Horse Jobs – Groom

horse with woman

A position which can be a springboard for a long career in the horse industry, the groom is the one who actually takes care of daily routine for the animals.


There are many tasks that can fall under the grooms command and the actual job description will vary from facility to facility. That means that not only does the job vary, but so does the pay. This is a position which benefits from a firm knowledge of horseflesh, a teamwork attitude and independent, creative thinking.

Physical strength, a sense of personal responsibility and attention to detail are quality aspects of a successful groom.

Job Description

Regardless of the size of the establishment, a groom spends a lot of hands on time with the animals. They generally work under a barn manager, foreman, trainer or trainers assistant.


Following feeding, cleaning & watering schedules
Basic horse care, bathing, brushing, clipping
Cleaning & maintaining of tack & equipment
Basic exercise and ground work
Assisting with breeding & foaling
Assisting vet & farrier
Following supplement & medication schedules
Basic grounds maintenance and repair
Sometimes requires the use of farm equipment


Some employers may require a high school diploma, but beyond that this position does not always require formal schooling. Experience is the best teacher with respect to horse care and usually potential employers know that. However, any education or training in horse anatomy, care or training are always a bonus.


A few places to start if you are interested in a career as a groom.

*Link opens in a new window
British Grooms Association

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

Please be aware that when you post your personal information in the comments it is public and can be used by anyone. Protect yourself and keep identifiable information (like last name, email, address and phone numbers) out of public online spaces.

127 Comments on “Horse Jobs – Groom

  1. Yvette Walker

    I am interested in starting a career with horses(racing). This would be an entry level for me. I need training and I would like to get started. Please send me much information.

  2. Leanne booth

    hey yuette im only 13 but iv been riding for 8 years started when i was 5 and id just like to say have you got a horse?… and have you tried going some were to go to train because my oldest cousin when on websites and found a race training farm/club and she said she has never felt better because shes so good and in a couple of years when she gets her own horse and trains that she is going in for a chance to race ..p.s my imformaton might not be what your looking for but im just trying to help out type back love leanne x

    1. Denise D'Penha

      G’day! I’m 13 too…and yes I’ve already started searching for my dream job…which equine career do you think is the most hands on t of riding or job and doesn’t require a lot of riding or horsey experience. (cos i live in the middle of a city surrounded by absolutely no horses and my parents cant afford riding lessons). so i really want to work with horses when I’m older but i don’t know where to get started

      1. Laura

        heyya, to be a horse groom you just need to have a little horse experience, all you need to be able to do is care for and understand the horses. you have to be gentle and make sure you follow strict scheduels. I also live in the country but there are still places to ride or join a pony club, it dosent cost much, about £10 a week at the most, just get searching on the internet for local places. Hope this helps. 🙂

    2. francesca fox

      The British Racing School trains people to work in racing and you can get NVQ level 3 and many more qualifications.

  3. Leanne booth

    hey agen if you do right to be sorry if i dont right back because my email playing uo just type back to me n here if you want to bye leanne x

  4. Stephanie

    hi I’m looking for a job with horse. Ive been riding for many years and I’ve even ridden on a national level. I was hopping to find in a job in Europe or in the USA. I has hoping to find a job when I take care of horse and ride them on a day to day basis. If anyone has any info or any places for me to go I would be every interested.

  5. megan

    hi i have been riding since i was 3 years old i have been in many shows i have got many 1st places the lowest i have is a 6th place, i have many horses of my own. i have 1-2 years left at school and hoping to develope a career involved with horses.

  6. Gabrielle

    I’ve been in the military for a long time and I wanted to get started in learning and caring about horses. I want to spend the time that I’m not working around horses and getting more knowledge involving them. Hoping that one day I can have a full time job working around horses.

  7. nguyen minh tuan

    im vietnamese,im looking for a job with horses.i have been working with horse for i work for berjaya horse trails in position is assistant instructor and trainee farrier also.

  8. Alberto de Maio

    I’m opening a … like a farm, with bar, Bed & Breakfast… and Horse place for equitation and treking (1-2-3h).
    Anyone is intrested? I can send you some pict of the place that is one of the wonderful place of italy, near Piacenza.
    let me know, if you’re intrested, and we can talk about.

