Horse Jobs – Farrier or Blacksmith

Man shoeing a horse

One of the first numbers on any horse owner’s speed dial, the farrier provides an essential service. All horse jobs are physically demanding, but this one is especially so.

Strength & Knowledge

This is a position which benefits from a physical strength, the ability to work with multiple animals and a strong knowledge of horse anatomy. A blacksmith deals with the business end of any horse – their iron-shod feet. There is never enough experience in this line of work.

Strong problem solving skills, an eye for detail and the ability to think on your feet are important building blocks towards a successful career as a blacksmith.

Job Description

Responsible for the trimming, shoeing, health and overall well being of all feet in their charge, the blacksmith has a personal responsibility to each individual animal. They work closely with trainers, barn managers and barn foremen to establish a healthy foot routine for each horse.

To clear up any confusion, a farrier works specifically with horses, although they need training as a blacksmith to learn techniques for shaping the shoes. In short, all farriers are blacksmiths, but not all blacksmiths are farriers.


Handling a variety of animal temperaments
Developing specific trimming schedules for many animals
Know the movement of each animal
Trimming of feet to encourage natural movement
Measurement and selection of the proper shoes
Forging and shaping shoes to fit & attaching them with nails
Providing solutions for lame animals and preventing further injury
Correcting bad and misshapen feet
Educating horse owners about hoof care


Requirements vary from country to country and many have farrier associations which offer different levels of certification programs and endorsement. The more certification and training, the better the work. This is a job which requires skill with blacksmith tools/ methods and a strong understanding of horse anatomy and foot disease. Most horse owners will agree, the more experience the better.

There is a great deal of job security for a farrier (especially a good one), horse hooves will always need someone to trim them.


A few places to start if you are interested in a career as a farrier.

*Links open in a new window
The World Farriers Association
Brotherhood of Working Farriers Association
Farrier Industry Association
American Farriers Association
European Federation of Farriers Associations
The Farriers Registration Council
Professional Farriers & Blacksmith Association
New Zealand Farriers Association
Western Canadian Farriers Association

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

Please be aware that when you post your personal information in the comments it is public and can be used by anyone. Protect yourself and keep identifiable information (like last name, email, address and phone numbers) out of public online spaces.

110 Comments on “Horse Jobs – Farrier or Blacksmith

  1. Joao Freitas

    Hello, iam a portuguese qualify farrier currently working in Ireland. Would like to work and see other countries, can anyone point me some direction web sites that recruit farriers, maybe!! would prefer racing industry, good experince on the field, i like to help horses recovering or preventing serious injuries with ortophedic shoes, etc. Very good descrition of the requirements to become a farrier.
    Thanks for ur time Joe

      1. Mark Hester

        Hello Alya,
        I am a Master farrier from ireland and have vast experence in all aspects of farrier and have work with olympic team farriers internationally i am interested in a new position and new challange .
        regards mark

        1. unib

          we are a UAE based company and we are looking for experience farrier please send us your CV job is available from next month

          1. jai singh

            Dear Sir,
            as per your requirement of farrier in UAE.
            My self, farrier with experience of more than 8years at Mumbai & Pune race course in India.
            Kindly, contact on the above given e-mail, so that we can send you our CV on your respective e-mail address.

            Awaiting for your kind reply
            Jai Singh

          2. Aarif ali

            Arif ali
            Dear sir
            As per your
            Requirement of farrier in
            Dubai (UAE)
            My self.farrier
            Experience of more then 10
            Years dehli saudi arab dubai. Malaysia

          3. Aarif ali

            Arif ali
            Dear sir
            As per your
            Requirement of farrier in
            Dubai (UAE)
            My self.farrier
            Experience of more then 10
            Years dehli saudi arab dubai. Malaysia
            My age 32

        2. Manogaran

          Hello, my name is Manogaran from malaysia. I am a very well experienced farrier with 20 years of experience looking for a farrier job. Please someone let me know if there is a farrier job available for me. Thank you…if so please e-mail me at .

          1. Sean Gamble

            If anymore vacancies come up , please could you get in touch with me, had nearly 30 yrs experience in all aspects of shoeing , would be most grateful , many thanks s gamble

          2. Tournier Stephan

            – Over 25 years of Experience Worldwide, including 5 years of training at the farrier’s school in France and French Cavalry.
            – 2 Olympic games and many international Competitions. I worked with top riders in the USA such as Steffen Peters with Ravel
            – I developed high skills for Lameness issues, all levels of competition and any aspect of hoof care
            – Have recommendation letters from Olympic riders and director if need.
            – Leaving actually in Australia
            – Profesional email :

            Stephan Tournier

          3. Ben Howson

            I am an English trained farrier trained by previous world champion farrier. Looking for a new challenge abroad. Currently 32 years old and half 12 years shoeing experience. My email is

    1. ?

