Horse Documentaries

The horse movies post has been popular, we decided to put together a list of horse documentaries too. For each film we added links to where they can be purchased on Amazon, along with their IMDB information & either a trailer or a clip of the film (where we could find them).

Barbaro – A Nation’s Horse (2007)

Barbaro - A Nation's HorseNarrated by Bob Costas, this is the inspirational story of Barbaro & features interviews with his owner, trainer, vet & jockey as well as exclusive footage of some of his most famous races. Proceeds from DVDs go to the Barbaro Fund.

Amazon | IMDB | Clip of the Film

Brumby: Horse Run Wild (1998)

Brumby: Horse Run WildHorses were first brought to Australia 200 years ago and since then they have taken to the wild and adapted to their environment. This video discusses the Brumbys in Australia and the unique challenges they face there.


El Caballo: The Wild Horses of North America (2007)

El Caballo: The Wild Horses of North AmericaHorses made their way to North America via Spanish explorers & eventually became the wild horses of America. This documentary discusses the encroaching development that is rapidly displacing the animals.

Amazon | Movie Trailer

Horses of Gettysburg (2006)

Horses of GettysburgOne edition of a PBS series called Civil War Minutes (both & Union perspectives). This edition is narrated by Ronald F. Maxwell & shows how horses were used in the war & the bonds soldiers grew with them.

Amazon | Clip of the Film

Horses of the World (2005)

Horses of the WorldAn entertaining educational film that explores the varied world of horses from Lipizzaner Stallions at the Spanish Riding School of Vienna to the equine animal in the modern circus. Celebrating their contribution to mankind.


Kentucky Derby Greatest Moments (2009)

Kentucky Derby Greatest MomentsDocuments great moments of one of the most well-known races in America The Kentucky Derby. With performances by War Admiral, Secretariat & Barbaro you’ll see some of the most famous horses to set foot on American racetracks.


Nature – Horses (1982)

Nature - HorsesOne of a documentary series on nature, this is the horse edition. This is a box set with two videos, one illustrates three different riding disciplines & the other discusses the wild horses of Mongolia & stars Julia Roberts.
Amazon | Movie Trailer

Paso Fino: The Natural Horse (2006)

Paso Fino: The Natural HorseHow much do you know about the handsome & versatile Paso Fino? They hail from a variety of countries & are prized. This film discusses the rich history, evolution & the modern day Paso Fino of Puerto Rico.


Riding the Icelandic Horse (1998)

Riding the Icelandic HorseDeveloped to help riders understand the gaits particular to the Icelandic horse and the different style used by Icelandic riders. Great for beginners or those interested in that specific breed.


Saddles & Silks – A Jockey’s Story (2005)

Saddles & Silks - A Jockey's StoryA look into the life of a Thoroughbred racing jockey, an incredibly demanding & dangerous career. This film shows youngsters that being a jockey isn’t as easy as it looks & doesn’t always end in the winner’s circle.


Seabiscuit – America’s Legendary Racehorse (2003)

Seabiscuit - America's Legendary RacehorseA documentary that takes a closer look at those who loved & worked with Seabiscuit, that loveable racehorse. Tells the story of his owner, trainer & jockey. Includes interviews & race footage.


Seabiscuit – The Lost Documentary (1939)

Seabiscuit - The Lost DocumentaryThe original documentary made in 1939 by Seabiscuit’s owner Charles Howard. The film follows the life of Seabiscuit from birth to some of his legendary races. An interesting view of the horse’s life from the perspective of his owner.

Amazon | IMDB | Movie Trailer

The American Experience – Seabiscuit (2003)

The American Experience - SeabiscuitThis documentary was made in 2003 & tells the story of Seabiscuit, the horse who inspired a nation during the great depression. This film is more about the depression era & the Seabiscuit’s affect on the people of the US.

Amazon | IMDB

The First Saturday in May (2007)

The First Saturday in MayThe film follows the intertwining path of 6 racehorses & their trainers working towards the 2006 Kentucky Derby, (one of which is the legendary Barbaro). A look inside the lives of the trainers as they work their animals toward the common goal.