    1. Nadia

      sarei molto interessata nel caso la posizione fosse ancora disponibile.
      Attendo sue notizie.
      Cordiali saluti,
      Nadia Panozzo

  9. Federico

    Im looking for job. I have previous experience working with horses, I was working in Argentina and New Zealand. I‘m a strongly motivated, responsible and willing person wanting to become part of a cohesive working team. Most important to participate in a good working atmosphere.

  10. serban marian

    Buna!suntem un matrimonio din Romania si cautam de munca la ferme de Cabaline(horse)avem experienta de a lucra cu aceste animale Nobile(Hrana,Curatenie,Plimbare,Etc…)Detin permis de conducere European cat.B ,vorbim putin Engleza,putin italiana,binisor Spaniola,eu am 47 de ani sotia 43 de ani ,si lucram tot ce este necesar la ferma de cabaline.Tel:0040723450270

  11. jamie slattery

    i am lookin for a job in europe workin with horses.i have been involved in most aspects of the horse industry for most of my 29 years.i have been trained to stage 3 level bhs and have trained as an instructor by brigette mc carthy of the bhs in grennan college in thomastown killkenny and would love to hear some info on workin in europe

    1. Mieke

      Hi Jamie, my husband and I run a competition and sale barn for hunters and jumpers in Belgium. We are currently looking for a full time live in groom. You would have an apartment with utilities and access to washer and dryer. The job is looking after 9 horses; cleaning stalls, feeding, turnout, putting horses in the walker, cleaning tack, bathing horses, braiding manes, clipping, preparing, tacking up and lunging. There could also be some possibility for riding. The job starts at 7:30am to approximately 5:30pm 6 days a week. We are looking for somebody who is very responsible, self motivated and shows attention to detail. We have a base pay per month and a bonus when we sell a horse.

      Please let me know if you are interested.


      1. Ismail

        Hi Mieke .i am very much interested in the job as a horse groom,i am very responsible and love these animals and i have worked at bangalore race course and i worked as a groom and rider in Kuwait. i got 6 years experience.currently i am in India.if you offer me a chance i would be very glad to show my skills.
        please email me

  12. Emma

    hi im 16 and was wondering if nyone knew of anyone in the derbyshire area that is looking for a groom or an apprentice,or any websites that are good for finding places.

  13. vinod

    sir, my name is vinod. cont. no:-00919660744476
    date of birth-13/06/1980 i am seek a job horsegroom, rider,+horse transport driver. my 3year trining in indian army HQ equastrion school for rider/horse traner.
    5year exp. in DUBAI horse groom & rider or transport.
    internatcniol DUBAI driver lincens 3year exp. english,hindi,arbic spiking….
    i know bridding,feeding,cliping etc. best working porformance. THANKs.

  14. vinod

    SEEK A JOB-HorseGroom,Rider With Horse Transport(DRIVER). cont. no-00919660744476
    Sir, My Name is Vinod. date of birth-13/06/1980
    Hindi, English, Arbaic speeking…contry-indian
    3year equastrion trining in india ARMY HQ Equastrion school new delhi.
    5year Exp. in UAE Horse Grooming,Riding with Horse transport. velid uae driver linces. i know fist-ad, Bridding, kiclepping and more…
    i am honesty,safely or heard working.
    Best Working Porformance. THANKs.

        1. im teri

          i am looking for a job im 13 i will be 14 next month and i really need a job to help my mom and to give me something to do can you help me?

  15. vinod

    Post Applied – HORSEGROOM
    • Name : Vinod Kumar Thakan
    Pass port No. : E1131436
    Father’s Name : Shri Ami Lal
    Date of Birth : 13.06.80
    Address : Vill./Post-Ardawa, Teh. Chirawa, Dist-Jhunjhunu (Raj.)
    •Contact No. : 00919660744476
    •Sex : Male
    •Nationality : Indian
    Qualification:-• Secondary Pass Board of Raj., Aimer
    Special equestrian training 3 years in Indian army HQ equestrian school New Delhi.
    Language Knowledge : English, Hindi, Arabic
    Working Experience:- INTERNATIONAL
    2year at U.A.E -Ajman Equestrian club-groom & rider
    2year at UAE- Ajman police officer house keeper , horse groom & rider , horse box driver(LGV) .
    1year at UAE-Dubai –Baby shop LLC. Driver/Salesman for Baby cloth, toys, furniture more.
    Feeding; Schooling; Lunging; Bandaging; clipping; Exercising etc.
    First-Aid;Stallion Handler; Breeding; Foaling.
    Technical Knowledge Computer operating , Gardner, Plumber, Electrician etc.
    Note- UAE,DUBAI LGV Driver license (transferable)
    I have good knowledge for my working field.
    I m careful and Safely driver, Honest hard working & best performer.
    I will afford the expences of visa & ticket.
    Place : India Date:13/09/2010
    (Vinod Kumar Thakan)