      For those girls out there enquiring about being a farrier…I am a fully qualified female farrier from the UK (DipWCF). I have shod horses for 12 years. It all depends how many horses you want to shoe as to how much you earn, but I earnt about 40k-50k a year (english pounds) Its a good living if you work hard, but it is back breaking and you will have rough hands! Its not a job for the weak!!

  2. Tara

    i got a question i went to a horse trader and i fell in love with this horse and the man told me she had a big leg but she dose not favor it all the other horses were in the thousands but she was only 150 dollars should i get her or is it just gonna be a big vet bill

    1. Jerseycowboy

      Hello Tara, Since your getting the horse cheap there is a reason for that. Maybe you should get a vet to check the leg before you buy the horse. Since the horse is cheap, you might spend another couple hundred on a vet check, just to make sure, it would be worth it in the long run. You could get a horse that cannot be rode for long periods of time, and could be lame during different weather condition thru the year. If you like to ride a lot get a sound horse. if you just want to help the horse and take care of him as a pet then that is up to you. Good luck John

    1. francis

      if you are still lookig for a farrier could please email with details. i am a part one reg farrier in the uk looking to move.

    2. A. Tilley


    3. shabir hussain

      hi simona:

      i am shabir hussain,nationality in united arab emirates,im looking for horse farrier 18 years working as a farrier here in united arab emirates.i want to work in another country,co’z my salary here is not enough to very interesting for ur reply.thank u so much.

      shabir hussain

  3. chris bunting

    i am a uk qualified farrier ,also a registered euro farrier i have 30 years experience shoeing all types of equine and i am looking to relocate , any suggestions please

    1. steven bigg dip,wcf

      Dear Chris

      If you are still looking for a position please send a cv to this email and i will foward it on . the yard i work is about 30 mins outside Dubai

      1. Todd

        Do you know of any farriery work going in the UAE at the moment or upcoming.

        Have 10 yrs experience shoeing racehorses.

        If you need me to send a cv let me know.

  4. German farrier martin

    Hi i am a farrier from Germany And work more than 7years in my Job And Looking now for a good Job all over the World . I can work with Hot or Cold shoing Steel. Alu. Plastic Shoes all orthpaedics. I have apprentice being dressage . Jumper. Racehorse . Western . Polo. The Big ones And more . In the Moment i work in Cologne As selfmade . Are you interest please Mail me ob See you Soon

  5. Hank D.

    I’m looking to retire and would like to sell my farrier business which I have been doing for 24 years. I would sell my van which has been motified for my horse shoes, forge, drill press etc. If you are hard working you will make over 100,000 Cdn a year.

  6. Andrew Davison

    Hi Hank

    I am a british farrier with a Canadian wife currently working in Qatar. could you please let me know where you are situated , and what sort of figures you had in mind .

    Kind regards Andrew

  7. Ryan

    I am looking for an ATF to take me on to do my apprenticeship, i am from Northern Ireland but am willing to travel to Britain or stay in Ireland due to lack of job opportunities in the north. I have work experience with an Irish Master Farrier and can get a reference if required.

    If you are looking for an apprentice please get in contact.

    Many thanks


  8. German farrier martin

    Hello iam Search for a good Job all over the World . In the moment i am Working on thoro breads in Cologne in racesport.
    I m able to make shooin for all horses and Sport activities.
    By example dressage, Jumper , militairy, iceland horses, racehorses and more .
    I can make Hot or Cold shooing . I have learn by One of the Best Cold shooing farrier in Germany .
    Are you interesses Mail me cu

  9. bernard murray

    Hi hank,

    Im an irish farrier with 20 years experience and im currently looking for an opportunity to relocate with my wife and 3 little daughters…maybe you could get back to me with some more information please.


  10. Randy

    I am a farrier in the Southwest U.S. have 23 years experience with Performance Horses, Cold/Hot/Minor Corrective Work, Broncs, Mules, Young Horses and Drafts. I also break and start horses and mules to ride or drive. Relocation is not a problem!

