Horse Jobs – Massage Therapist

woman with a horse

Those drawn to a massage therapy position have an extraordinary amount of compassion and patience. This is another of the intensely hands-on horse professions which requires strength of body as well as a love of equines.

What You Need

Massage therapists spend their time working with animals who are experiencing pain, which leads to a high stress level. This requires quiet confidence and the ability to remain calm, be patient and soothe the nerves of both patients and their owners. This is a position which benefits a high degree of practical knowledge & experience, intuitive independent thinking and a responsible attitude.

A gentle nature, a genuine love of the animal and the ability to learn on your feet are essentials for being a great equine massage therapist.

Job Description

Therapeutic application of hands-on massage techniques for the purpose of increasing circulation, relaxing muscles, relieving tension, enhancing muscle tone and increasing range of motion.


Handling a variety of animal temperaments
Assessment & rehabilitation following injury
Development of treatment plan & goals
Use of massage and mobilization techniques
Advise regarding injured athlete animals in training
Immediate first aid & health concerns


Besides a high school and basic college education, a massage therapist must go through schooling to be certified in massage therapy by a licensed school. Certification varies by country and state regulations.


A few places to start if you are interested in a career as an equine massage therapist.

*Links open in a new window
International Association of Animal Massage Therapists
Association of Complementary Animal Therapies
National Association of Equine Massage Therapists
Equine Sports Massage Association

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

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15 Comments on “Horse Jobs – Massage Therapist

  1. toni chambers

    im currently working full time at an event yard but im interested in massage or physio for the horse and wondered if there was any courses out there which are available to study from home (obviously with practical experience days too) which werent too expensive but thorough in detail to eventually make a career of it!?

  2. Jessie

    One of the best courses is the 150 hour basic program offered by EquiTouch Systems at

    They offer an in-depth course which is unique in that it is very different from the “pattern-based” one week courses available. They have been in business for the past 17 years and their graduates speak highly of them and their training.

  3. April

    I am a human and equine massage therapist that has been training, vet tech, competeing, raising, and loving horses my whole life. I am looking for a great job doing all of this.

  4. Cindy

    I just came across this site-i love it already!

    I am also a Certified Massage Therapist for humans & a Certified Energy Medicine Therapist (Energy Work w/Frequency Vibrational Shiatsu or FVS), and am currently enrolled in a Equine Sports Massage Certification for Equine Bodyworker thru “Equinology, Inc.” Debranne Patillo is the founder/president of the school/program and she travels the world to teach. Her program is very intensive/extensive-in order to pass for the EBW certification the student has to complete the required coursework that totals 300 hrs. (independent/classroom/externship) criteria.
    I am really looking forward to delving into this field so I can help these magnificent majestic animals. Being able to use the Energy Medicine alongside the Massage is very exciting for me to look forward to too! For anyone interested in the site for the above mentioned program, it’s

  5. Debranne Pattillo

    We do have 3 formats of the certification course. Any one or these formats will give you the Equinology Equine Body Worker certification. If you go to the site and hit EQ100, EQ101 or EQ102 you will see the formats (varying lengths; same content, you only need to take one of them).
    No matter what program you decide to go with, it is beneficial to get a head start on anatomy. We have an online version available which is required for our courses. Other responsible schools also offer it. You need to run if any school says you do not need to know anatomy to do this job. That link is:
    There is another association which is not listed on this site here. It is the International Equine Body Worker Association. Details can be found at:
    Good luck and enjoy; it is a great career.
    Best Wishes,

    1. Victoria

      I am working full time and interested in this field too. It is a dream for me to have connection with hourses. I am currently working as a physical therapist. Would this make transition easier? What is the working schedule and hours?

  6. michele

    i am also a massage therapist that just moved in South Florida…any of know if there is a good school here? and what are the extra classes i have to do to be an equine massage therapist ?

    thanks for your help!

  7. FeFe

    Michelle, I also live in South Florida working as a massage therapist. I am also interested in equine massage. Here’s what I found on a directory for equine massage schools:

    Massage Awareness, Inc.
    Town Square at Wellington
    11924 Forest Hill Blvd.
    Suite 22-102
    Wellington, FL 33414
    Phone: (561) 383-8205
    Fax: (561) 383-8206
    Home study courses in equine and canine massage

    The Rocky Mountain School of Animal Acupressure and Massage, FL
    Lucky Dog Sports Club
    300 S. Central Avenue,
    Jupiter, FL 33458
    Phone: (866) 903-6462
    Canine and equine massage & acupressure certificate programs.

    Animal Rehabilitation Institute
    2457 “C” Road
    Loxahatchee, FL 33470
    Phone: (561) 792-1441 – Office/FAX
    Mobile: (561) 222-4400
    Equine rehabilitation certification (for Veterinarians, Physical Therapists, Veterinary Technicians & Physical Therapy Assistants), equine massage certification courses, equine meridian classes, canine rehabilitation

  8. Michael T. Cameron

    I have just recently moved to AZ and have worked on my clients animal part of their family many times . I also have a Masters in Herbology that all of the felines ,canid, and equines have responded amazingly to . While earning my degrees overseas (Asia / Europe) where they do this naturally was the inception of helping the animals as they create and share a bond , more than just the one being healed is affected . also when I was young I raised a dozen part wolf pack from birth , and since then have had a connection to all animals that come in contact with me through and empathic bond .

  9. Kassandra

    I’m currently a grade 9 student who wants to get into equine therapy. I know that I must choose my next 3 years of courses correctly, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what I need to focus on in my next couple years. I’ve done basic searches and asked the guides concullors at my school and they all seemed oblivious to what the path I want to head for was. I know I need to focus mainly on my sciences and math but is there a specific subject or course that I should take to have a better chance at reaching my goal? Please get back to me if you have any information that could help me out! Thanks!

  10. Brianna Hood

    Kassandra, focus on biology and anatomy, what you learn through those courses will get you started in the right direction.


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