  16. faruk khan

    I am interested in starting a career with horses(racing). This would be an entry level for me. I need training and I would like to get started. Please send me much information

  17. Endel Ots

    We have a opening for a position at our horse farm. Job description could include, but not limited to working horses, grooming, holding for vet and farrier, updateing website, teaching lessons, cleaning. If you are interested please email me at

  18. bird

    i am 13 years and r looking for a job cause i would like to have money every once in a while so i dont have to dig in my moms pockets(sarcasm)if i got a friend to help would you hire me if i asked my mom.i do love horses and wish to learn about them if u could contact me.

  19. rebecca =]

    hey im 15 and really want to work with horses. i have 5 of my own 😀 i would love to be a groom but i was wondering if ya needed a junior cert to do it? :/ … i hate school .. i wana leave after da jc :L but i dont want to if i need a leavin cert to do something like be a groom 🙂 please help me 🙁

  20. femflower

    I started working around race horses 1980 at Belmontpark.Istarted as ahot walker and eventally became a groom.I worked their for almost seven years.I raised two children and work in road constrution for almost twenty years.My body finally couldn”t take any more of it. So I looked for a job taking care of horses.I worked for a woman taking care of her horses and so borders.I took care of fourteen horses in all.For allbut a year.Than she let me go to save money.She fond some one that would do the job for lease of a horse.In other wods for free.

  21. francesca rossetto

    we are looking urgently for two grooms with riding skills, please
    contact me
    belgium limburg
    big professional jumping stable !!

    1. Lovell

      Hi there, i just came across the add there to be a groom, well i would be very interested in working for you guys i have done quite alot of work around horses and really have a love for them too, im very healthy! and live in a very possitive!! way thats why i like working with horses i live here in N,ireland and will be moving to holland in the next month are so, truth is the best ways to find the right person for the job is to meet in person, i would be willing to travel over and meet with you if you get a good feel about you i hope you get back cheers.



  23. Mitchel Spears

    I am looking for an entry level horse grooming job. Have 4 1/2 yrs experiance grooming and tacking draft horses in Memphis,Tn. Also have stall cleaning, as well as experiance helping ferriors as well as some carriage repair knowlege. I am an animal lover and am a verry professional when it comes to dealing with the public.

  24. hannah whittaker

    hi i am 14 i have been with horses all my life and i have 2 of my own. my mum runs a rescue centre so i have been around a wide range of horses with a wide range of personalities.i love horses and professional with people.

  25. majid aman pathan

    hi i am a horse rider in (u.a.e)working for alasayl stable (shaikh kalifa bin zaaid alnaihan)the presedent of (uae)i am working here from past 8 monthes i would like come 2 another stable and lirn more about horses if ther is some jobe fo me pls leave me a message on my id or call me(0566419143)your thank ful majid

    1. Ismail

      hi majid aman , my name is ismail .right now i am in india,i have experience as a groom and rider earlier i have worked in kuwait for 5 years,after that i went back and now in trouble with out proper job to care my family.i kindly request you if you can help me to get a work may be inform whom to contact.if needed i can come on visit visa.i have one of my cousin brother you can contact.0559131993.

  26. khawar shazad

    hi sir i m khawar i have 2 years experance for lahore race corce club pakistan, nd 1 year experance for syrian horses. last year i m doing job in latakia city syria,MR, hilal al asad is my boss nd my 2nd boss is MR,bilal akream,he is a manger of l,g company,i m a poor man, i want a horses job,,+923125401551,is my cell number i m pakistani.

