What You Need
Therapists are working with animals in pain, often due to a tramua of some degree. This requires a steady hand and a level of compassion for animals who have been injured emotionally as well as physically. This also means the ability to calm owners with high stress levels. This is a position which benefits from an aptitude for physiology and applied science, independent thinking and strength of character.
A calm demeanor, endless patience and an in-depth knowledge of horse anatomy are pivotal characteristics of a good rehabilitation therapist.
Job Description
Using active exercises to facilitate restoration of normal function in injured animals. This includes a wide variety of techniques and applications tailored specifically to meet the individual needs of each animal.
Handling a variety of animal temperaments
Treatment & rehabilitation following injury & surgury
Development of treatment plan & goals
Use of ultrasound, hydrotherapy, ice, massage and mobilization techniques
Advise regarding injured athlete animals in training
Determining proper feeding & nutrition for healing
Often charged with total care of rehab animals
Exercise on a number of levels, hand walking, line work, balance exercises and under saddle
Immediate first aid & health concerns
Not only must candidates have graduated high school and college, but they must also carry a masters degree in rehab therapy. Rehab therapists must also take a national exam and be licensed by the state and country in which they practice.
Applicants may also require
A clinical doctorate in physical therapy
Certification in clinical specialty
Electrophysiological testing & measurement certification
A few places to start if you are interested in a career as a rehabilitation therapist.
*Links open in a new window
American Physical Therapy Association
The Canadian Horse & Animal Physical Therapists Association
The Right Job For You?
If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.
Hello, My name is Kelsea Lander. I am currently in 10th grade. I am very much interested in perusing a career that is mainly involved with Equine. I was wandering if you knew any colleges around the Western Pennsylvania area?
if you live near South Carolina clemson University has a huge equine program, they are a good school to go to for what you want 🙂
Hello, My names Emily and i’m in the 11th grade in high school. i have been around horses for a long time, and couldnt see my self be doing anything else. I am from kentucky and was wondering if there were any good schools around to help me become a Rehabilitation therapist
Hi Emily
I’ve been looking at educational opportunities also, and one that I have found in Kentucky is an internship at KESMARC. It is a horse rehab facility. Check it out at kesmarc.com. I’m looking into doing this internship myself =)
God Bless,
has anyone done the KESMARC internship? My daughter has been accepted. would you recommend it?
Yes, Midway Collage is actually in Kentucky. You are able to get your B.S. in Equine Studies: Concentration in Health and Rehabilitation.
Hello, My name is Chloe and im actually from Australia, NSW and im going into 11th grade at high school and I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more on becoming a Rehabilitation Therapist for horses? Im am very interested and have been around horses for a long time.
Hi. I am in 8th grade and absolutely must have a career involving horses. Does Mississippi State University in Starkville, MS have the courses i need to become a rehabilitation therapist? If Not, What are some good colleges that do?
Hey. I’m in fourth year in Ireland. I love horses and I want a job concerning them, and I’m interested in rehabilitation therapy. Is there any colleges in Ireland I can go to?
easy dean
I live in ohio and wondered if there were any colleges in ohio i could go to to find a job in the horse indestry
findlay,ohio findlay college has eccelent equine facility northwest,oh I-75 x#159
Otterbein in Westerville, Hocking in Nelsonville, Ohio University (Southern) in Ironton, and University of Findlay are all good.
My name is Jen. I am a certified equine rehabilitation practitioner. It is the most amazing, rewarding work anyone interested in horses could persue. Life experiences, hands on experience, and multiple avenues of education are a must to fully qualify to fulfill this career, but every moment and educational experience is worth the knowledge gained to make a horse feel better and life longer with a better quality of life.
HI Jen! My name is Jessica and I am just finishing my freshman year of college. As of right now I plan to major in excerise science and then go to graduate school for physical therapy. I would rather work with animals than people however. I have been researching becoming an equine physical therapist and was wondering how you became a certified Rehabitlitation therapist? I would greatly appreciate it if you would answer a few questions about how you became certified, what the best career path to becoming a rehab therapist is,and the places in demand for this job. Thanks so much 🙂
Hey Jen, i am a freshmen in Highschool and i would really like to a horse tharepist but im not sure on how to get a degree for it. if you could give me some advice that would be awesome thanks 🙂
Hello jwranglear!
