and start riding do you know any riding places in plymouth?

      1. charlotte

        i’m charlotte i am 12, i’v been on a horse since i was one but really started riding when i was two1/2 and because i love horses soooo much i really want to have a horsy job.i thought i would start thinking about what i want to be but i can’t thinck of a job that includes me riding. does anyone have any ideas

  3. Hannah Tipper


    I am 19 years of age and i have been riding since the age of 3.
    I am very pationate about horses, I have broken horses and trained horses ready for different disciplines,
    I studyed 2 years at college and acheived my national diploma in horse care and horse managment.
    I would like to know where I can apply for this position,
    I look forwards to your reply,
    Kind regards,
    Hannah Tipper

  4. Amelia

    I have been riding since I was seven and I am now fourteen, so I have been riding for nearly seven years. I absolutely love horses, and next year when I am fifteen, I am probably going to start show jumping and also, possibly, look at buying a horse. I am also looking at getting a job next year, and would absolutely love to get a job at a stable or one that involves horses. It’s my ultimate dream to have a horse career, and I would love to start as early as possible! I would be happy as a stable hand, but I am also interested in a schooling rider. Do you think that I would be able to be a schooling rider at age fifteen? Thank you for your help and promptness – much appreciated! 🙂
    Kind regards,

  5. Lauren Marchell

    I am 28 years old and rode for many years for fun and in the show ring. I am a stay at home mom who is looking for a way to make a little extra money and get some exercise doing what I love. I work well with people and the horses. I have leased three horses at two different barns and I am a quick learner. Please let me know if there are any positions available because I would love to join your team.

  6. Bree Dosch

    I’ve been riding for 14 years, I’m 18. I’ve done 4-h and A-circuit english showing. Hunters, Jumpers, Green, and Equatation. I don’t need to much training, I can jump right in and school whatever a coach/owner needs. I love horse, I work well with others, and I’m looking for job to keep busy. I can groom, show, hack,and cool down. I’m familiar with some basic vet skills as well. Let me know if you need someone like me, I look forward to hearing from you.

  7. Krista Tallis

    I’m 27 and have ridden horses since I was 7. I have part boarded and leased but cannot afford my own. I love to ride more than anything and took lessons and clinics for many years and I learn fast. I would love this opportunity depending upon the location of the barn.

  8. Lyra

    Hi I am 13 and although it seems early, I want to know what I am going to with my life. I am passionate about horses yet my parents are quite average so i can not get a horse. I have been riding for two months (not long I know) and can canter in jumping position, jump roughly a meter and ride many different characters of horse – spooky, stubborn, you get the picture. I want a horse job that involves lots of money (duh) but isn’t an equine vet. Please help.

    1. Sophie

      Lyra, no offence but I find it very hard to believe that you can jump a metre or ride a spooky horse when you’ve only been riding for two months!

  9. sam

    hi im 17 years old i am going to be 18 verry soon i have allways had a passion for horses evers since i was 5 i was riding horses and i loved evry bit one day i hope to own my own but at the moment i would love to work with and be around horses this is just a perfect job for me as you are riding the horse to i have a diploma in animal care so if you decide i am good for a job please tell me and the location of where it is thank you

  10. Skye

    Hi my name is Skye and I am almost 13 years old. I love horses but I cannot own one of my own because of how much board and everything to care for a horse costs 🙁 But I am willing to ride horses and take care of them on the weekends 🙂 I jump anywhere from 2’6 to 3′ depending on the horse. If you think that I will be able to ride your horses PLEASE reply. Thank you

  11. Kira

    Hi im Kira im 11 i love horses iv’e been riding at a place called ST.Lenards Riding School but they have no jobs available i would love to help people ride and lead them if need and do there stirrups and tack up i would love to groom tack up and bring horse to person and work as a staff in the track doing anything u whant me to 😀 ive jumped 95cm on a horse called Greyling who jumps sideways or pings up i am very controllable if its not with too fast horses

  12. Taylor Thomas

    hello, i would like to know if there are any jobs in this field. I’ve been riding since i was 4 and i’m 18 years old. I have ridden western my whole life and i would not mind changing to english if that is what the job requires. I’m good around all types of animals and people. I’m at an intermediate riding level. if there are any jobs available for any type of horse work id greatly appreciate the email.

    thanks, taylor

  13. Laxman Singh

    I’m a 25 year old boy from Jodhpur (India) looking for a job on a farm with horses, I am a hard working and adventuresome boy. I have been working with horses since my birth, for professional experience I have worked from February 2012 to January 2013 as Rider and also Assistant Yearling Manager, farm in Nanoli Stud (Pune).
    I am hoping to achieve gratitude and experience from the work i do at the farm. I hope to experience the farm life here in Pune, work hard and earn our living by doing so. I’m looking for a job where I get boarding and lodging and maybe earn a little.

  14. Cloe Sullivan

    Hi, my name is Cloe Sullivan and I am 16 years old. I have grown up around horses as my grandma and aunty own a 10 arce farm which is also a minature horse farm. My family has had a lot to do with horses especially my mum as she used to work with race horses for the last twenty years. I have been riding since i was two years old, attended pony club until i was 8yrs old and jumping comps when I was about 9-10yrs. I own two horses one is in foal and the other is head shy and was neglected, we rescued it from the horse sales for the slaughter so she is unable to be ridden at the moment, it is a working progress but she has come along way from what she was. My experience with horses has been amazing weither or not it has been with shetlands, mini’s or race horses, it is my dream to work and have a career involving horses. This year i have completed work experience with Greg Eurells Thoroughbred Industry, so I under took the duties of stable hand and also experienced thoroughbreds on the treadmill and then washed them and put them both back down to the paddock. So as you can see I have done a fair bit with horses of all kinds, including show prepping mini’s and shetlands for showing. I would really love a job or apprenticeship with either a schooling rider or instructor, if you would like to contact me feel free to on: 0416429182
    Thank-you for taking the time to read my comment/application, hope to hear from you soon.
    Yours Sincerly,

  15. Rian

    Hi I’m Rian, I’m 15 years old and I love horses, i have only rode a horse once, but that was a while ago now, I would really love to work with horses, if you know any places I can have a look for in carlilse Cumbria or Cheshire then please let me no, thank you.

  16. Celeste Miller

    Hello, I’m Celeste and I really love horses! I’m 19 years old and I’ve been riding since I was 13. Ever since I started riding, I’ve been dreaming of working with horses for a career. However, currently I volunteer at a stable for people with disabilities, helping the riders to tack up and to assist them while riding and I thoroughly enjoy being able to make someone feel happy and safe while riding a horse. I’d also like to save up and buy a horse of my own someday, or even lease one, so that I can ride. All this to say, that I would love to work with horses and do something that I am passionate about and love. There’s nothing in the world that I’d rather do.

    Look forward to hearing from you,

    Celeste Miller

  17. sophie

    I am looking for a job in the horse industry that involves riding horse and helping out with the basic yard routine (mucking out, bringing in/ turning out and feeding etc.) I have been riding for 12 years now and I am 17 years just about to take my driving test based in southampton. I have experience riding all different kind of horses from youngsters to competition horses, I go to sparsholt college and do horse care their where I range from horse biology to learning how to care correctly for a competion horse, getting distinctions in my riding and being in the top riding group.


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