  27. Renata

    Hi i want to ask if it is work for all year or if it is possible do this job just in summer months june and august ?… cause i am interest

  28. clyde embrey

    I Have 20+yrs. with horses. Past couple yrs.made bad choices, using drugs and alchol. Last 2 yrs. spent in recovery.I have rid myself of those problems, now I’m ready to restart my life doing the work I truly love, and thats being with horses.I’m from Virginia, currently living in Houston, Texas. I am so ready to go back to work. I just need someone to give me a second chance. I have resume, ref’s. willing to relocate. Thank You for your time. clyde , Phone:713-921-7520, can’t talk directly,can leave message.

  29. Peggi Heineman

    I have worked as a dog and cat groomer for over 25 years, but I have always had a passion for horses. I rode when I was a teenager and my sister rescues horses. I would love a job grooming horses and taking care of them.

  30. Zelda

    Hey i’m 15 and live in New Zealand I need an after school and weekend job. I have a little experience with horses and am a very eager learner. I have always been a horse lover and am willing to volunteer for anything to do with horses, i’m usually a bit shy but after a while i’m really fun to be around.

  31. mikaela

    I would love to groom the horses. I love all animals but horses are my favorite of all. Im only 14 1/4 bt i hav always wanted to work with animals especilly horses i would love to get a job with horses.

  32. Susan Ansely

    I am interested in starting a new career in the New Zealand equine industry. I volunteered at the North Taranaki SPCA for 3 years. I completed an equine and animal skills training programme working hands on with horses gaining both basic levels one and two equine and animal qualifications. I am a mature Woman. I am willing to learn new skills and gain more equine qualifications.I am looking for on job training with study. Susan Ansley, New Zealand.

  33. Taylor

    hi i am 13 and i would love to be a groom i have a lot of experiance with horses have 5 right next door that i take care of. but i was wondering do any of you think that a stable would want to hire me as a groom. Or should i wait till i am in highschool?

  34. Olivia

    Hey, I’m looking for a little job which involves me working around horses. My name is olivia and I’m 15 years old, have been around horses and have been riding for around 6 years. I love horses, looking after and working with them. I believe in trust and understanding, I would never hurt a horse. I can groom, bath, feed, turn out, excercise etc..

  35. Janien

    I’m looking for a groom / assistant trainer to help on a training / breeding farm of Arabian Horses and American Saddlers – we show the horses in all divitions – Our farm is in South Africa.

  36. emily beal

    Hi, my name is Emily Beal and I am 13 years old, and I am looking for a Saturday job, that involves caring for horses and ponies. I don’t mind hard work. I can feed,groom,bath,turn out, bring in and exercise. I have been adoring and riding horses for over 7 years and I would love to have a job caring for horses.

  37. sony

    hi my name is sony 10 years exp i am looking for a saturday job that involves caring for hores and ponish i dont mand hard work i can feed groom bath turn out bring in and exercise i have adoring and riding hores for i world love a job caring for job

  38. Adriana Carlsson

    My name is Adriana.I have years of experience as a groom.I love to be around horses.I am a hard worker,I will give you 100%.I am looking for a position as a groom.I live in Daytona Beach Florida.

    1. Mohammed haleem

      Aslam-u-Alikom i,m looking some one hwo can work as a groomer in 5 star hotel i,m also working in 5 star hotel with horses but we need one groomer if you like to work with us please contect me mobil 0567843652

  39. lisa sepulveda

    Hi my name is lisa,im a previous horse owner but it can get expensive.I now work with horses and no most everything from A to Z with them.iv worked at phily race track for 9 yrs. as asst. trainer, groom ,exercise rider, break babys ,saddle,assisting vet,file,medication addministor,tracktor,farm number is 2673473703.please leave a message and i will return your call.thanks
    Lisa Sepulveda

  40. Emily

    hi my name is emily im 19yrs old and have just started a level two and three diploma in horse care a really good place to start if you want a career is to go round your local stables/ riding school and see if you can have a saturday job there or help out voluntarily or find a training provider that specialises in horse care i am with stubbing court training they find candidates for international competition yards and like to match the person with a stable not just stick you any where there amazing and are so good at explaining things they will take on people who have had no experience with horses before and train you up from scratch im sure there will be more like them but your best bet is getting in contact with big yards or riding schools and asking them about any training providers they no of the chance is that they will happily train you themselves!