I know you posted this a while back and may not respond to me. However if you do, I have several questions. Im currently a physical therapist assistant working mainly in home health and out patient therapy seeing a variety of pts. I always had a passion for animals especially horses. I had a horse briefly with my sister when I was 17. I had never competed just always wanted a horse. Somewhat beginner in the riding aspect. However, I read about them and take lessons and eventually will own my own horse one day. Sorry for the rambling…is there any careers out there for equine therapy for PTAs? If not I currently live in michigan and want to back to school soon for possible animal sciences for bacholers than doctoral degree in PT. Please if you have any suggestions and or comments feel free to contact me!
If one has a a degree in exercise science but want to be an equine rehab specialist what do you suggest I do next
My name is Erin and i’m really interested in this field. I’m a Junior at Oakville and was wondering if anyone new of any schools in MO that offer the education required for this field.
Hey everyone! My name is Railey Brown and I love to work with horses and will most definitely want to wok with them for the rest of my life. But, i am having a little trouble figuring out witch job would be best for me when it comes to working with these amazing animals. I have been on horse judging teams though out my high school career and want to attend Tarleton State University. All my life I have been around horses but never for any kind of competition. I’ve always just trained and ridden horses for pleasure on trail rides. So if any one can give me any advice on jobs that you think would be right for me please reply back to… rkbrown@gaggle.net thanks!
Hey! My name is Taylor Shears and I am really looking to go into Equine Rehabilitation. I am currently a sophomore in High School at State College Area High School located in State College Pennsylvania (Right next to Penn State University). I have been riding for 13 years and have had endless amount of experience with horses. I have been shadowing a vet for the past two summers. I am very involved with the SPCA as well. At first I wanted to become a vet, but my need for that hands on part with horses, made me realize that I wanted to go into the rehabilitation part instead. I was wondering what types of high school courses will help immensely for college? Also what all do we have to go through to go into this field?
hey my name is Ky!! And i was wondering what would be the best state to go to where there is a need for rehab of equines i would even go over to Germany if i had to i would! 🙂 i absolutely love horses and i have always wanted to work with them, i was considering being a vet for a time being but when i read i was like this is exactly what i want. I have no idea on what i need to do when i get out of collage like where to go to get intervened for the job?? And eventually i want to start my own ranch and do this work for the rest of my life.i would really appreciate it if anyone had any info. on any schools books classes anything plz email me at nofearrider505@yahoo.com..I have tried emailing people and researching it but it always come up blank or they don’t respond so if you would plz email me with any info. that would be great.
thank you
does anybody know of a collage for this in oklahoma maybe close to okc or alva ? 🙂
I am a freshman at William Woods University, majoring in equestrian science. Looking for paid internships over the summers, I’m very willing to do anything in the equine rehabilitation field, mainly focusing on sport horses/race horses. Let me know if you are interested! Thanks, Emily
hi, my name is kristen i am a senior in high school and live in ohio. i am looking for a coollege near me where i can get a masters degree in equine rehab therapy. if anyone knows of a college or could help me find one please e-mail me at redsrider15@aol.com
i am 95 and i like to ride horses but my friends and family say im to old to ride what should i do
Hi follow ur mind and ride
I am wondering how many years of college would I have to do if i want to be a Rehab Therapist, I am currently in 9th grade, and i am also wondering if anyone knows if there is a college in Minnesota or North Dakota??
I seen your post and am wondering if you got a response back. I am in the WI area and would love to find a college and more info on Rehab for horses.
hi i am a grade 12 at dw popppy secondary in aldergrovve bc canada, i really want to go to college for horse rehabilitaion and work with the aqua tred and stuff like that, do you of any collages that offer that kind of program ?
Hi, I am in 9th grade, and I love the idea of this job. Any idea of any colleges near NH?
I am in 11th grade and have been set on working with animals my entire life, and I really want to be a rehabilitation therapist and work with race horses. If anybody knows any colleges in Ohio, Kentucky, or Indiana that have an equine program, I would love to hear it. :)You can email me at bodey_jags_6@hotmail.com
findlay college.findlay,oh. equine program..lexington horse farms lexington,ky.both r eccelent equine training facilities
I am in 11th grade and interested in careers similar to this. If anyone know of any schools in or around Vermont with these kinds of programs, that would be great.
