Horse Jobs – Broodmare Manager

Broodmare Manager

Broodmare manager is a position usually found in larger breeding establishments and they work closely with the breeding manager who oversees large breeding operations.

What You Need

Managing mares is a very hands on position and requires a person with strength of body and mind. Those interested in this position should have some experience with mares in season and in foal. This is a position which benefits from a teamwork attitude, strong attention to detail and a thorough knowledge of the life and cyclical changes of the female horse.

The ability to be firm but with a gentle touch, a deep understanding of equine nutrition and a strong love for the animal are traits of a well-placed broodmare manager.

Job Description

Often only found in large facilities, the broodmare manager has a very dedicated job, but a cyclical one. Depending upon the size of the establishment the duties may vary.


General care of broodmares & broodmare herd
Scheduling of routine vet checks and farrier visits
Developing and maintaining feed, vitamin and supplement schedules
Administration of medication
Coordination & scheduling of live breeding schedules
Handling stallions mares for live breeding
Artificial insemination of mares
Foaling process & postpartum care
Communication with different parts of the facility


Although invariably in this case experience is the best teacher. However, the more specific the job, generally the more education may be required. Some places may be looking for someone with certification in equine nutrition while others may only hire applicants with a bachelors in animal or veterinary science. Although often in the horse world experience is held in higher regard than formal education.

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

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3 Comments on “Horse Jobs – Broodmare Manager

  1. bethany diplock

    this seems pretty cool but what are the ages for all jobs you didnt incloude that im 14 and im looking for different kinds of horse jobs for when i graduate high school so it would help if you could give so more aditional information please thanks

  2. Paige

    Hi Bethany,

    Thanks for your comment. Each job description will show education requirements for that specific job. Some of them are difficult to find information for, so I’ve added what I was able to track down.

    Perhaps your best bet is to check with local stables and see if they can use an extra hand. You can also try looking through our job postings section for horse jobs worldwide.

    Good luck in your search.


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