    i hope that has been helpful for you all xx

  41. Aubie Hand

    i am 14 years old and i live in Riverview,Florida. I have alot of free time on my hands i love working with horses is there anywhere i can go to volunteer on the weekends or after school??? please answer it would mean alot thanks 🙂

  42. sarel cilliers

    i grew up on a farm have a lot of experiance with horses , went to sa army in potchefstroom in the equistrian centre for 2 years woul love a job on entry level , even if it means starting from the bottom I dont care I realy love horses and love taking care of them . please reply I am willing to clean stablles for a start
    thank you

  43. taimoor

    hy,i love horses and i am interested to do such a job in stables in U.A.E ……kindly contact me if someone wants to groom his horses becoz i am a very good horse caretaker!cntct me 03028644140

  44. jade seabourne

    hi im 15 years old and i am looking to become a groom but i dont know how to become one please get in contact with me if you know thank you xxxx

  45. Mr. Jerry G. Kaczmarek

    Good-Day I have been in the Thoroughbred Horse Racing buisness for forty-four years. I am now located in around the Toronto Ontario Area. Perhaps a farm position for myself???? ANYONE call anytime 647-718-4371. thank you, Jerry.

  46. Emma Chapman

    Hello my name is Emma, I would really like a job with horses. I have been waiting my whole life to turn 13 so I can get a job. And now I finaly am! I am what some people call “HORSE CRAZY!” And I believe it because its true. and I really wont the job so i can earn money and finaly get the horse of my dreams! I can muck out stalla and do grooming very well. I always practice on my grandmas horses. So if I can get a job there then please, please email me! Thanks, Emma!

  47. Miguel Samol

    Im Miguel Samol, I have 5 years experienc about the horses, I worked in Churchill Downs Kentuck, Fair Grounds New Orlean and other racetracks in United State of America, so if sombody need a groom im interested…

  48. niomi stewart

    hi im 16 and i love to work with horse. ive had horses all my life and ive got a 17.2 and im not the best of riders but im will in to put the time in and im a fast learner ive just start to work with a horse and she really good now she let people tack her up and head collar her and she a lovely horse and their always good side in all horse if you got any with at all please ring me on 07538174662

  49. sulaiman abubakar

    i am a very good horse rider and breeder,i love horses and am willing to do this job whole jst 16 and am a male from nigeria but doesnt matter whre the job is,i wll follow it.thank you alot,am waitn for ur favourable response

  50. emily norman

    hello im 14 and my friend is 14 as well.Me and my friend love to work with horses.i love horses i draw them all the time some people”CALL ME HORSE CRAZY” plus we are fast learners i have had experiance working with horses i go out on some weekends with a friend of my dads.we would love to do some stable work also grooming and we would like to walk them out around the field just to give them a bit of exersize (BUT NEED TO BE NEAR WERE I LIVE)PLEASE GET BACK TO ME.ME AND MY FRIEND WOULD LOVE A JOB 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 thankyou

  51. kozak

    We would like to work in a barn with 39 years old my brother is 44 years old .we live in romania.both have experience in caring for horses . we know to ride.want to work in England.u can contact me : tel:+40744827297

  52. georgia goulding

    im 18 and iv been a groom on an event yard for 5 years and i have to say i love horses but it is back breaking work, and has been verry emotional but it does have its good sides like the comps n new foals. being experianced does help having been riding since i could walk and bought my first horse on my own at 9 the training i recive with my horse at work is fernominal but comes second to the bosses. i would say to any one take the job but it does have flaws like back pain being a main down fall of grooms and early starts and late finishes usualy start at 6am and wont finish till 5pm in summers winters being even longer and harder to cope with
    just thouhg some ppl could do with the insite into this job role x any questions just ask georgia x

  53. georgia goulding

    i will be quitting my job soon and starting on my own and would love ppl to come ride my horses and help round the yard im bassed in mold in north wales GB any one in this area interested please call 07895985343 this beeing stable work in exchange for a ride to help with experiance.

  54. NoLimits ( HI2 User)

    Ahh I can to be added to the list of 13 year olds wanting this to be the first rung,
    Anyone have ideas on how to go about getting a summer job like this?