I am looking for a career change and want to go to school to become a certified equine rehabilitation practitioner. Can anyone give me some advise on what exactly to get my degree in? Thanks
i am in third year at the moment but i will be in 5th year next as there is no 4th year i was wondering if you know or if you could refer me to any one.so do you know if there are any collages in ireland that do any of the nesscary items to be a theripist plez plez try
I am in 8 th grade and have been riding and socializing with horses since I was 6. Recently I have been volunteering at a therapeutic horse back riding facility called LoveWay. I have become an equine enthusiast and could not imagine a life not formed around horses. However people always tell me I need to take up a profession involving children, because they notice how kids seem to know they wan to socialize with me. Is there a profession in which I could work with kids and horses and still be able to support a family life?
You could be a barn owner and give lessons and that kind of stuff.
Heey my name is stephanie,
i am in the 11th grade and want to persue a career in equine rehabilitation. are there any courses in canada that offer this kind of program? beccause i live in ontario i want ot stay in canada perferablly ontario.
Hi, my name is katie and I am currently in the 10th grade and about to pick my courses for grade 11. I am very interested in persueing a career like this however I was wondering if there are any colleges near Ontario Canada? Also I was wondering what some of the possible risks are of this job?
Hi , i’m carrie and i’m in 8th grade. I own two horses and show in AQHA shows . i am known to be very patient with horses. Since horses are going to be in my life forever, i’ve realized i would defenetly want a job around horses ! and this one seems very appealing …but i’d like to know how many years of college this would require, and how much i would get paid. thank you .(:
Handling a variety of animal temperaments
Treatment & rehabilitation following injury & surgury
Development of treatment plan & goals
Use of ultrasound, hydrotherapy, ice, massage and mobilization techniques
Advise regarding injured athlete animals in training
Determining proper feeding & nutrition for healing
Often charged with total care of rehab animals
Exercise on a number of levels, hand walking, line work, balance exercises and under saddle
Immediate first aid & health concerns
What school should i go to for Equine Rehabilitation Therapist in florida??
I’m a 8th grade homeschooler and I Love horses I want to dedicate my life to helping horses in need of help. Im interested in a career with them and I am looking at jobs in the rehabilitation field is there any type of schools i could look at in and around North Carolina I want to stay as close to home as possible.
Hi Im a highschool senior and I have always wanted to go in to Equine rehabilitation and i was wondering what are the best schools to go to for that and what are the Requirements for it.
I’m currently pursuing two degrees – Psychology and Professional Writing. When I tell people I plan to go into a Rehabilitation Field, they look a little confused. My point is that there are many fields that can be indirectly related – just get a specialization after your master’s degree or go to professional school. You should work towards membership with associations like NARHA, even if only student membership is offered or available to you at this time. Find ways to make your experience relevant, and look for opportunities to volunteer or intern – employers will view this as a true interest in the field.
My names niamh and im 13 years old. I have been around horses and animals my whole life and want to major as a vet but also as a horse therapist. I live in manhattan il but i moved here from co galway ireland last year. Is it possible to major in both and where would i be able?
I’m a junior in high school and am going to college to study sports medicine but i would love a career with horses. What are some schools that i could attend after i get my sports medicine degree to become an equine physical therapist?
Hi, I’m Caitlin and I’ve always been interested in something with horses, and lately Ive been looking at Physical and/or Rehab therapy. Can anyone tell me a) any good schools near Calgary AB b)annual salary and c)what is needed academic wise?
Hi! I, like all of you, am a horse lover. I’ve lived around them my entire life and it’s my passion! For anyone in the mid-atlantic region, Meredith Manor is in WV. http://www.meredithmanor.com/default.asp
Hi, my name is Gabrielle i just recently started riding and I have fallen in love with it. I have always had a special connection with animals and I have now come to realize that working with animals, ( horses mainly) is what I want to do. I would like to know if their is any great schools with equine courses somewhere in Ontario.
Hi, my name is Hanna. I hope that learn to rehabilitation riding at College or University.
So Let me know that any College or University in USA.
( I live in South Korea.)
Plz..It’s very important for my dream come ture.
I hope your answer.