  11. ben

    after a year at cololege studying equine i will be looking to get an apprentaship as a farriar, could anyone give me any advice?

  12. German farrier martin

    Hello i Search for a good Job all over the World As farrier i am a specialist for racehorses and work in the Moment in Cologne .
    In the Moment i make shooing for 200 racehorses in a Month between 80 – 100 horses .
    But i want to See more iam Young und Gould like See more about horses all over the World if someone are Interessed please Mail me at


  13. Emily rose

    Hi everyone, i will soon be leaving school in june next year im a current year 11. i have been to visit a lot of colleges recently looking to study along the lines of agriculture farming, and animal care also hore management, since iv been around horses nearly half my life and have worked up from the bottom of knowing nothing at a small riding school to wellington riding in hook, and my first hore being an ex racer who was poorly treated and still very green at the age of 9, then went on to my second being a pony because i love naughty and cheeky ponys who is now 22 and retired due to check ligament ingury and lameness through out the last year and a half. im very intrested in a farriers apprenticeship, if any one could help im keen to learn more and understand more of the work of a farrier. thankyou x

  14. henry

    hi my names henry , im a farrier from ireland , iv been a farrier for 19 years ,i am looking for full time job in one yard or two to three no more anywhere in the world ,i have been brought up with horses since i was a little fella , i have great patients with horses ,and a great overall knlowege , i can send video of me shoeing if wanted ,contact no = 00353861055222 or e mail

  15. Anders Löfström

    My names Anders from Sweden.
    Iv been a fulltimefarrier for 25 years. All breeds.
    Do to the cold weather here id like to relocate to warmer climate anywhere in the world.
    Any suggestions?

    cellnr 0046706908506 email

  16. Attila Fišteš

    Hello! My name is Attila and I live in the state of Serbia. I work a job and a good horse farrier blacksmith himself. Potkivački job I learned from my grandfather and dad, I would like to find a job anywhere in the world to work on a horse farm, whether someone can help me in this please. My contact mail is! I thank!

  17. Ron Stanley

    I am a horseman. Also a farrier. Healthy Stride endorsed. Lost everything. Looking for a fresh what I do

  18. Marco van Evert


    I am a Dutch Farrier, and i would love to work in Great Britain.

    I am ready fore a new challange!

    Please react if you no something intressthing!

    Thanks, Marco.

  19. Al-Muzdaher Racing Stable

    Hi All
    we are racing stable and breeding stable in Bahrain we need a farrier for our racing stable around 70 horses if somebody interested please write me in this e-mail please send your CV. Thank you

  20. richard holmes

    iam a farrier working in the south of the united kingdom, but looking to relocate sumwhere within the uk or abroad, i have an extensive knowledge and experience of shoeing of all types of animal within the equine industry. please contact me on 07530664303 or email me fo more details. regards richard.

  21. Colin Williams

    Ex military farrier D.I.P W.C.F. B2 looking to relocate to new Zealand or austraila , does anyone know of a farrier who is willing to sponser me.
    I have 16 years experience and run my own business.
    Hope someone can help.
    Thanks colin

  22. Robert Linde

    recently moved to escalon califofnia looking for horses to work on i have over thirty years expeirence shoeing any sugestions?

  23. William

    Hi i am an australian farrier with over 15 years experience as a farrier looking for work within the UAE or abroad, currently finished my contract in Dubai and looking for work ASAP get in touch for details CV etc. 00971508427032 William

    1. waqas ahmed

      i am waqas hussain nationality in oman im looking fou horse farrier 6 years working as a farrier here in oman.i want to work in another country co z my salary here is not enough to very interesting fou ur reply.thank u so much.

    2. seed al shamsi

      Hi waqas Ahmed
      Are still looking for a job , I have a horse club in UAE and looking for a horse Farrier send me u r email

  24. Keith

    That’s a good point that you stress the “experience” required as a farrier. Since most parts of the world, except for the UK, do not require any government-approved certification, farriery can be practiced by the inexperienced. So yes, as long as there are horses, their hooves will need to be trimmed and those with the experience will always fare well when looking for work.

  25. Mark H

    Master Farrier from Ireland with vast experience in all aspects of farriery, having worked with Olympic team farriers internationally and have also worked in the Middle East. I am interested in a new position and challenge, CV available email or call +353861777377., +966559142872 – Mark

  26. Mahesh chandra shrestha

    I want to know the detail information about the horse job in serbia,just as which language is spoken mostly in serbia?Do i need to learn language or english language is enough? is life secure their in serbia?What is the expected salary given to the foreign employeers?what are the required documents?is there the facility of the accomodation?If i get the job where will be the location in serbia?