  55. sabrina

    hi i am 15 years old i am looking for a job in massachusetts were i can work with horses but i live in worcester mass i have been riding for 5 years in english riding and i can do flat work and jump small verticles hope to go into the horse racing or anything with horses i need money for collage phone number is 5088738113 email is

  56. mohamed wajid

    hai my name is mohamed wajid iam frm bangalore iam looking for job in grooming .i have good knowledge about horses handling stallion 5 years i have worked in al shanfari stables sultanate of oman.pls contact if any suitable job 9036122741

  57. Timyra

    Hi I Am Timyra 14 Years Old Looking For A Job Working With Horses They Are My Favorite I Have Great Experience With Them Like Cleaning,Grooming And Other Things I Have Being Searching For Weeks Hoping This Is My Last Search My Email Is Please Email Me 🙂

  58. Trygve sodefjed

    Dubai, horse jobs. 2013
    Hey. My name is Trygve. I’m from Norway and is 28 years old. Moving to Dubai in December. I am looking for a job with horses. I am an experienced rider and have good knowledge about horses. Do you know of any jobs? Or how I should approach me her. Sincerely Trygve.

  59. dall

    hey i am looking for a job that will require me to work with horses i have haed lots of expeirence with horses during my younger childhood i am curently 13 years old my mother has had two horses and practicly had own five others that i hellped groom wash train and even ride so ya i dont whant to much of a pay but enough to help me to pay for my mission so ya!

  60. simba sande

    I had experience with horses for 4 years’ at Stellenbosch Univesity in Capetown.I work with dresshatch and show jumping horses.I would like to work anywhere in USA OR UNITED KINGDOM

  61. alexis durham

    I am 13 I love horses I had one horse I want a job as a groomer so I can earn money to buy a more acers so I can git unwanted horses I can be a rider to so please give me a job

  62. Vinod

    Post Applied – GROOM
    • Name : Vinod Kumar Thakan
    Pass port No. : k3936723
    Father’s Name : Shri Ami Lal
    Date of Birth : 13.06.80
    Address : Vill./Post-Ardawa, Teh. Chirawa, Dist-Jhunjhunu (Raj.)
    •Contact – 00971501136899
    •Sex : Male
    •Nationality : Indian
    Qualification:-• Secondary Pass Board of Raj., Aimer or computer depalioma.
    Language Knowledge : English, Hindi, Arabic
    3 YEAR EQUESTRION TRINIG -Army Head Quarter School New Delhi.
    Working Experience:- U.A.E
    Endourance, Riding School, Show,Dressage, Show Jumping,Polo,Stalyan Handler , Mare Coverining , Folaing.
    Riding; Driving LGV license; Drive Horsebox; First-Aid;Schooling; Lunging; Bandaging; Plaiting; Clipping; Trim/Pull; Exercising, and all stable work.
    9May2004 to 15 April 2006 -Ajman Equestrian club-groom & rider(DUBAI)
    15April2006 to July2008- Ajman police officer House Asstaient , Horse Riding ,Driver (dubai)
    4Jan2009 to 17 Mar 2010 –Baby shop LLC. Delavery /Driver -3Ten pick up (Dubai)
    22Mar2011 to 22june 2011-Ramada Chelsea Hotel Al Barsha Dubai.-Air pot Drop &pick-up, City tour, Valet parking-Driver (Dubai)
    12Nov2012=Zeebal place ( UAE Vice President, Prime Minster and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum HOUSE ) –Rider & Driver(Dubai)
    I have good knowledge for my working field.
    I m careful and Safely Riding & driver, Honest hard working & best performer.
    Place : Dubai Date:01/01/2013 Signature
    (Vinod Kumar Thakan)

  63. Grace

    Hello my name is Grace I am 17 years old, and i have been working with horses since i was 7 years old! They are my whole life and it would be a dream to work with them as a job. I live on a farm so i have plenty of experience with hard work. I am a fast learner, and a hard worker! If there is anyone who needs a groom, or stall cleaner i am looking for a summer job. Thanks for your time!
    My email is

  64. michael j

    My name is Michael J, I love horses and have always wanted to work with them and learn more. I have experience riding and caring for horses and would love to do it on a regular basis. I’ve never been on anything except trail rides and basic ranch help, but I would love to learn more about tack and ranch life as well as herding and possibly training. I have always had report with animals and they seem to respond well to me and I them. I find being around horses relaxes and excites me at the same time, and I would love to have my own ranch one day. I am honest and hard working, 33, and currently in bernalillo, NM looking for work fairly close to my school. I will be finishing school some time late next year or early 2015, so I would need some morning work, as my classes are in the evenings now. Please let me know if there is anything else I can answer. I am available asap and am excited to get started.