Hi! I was wanting to go into equine rehabilition and was wondering what I should major in and what collages in Texas would have that major?
Hi, my name is Ciara. I have been interested in horses for as long as I can remember. And after I looked at this website I have had the thought of becoming a rehabilitaion therapist as I have thought about it in the past as well. But I am not having any luck at finding a place to study this.
I live in Scotland and I am willing to travel. So I was wondering if someone could help me find a place to study either college or university in Scotland or England.
Also I am only just in fifth year so I still have the full of this year and then sixth year.
Thank you for taking the time to read this
Hi! I am a senior at the University of Tennessee and am graduating in December with a degree in Animal Science. I am having a terrible time deciding what I want to be “when I grow up”. Equine therapy is something I have considered for a few years now but can’t completely decide what to do. Do you have any advice? I am tired of classes for now but will only have a BS and not a masters. I need a little career advice if anyone could help me out. I want a hands-on job and one that requires interaction with the public. Thanks!
I am extremely interested in becoming an equine rehabilitation therapist. I was wondering how large of a demand there is for such a therapist? That is, can I get such a job anywhere in the U.S.? Or is it a more selective of job?
Please let me know.
My I’m Brooke and I am a sophomore in high school. I have been homeschooled for a couple of years now. I used to want to be a vet but I have recently been volunteering at a rehab center working with equine therapists and I’ve decided to look into doing rehabilitation therapy for horses. I have been around horses my whole life and I can’t find a career I would want to pursue more than one with horses. I just wanted to know what classes could i take in high school to lead towards getting my degree to be an equine therapist and what the requirements are as far as classes etc.
Thank you!
I’m in the 9th grade and I was wondering if there is any colleges near Ohio (and/or KY and TN)for Equine Rehabilitation Therapist.I’ve grown up with horses and I love them!!! I was wanting to be a vet that travels around everywhere but, I found this instead. I instantly feel in love with this job. I dont care how many years of college I have to go through to become an “ERT”, I just want a job I will love to do for the rest of my life. so, if you find any colleges or know of any please tell me:)
Hocking College in Nelsonvile,OH has Equine Health and Comp. Therapies 🙂
Hi i am living in the north east of england and looking to see if any nearby universitys or the closest one to learn about horse reabiliatation. I really don’t think i could work without horses! And if you can’t find any universitys for reabilitation, could you see if there is any horse universitys around as well. Thanks
Horses are a big part of my life, I’m currently 19 living in the state of Oklahoma. My horse Angel was in a terrible truck and trailer accident and was never the same until she went to Rehab. She came back a brand new horse, sound and gentle as before. Ever since then I have always wanted to be a Rehabilitation Therapist. RIP; Angel.
hi! i know this if a little far fetched… but i’d like to know if any one knows of a place in South Africa where I can study equine therapy?
I’m in 9th grade and have recently have had my own experience rehabiliting a horse back from severe neglect and have decided that was what if wanted to do for the rest of my life. The joy and happiness it gave me was imaginable. What college in general is the best of all to get started in this career. I do live in Southern California.
i am in the 9th grade right and and i have been riding horses for just over five years now and i was wondering what college i should go to that is in/around massachusetts so that i couls persue a career as a horse rehabilitation therapist???
Hi Everyone!
I wanted to let everyone know about an event taking place on October 9-12, that may be of some interest to you, as you all seem very interested in working in the equine therapy field. The Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort is hosting a ‘Healing with Horses Equine Therapy and Educational Symposium’! The event is hosted by Flying Change Equine Therapy, a nationally recognized non-profit organization specializing in consulting for equine therapy programs. The event will be held at the beautiful Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort. The resort is situated on a 1,000-foot stretch of one of Nassau’s spectacular white-sand beaches, the Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort is set on seven exquisite acres of stunning waterscape, including three freshwater pools with flowing waterfalls, a swim-up bar and oversized whirlpools! To register for the event, call Sarah Avett at (770) 253-4054 or by email at savett@helmsbriscoe.com and go to SheratonNassau.com to learn more about the resort or to book your stay!
Hello I am a college student who is studying Occpuational Therapy assistant, but have been riding horses since I was 10. I was wondering if that degree can work for Equine Therapy. What good schools can I go to to study Equine Therapy? I live in Southern CA and there isn’t much schools that have Equine Studies as a major.