  27. marvin leal

    hi im marvin leal ive been working at sta.ana horse racing since 1996,ive been lookimh for a job as farrier a know alot of horses,,,ive trying to enter this site to have a job in abroad..pls give an oppurtunity to work with you,,thanks ang god bless



  29. German farrier master

    Hello i am a High qualified farrier Master in Germany
    I want to go to the uae . In Germany i have my Own Company but the politician and the High taxes bring me to go to another Place to Earn Money for better live . I am able to do all shoeing hot Or cold for all Horses and Sports . I am 8years in my Job . Contact me e-Mail Thanks


    without good feet a horse cannot work and proper shoeing is absolutely essential

    A simple error, such as a nail in the wrong place, a shoe which is too tight, or

    the foot trimmed to the wrong angle, can cause chronic lameness an terrible

    deformities of the leg over time . no leg no horse.

    Sir, my Name is Noor Bacha I worked 11 years as a FARRIER in Multinational UK charity organization

    > BROOKE HOSPITAL FOR ANIMAL Which working in 13 country from Since, Last 75 years
    > including Pakistan.

    > And also 2 years in UAE Abu Dhabi Almotawa Stable. now i am intrusting work
    > in yours Stud stable. in KSA
    > Now i am in Pakistan contact mobile no: 00923314272046
    > be side Farriery i have Multifal working experience in equine
    > Best . regards.


    without good feet a horse cannot work and proper shoeing is absolutely essential

    A simple error, such as a nail in the wrong place, a shoe which is too tight, or

    the foot trimmed to the wrong angle, can cause chronic lameness an terrible

    deformities of the leg over time . no leg no horse.

    Sir, my Name is Noor Bacha I worked 11 years as a FARRIER in Multinational UK charity organization

    > BROOKE HOSPITAL FOR ANIMAL Which working in 13 country from Since, Last 75 years
    > including Pakistan.

    > And also 2 years in UAE Abu Dhabi Almotawa Stable. now i am intrusting work
    > in any Stud stable. job
    > Now i am in Pakistan contact mobile no: 00923314272046
    > be side Farriery i have Multifal working experience in equine
    > Best . regards.


    without good feet a horse cannot work and proper shoeing is absolutely essential

    A simple error, such as a nail in the wrong place, a shoe which is too tight, or

    the foot trimmed to the wrong angle, can cause chronic lameness an terrible

    deformities of the leg over time . no leg no horse.

    Sir, my Name is Noor Bacha I worked 11 years as a FARRIER in Multinational UK charity organization

    > BROOKE HOSPITAL FOR ANIMAL Which working in 13 country from Since, Last 75 years
    > including Pakistan.

    > And also 2 years in UAE Abu Dhabi Almotawa Stable. now i am intrusting work
    > in any Stud stable. job
    > Now i am in Pakistan contact mobile no: 00923314272046
    > be side Farriery i have Multifal working experience in equine
    > Best . regards.

  33. Chris

    Hi all.
    Chris here. I am a fully qualified irish farrier with DipWCF qualifications. Looking for employment abroad. Have vast experience in the thoroughbred and stud industry.
    My contact details are 00353876248289 or

  34. Charles

    Hello, my name is Charles, I am a qualified irish master farrier. I am currently working in Ireland and would like to spend from October to January working in another country as it is my quiet time of the year and I would like to take this opportunity to broaden my working expertise.

  35. Nasir Mehmood

    I am Nasir Mehmood from Pakistan currently working in Malaysia in a polo club as a farrier/Blacksmith. now i am looking for a farrier job in I already worked in saudi Arabia and in Karachi race club as a Farrier.can somebody give me direction where i go to apply for this job


    Nasir pakistan

  36. johnfinnery

    i am a working farrier in ireland , would like the challenge of hoofcare in dubai , i have 10 years exsperience,i have the dip.w.c.f

  37. Harry

    UK Qualified Farrier DipWCF with 8 years shoeing experience (various breeds and work types) looking to relocate abroad. Outgoing, hardworking, friendly, keen to learn, enthusiastic, polite and motivated with a high standard of shoeing.


  38. darren

    hi my son is a qualified farrier british trained and born he is looking for work in dubai can anybody advise me please thankyou.


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