Horse Jobs – Handler

Woman with a horse

The handler is responsible for the control and grooming of a horse in their charge. Depending on the size of the establishment, duties of a groom and handlers can overlap to a large degree.

Heavy Hands-On

Handlers are expected to be the authority on their horse charges and probably spend the most time with each animal over all. This is a position which benefits from an in-depth knowledge of horses, keen attention to detail and an inclination for teamwork.

Experience managing horses, the ability to problem solve under pressure and a strong character are important components of a successful horse handler.

Job Description

Handlers work in conjunction with horse trainers, assistant trainers and riding instructors to ensure that each horse is properly exercised, receiving adequate care and ready for work. A great deal of time is spent directly with the animal and a strong sense of personal responsibility goes along with this job.


Watching their charges closely for soundness and health changes
Administering prescribed medications
General first aid
Following supplement schedules & feeding schedules
Catching, grooming and tacking an animal for riding
Ensuring their charges get adequate exercise
Supervising vet and farrier visits
Often accompany their charges to competition
Sometimes will show their charges in groundwork


Some employers may require a high school diploma, but beyond that potential employers will usually be looking for someone with experience. Because this position requires a lot of personal responsibility for the animals, the application process may be rigorous & some formal education may be required in larger establishments.

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

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9 Comments on “Horse Jobs – Handler

  1. Shantay Provitt

    Malcolm, I subscribed to Acenaps a month ago and the results have been worse than poor. You should update your blog with the current results (which the site hasn’t by the way). Last 21 days…6 winners and 15 losers. 6 losers on the trot…and a couple of 4 losers in a row.

  2. sophia

    hey im only 11 but i cant have a horse of my own but i really love horses and animals i think i really would like this job what you think ?


    i was born and raised around horses and would like to be a vet for only horses but horse training is a hobby for me i love training horses i have been doing it for about two years and am good at it i am 14 but i am not sure if thats a job i would like to have or just a hobby to keep

  4. Hannah

    I have a horse of my own I take care and pay for. I am willing to do anything from cleaning stalls to grooming horses.

  5. Rebecca Hoffman

    I’ve loved horses since I was four years old and have been working around them for the past seven and a half years. I can ride, groom, and am not afraid of working with the more sensitive horses, and I’m good at caring for the lame. I’m twenty two years old, I need a job, I live near Torrance, CA and would love to be a Handler.

  6. Jazzmine Curney

    well, im 17 going on 18 in less than six months. im currently takeing online classes to finnsh high school, and im moving out of my home to live with my boyfrind soon,ive always wanted to be a handler, i dont know why. no one in my family or history has been part of this world. but i want to be. im currently looking for a handler job, i dont know much. just what i studied on my own from books. but im a fast learner and a hard worker. im willing to go above and beyond to care for any animal put in my care. so all i ask is for a chance 🙂


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