My name is Carly. I have been riding for 9 years and a few year ago I took a feild trip with my barn to a Equine therapy facility and knew right then that thats what I wanted to do. Does anyone know any schools in the Texas area where I can study this?? I am also trying to get on an equstrian team.
Hi, I’m a 10th grader from KY and am interested in a possible job in this field. I heard Midway was good for schooling but I need more info. How much on average does a therapist get paid? What kind of hours would I be working? Where should I focus my studies? Thanks
hey friends , im hriday and i libe india in mumbai …. im in the bth grade and i am very interested to do somthing in horses and in thhe equine indusrtry … rehabilitation therapist is one of my options as my carreer .. im reallu confused what to do and where … if ull could give me few options of carreers it would be great and also where i could do it ? after my 12 grade i would love to start the course . pls let me know
hey friends , im hriday and i libe india in mumbai …. im in the bth grade and i am very interested to do somthing in horses and in thhe equine indusrtry … rehabilitation therapist is one of my options as my carreer .. im reallu confused what to do and where … if ull could give me few options of carreers it would be great and also where i could do it ? after my 12 grade i would love to start the course . pls let me know . do i have to do the vetinary course before the rehab course pls also tell some more info on this topic
srry im in the 8th grade
What school should i go to for Equine Rehabilitation Therapist Washington state ( not Washington DC) or something close to WA?
Hi, I’m in year 9 at school in england and I’m about to choose my GCSE options. I’ve been around horses since I was very young and so I am very comfortable around them. I have a real passion for horses and I am interested in becoming an equestrian rehabilitation therapist, and I was wondering if there were any particular GSCE options I should take to help me pursue this career? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks x
well, im in the same position as u and its apparently good to take sciences and maths and english. u might also benefit by doing a pe gcse in riding :p
I’m leaving school this year, i’m thinking about going to do a horse therpay course at bishopburton, but were would this take me job wise
I’m leaving school this year, and thinking about doing a horse therpay course were would this yake me jobwise?
Hi my name is Meredith and i am in th 11th grade and absoulety love horses. I want a job that involves working with them but Iam not sure where to begin.
look through all the jobs on this website, it helpeed me :p
Im in 11t grade and in interested in the Equine Rehabilitation field. I want to know how many years a college the field of work requires. I love horses. Me and my father have bought horses since I was little that has head health problems and we have helped nurse them back, and i want a job that helps horses out.
moreton morrell do a course and its in england, around warwickshire. its about 3yrs an dur in mon-fri from 8:30 – 5:30
they have hallls of residence there tooo and stabling for the college horses x
Hi My names Heather,
Im in 10th grade i live in illinois. I’d to help rehabilitate horses as well as train young ones, and people to ride (especially with mental handicaps) Do you know of any god colleges around me?
Thanks Heather
Hi my name is Taryn and i am in 10th garde and I would really like to pursue in this career. I live in Alberta, Canada and am wondering if there are any courses that are offered outside of a college or university, and if not what college and how much would it cost. I was also wondering if there are any equine rehabilitation clinics in Alberta anywhere. Thanks
Hi I am a current college student, and I am very seriously looking into the therapy for equine feild, can anyone tell me where I can find out EXACTLY what all degrees i need to obtain to make a place for myself in this career feild?? And is there anywhere in texas of close by that offers a good equine therapy program??
moreton morrell is a good place in warwickshire in england
Hi everyone. I have been riding for eight years now and I have had recently just gave up my pony who I had on share loan (He was to small 🙁 ) I was doing showjumping on him, but he was only 13.2hh and i was jumping only 80cm away from home but jumping 85cm comfortably at home (The biggest I have jumped is 1.15m). I am really interested in showjumping, but I would also like to be an eventer when I’m older. I was wondering if there is any good places in Scotland that would help me train towards my goal of being an eventer?
I’m going into high school next year. I was thinking about becoming an equine vet, but i think i’d like to become an equine physical therapist instead. What should i study in high school? I use to ride when i was little and the horse I rode had to be taken out of lessons and put into physical therapy for sometime. I was just wondering what i should study in high school so i can prepare for it.