    1. STARI DUD

      We are looking for a person who will help us with our 8 horses on the farm. Groom, ride and guide our guest on trails. Accommodation in a separate apartment on the farm. Help needed April-October 2015. More details on Your application please send via e-mail on our contact address.

  65. meetu

    hi my name is meetu i like hores job 28 years old 8 years exp hores job i am speek lang english and italian i like job groom

    1. STARI DUD

      We are looking for a person who will help us with our 8 horses on the farm. Groom, ride and guide our guest on trails. Accommodation in a separate apartment on the farm. Help needed April-October 2015. More details on Your application please send via e-mail on our contact address.

  66. Aly

    I’m 14 years old and I live in Manitoba, Canada. I love working with animals especially with horses because I ride a horse myself. I was wondering if anyone wanted help in a stable cleaning, grooming or taking care of their horses. I would like to be paid in free or cheap lessons not in cash. I am still in school and am flexible in the summers.

  67. francis

    I had experience with horses for 11 years’ as a rider & also im a tartanilla driver in the phlipines this my contact#.+639222124849

  68. Ona

    Good evening, I am writing from Mar del Plata, Argentina, my name is Ona Kasatkin. We are two girls who are searching for a job with horses, to work as grooms, or anything related to horses, next year (december, january, february). I practice horse juimping. I have three training jumpers, so I have experience working with horses and I am also a college student of busisines administration. My friend Sofía Chierichetti is a veterinarian student that specialices In horses. We both have experience with daily cares of horses and riding. (We both have italian passports)
    Yours sincerely,
    Ona kasatkin and Sofia Chierichetti

  69. savannah

    Hi I am a huge horse lover and I know how to groom a horse and stuff like that. I want to work with horses but the only thing is that I can’t find a job before the end of summer. Does anybody have a place where they are hiring 13 or under?

  70. jasher khan

    Hi i love the horses job 10yearr experienc i can do the grooming bandegs injections i worrk in past 6 trainers as a assistant just 2 american and2 from ierland and 2 from fance now i want to say something my self i m uneducated but i trust my experien. In past i was in saudiarabia and now i m n home if u need some body please inform me and i trust myself that i will never make hopeless to any one and this is my,atitude

  71. abdul wahid

    hi i am abdul i loking horse stable job i am 12 year exp i am working anantara desert islands staff hotel in horse stable in abu dubai i am doing riding as well be for i working al shara horses stable 4 year as hand groom please do some thing my self. bundle of thanks /wahid mob no 00971509217996

  72. SaKiL ALi

    Hi i m working three years navy polo club’and two years abu dhabi eq. Club and one years johor polo club malasia so i have good ex. Horse handle….. i need job plzzzzz cont . Me. 00917891325374 and my email

    Sakil ali budana

  73. Zondralynne

    My name is zondra and I am 15. I am looking for an equine job. I have enough experience with barn manager, grooming, horse training, and stall mucking. I live around the Mobile, Alabama area. I have 7 of my own. I want to be a vet, I know how to take care of hurt horses and suck ones as well. I’ve trained 3 out of 7 of my horses and Is working on one now. I’ve adored horses from big to small or nice and mean. I’m wanting a job so I can get new horse tack and a new horse.

  74. Ella

    Hi my Name is Ella, I am 13 turning 14 I have been around horses before i have walked trotted and cantered i am NOT a professional but I have always wanted to work with horses even if it was just looking after someones horse for a while or grooming etc i would love to have a job working with horses, such as grooming,leading, Riding, Mucking out stalls. you can contact me on 0421474323 Thankyou 🙂

  75. Tiffany

    Hello, I’m 23 have been around horses for about 2-3 years maybe longer, ever since I was young but lately I have been working a regular job. I was in competitive show jumping. I’m looking to work with horses again. I have trained horses in show jumping but at the basic level and did mucking, grooming, training, etc. looking for an entry position to get more experience and refresh my skills. I enjoy working with horses, they are beautiful creatures.


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