Hey abigail , I have been searching for schools also ….if you wanna be a equine physical therapist u also need to get a degree of human physiotherapy before u can do veterinary physiotherapy, this apply’s to most of the universities but there are few university’s that give u admission on equine science degree’s .. Etc..if ur gonna do the human physiotherapy before the equine I think the hartpury university is really good .. But if you doing equine science and then veterinary physiotherapy then the harper adams university is very good ..
doing gcse sciences maths and english helps a lot and u need appllied science so take all three
I’m a senior in high school and was wondering where most jobs in the field of work would be?
my name is Robyn and was wondering if there are any schools in South Africa – preferably Gauteng that offer this course
Thank you!
Hi my name is Grace, i live in Kansas and was wondering if there were any colleges near me (not necessarily within the state) that have this program.
I have been riding horses since I was 8. I have always wanted to have a job to do with horses or animals in general. But I was wondering if you knew if it is a job that could take care of a family. I would love to deal with animals but I don’t know if will be able to take care of a family and I want to know with this kind of job could take care of me and my family if I was to be the only provider. If you could just let me know that would be great thanx.
i think this job earns quite good money really so it would probably be no problem keeping a family. but the only thig is u need to make sure u find work and get employed== usually at racetrack and shows== but it is a good job 🙂
I am going into my last year of high school and am very interested in the line of work. I was having some trouble finding some schools with a program like this in canada however, i was wondering if you knew of any schools that has this program in canada , thank you
Hi, I’m a 9th grader from CO and am interested in a possible job in this field. What would be a good collage for this line of work? Where should I focus my studies? How much on average does a therapist get paid? What kind of hours would I be working?
Hello all! I am in the 8th grade and I have been fascinated with horses since I was 4, only now am I taking riding lessons. I would love to have a career in the medical and equestrian field so this is great! How many hours does a rehabilitation therapist work and are there any good schools for the South? Any advice to help me attain my dream?
Hi, I am an 11th grader from CA. I am currently looking for a good equine college and job. I do horse vaulting and a little bit of training. I’ve loved horses since i can remeber. I am interested in rehabilitation and training but am not sure what school or degree I should look into. Hopefully there is one in CA but i dont think so. Can anyonehelp me out?
My name is Cassie Im in 11th grade. I live in Colorado spring, i was wondering if there is any good schools in the Colorado area for this career?
I want information about this please. From Texas
My daughter has an interest in rehabilitation therapist for horses. But we are in Western Australia. Is there any where here that offers this course?? Most or massage therapist?
She wants to work with them on a mental and physical state.
Thank you
Hi, my name is Sidney. I live in Michigan and was wondering if anyone knew of any specific colleges I may want to consider for a career in the equine field.
Do you know of any colleges strictly in Missouri that offer this as a minor/major?
Hi my names Skye. I am in college for vet tech but I also want to go to school for an equine rehab therapist. I was wondering if you know of any colleges around South Dakota or Minnesota area?
I am currently in 10th grade, I have been researching a lot of different colleges for Equine Rehabilitation and am having trouble. I live in the Northwest of the US. I was wondering if you had any colleges you suggest for rehabilitation?
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone knew any collages/unviersities in the uk where I can gain the qualifications in order to for fill my dreams and become an equine rehabilition therapist, it’s deffinately the carrea I want to have. I was also wondering if the payment was good in it. Many thanks
My name is Codi and I have been trying to find a good career that involves horses. I have been involved with horses for about 7 years now and I am very interested in this career. I was wondering if there were any good college options for me to chose from that have good programs for this career and are close to Wyoming? Any info is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Okay so I just graduated from high school and I was looking into something along the lines of equine vet. I stumbled onto equine rehabilitation and I am really interested. One thing I am very confused on is the schooling path. I understand that this career requires a high level of education. I just don’t know what specific major I would go into.
Hi!! Im Katelyn, i have always had a interest in horses. i started barrel racing about 6 years ago, i don’t like being away from horses for more than a few days. I haven’t decided which part of equine medicine I’m going into. Im very interested in rehab mainly. I live in Texas and was wondering what colleges have a good programs for rehab. I would not mind leaving texas either
Hi I was wondering what some good schools in or near California that offer courses for a rehab therapist. I have horses and grew up with them and i have always wanted to have some kind of veterinary job that deals with horses and my parents mentioned equine rehab. I just have no clue where to start.