Amazon | IMDB | Movie Trailer

The Icelandic Horse (2008)

The Icelandic HorseThe Icelandic breed has remained totally pure for the last 1000 years, into an animal with unique gaits & a great temper. This film discusses how they were key to Viking survival & have become a cornerstone of life in Iceland.

The Last Victory (2003)

The Last VictoryA film about Tuscany’s Palio race, an 80 second bareback race that dates back to the middle ages. The district of Civetta hasn’t won a Palio in 23 years & this year they have lucked upon a horse that is sure to make them proud.

Amazon | IMDB | Movie Trailer

The Little Horse That Could: The Connemara Stallion, Erin Go Bragh (1996)

The Little Horse That Could: The Connemara Stallion, Erin Go BraghA documentary about a Connemara stallion eventing horse named Erin Go Bragh & his owner Carol Kozlowski. It details everything from daily care, to training to the unfolding of actual events. For horse lovers of all ages.

Amazon | Movie Trailer

The Royal Art of Riding (2006)

The Royal Art of RidingFilmed in Spain, Germany & Denmark with a soundtrack performed by the Royal Philharmonic of Denmark, this documentary takes a look at riding when it was more than just sport, it was an artform.


The Trail of Painted Ponies (2003)

The Trail of Painted PoniesThe trail started as public art for charity in New Mexico when 118 artists put their mark on life-sized polyurethane horses sculpted by artist Star Liana. Since then the trail has spread across the US, with artists all over the country contributing.

Amazon | Movie Trailer

The True Story of Hidalgo (2008)

The True Story of HidalgoWas the story of Hidalgo true? Frank T. Hopkins claims that his paint mustang Hidalgo won over 400 distance races & the 3000 mile Arabian Desert endurance race. The History Channel investigates his claims to find proof of his tale.


Wild Horse Redemption (2007)

Wild Horse RedemptionSet in the foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, this documentary covers the use of inmates to break & train wild mustangs for adoption. This story follows the stories of both the inmates & the horses.

Amazon | IMDB | Movie Trailer

Win, Place, Show – The History of Horse Racing (2001)

Win, Place, ShowAn intense look at “The Sport of Kings” and some of the most famous racehorses ever to set hoof on the track. Provides a comprehensive look of racing over the years as well as examining the state of horse racing today.


Women in American Horse Racing (2007)

Women in American Horse RacingA documentary that delves into the world of females in the racing industry, featuring interviews with jockeys, executives, grooms & vets. Learn about how women worked their way onto the track & on the horses of the racing world.


Know Something We Don’t?

There is no doubt that more horse documentaries exist & we will continue to add them as we find them. In the meantime, if anyone can recommend a good one, please leave it in the comments below.

Be sure to check out an even longer list of horse movies too.

16 Comments on “Horse Documentaries

  1. Dee Dee

    Thanks for another great list! My daughter is getting into racing (gulp) and I think I will order her the Women in American Horse Racing dvd for Xmas! 🙂
    Good work! Tweeted it.

  2. Cara

    These are great! I was wondering if the “Cloud” mustang series has been requested. There are three available so far. They are brilliant. 🙂

  3. Jason

    You will absolutely need to add. BUCK the movie 2011 ( buck brannaman) Awesome movie ! And there is also Monty Roberts: A Real Horse Whisperer 1998

  4. Kim

    Well, I came here looking for info on a documentary called “A Horse’s Life.” It was part of a set of 3 which also included “A Dog’s Life” and “A Cat’s Life.” The videos showed a lot about the science of the animals and showed how the animals instincts serve them in the wild and as domestic animals. For instance, the one on cats showed their sense of smell visually, with colored ‘odors’ coming from everything in a room, and explained how cats can synthesize this far better than we could. Anyway, I want the set, they are all excellent. I saw them more than 15 years ago, I believe. If anyone finds them, please let me know at blackwood13 at yahoo dot com. Thanks!

  5. Robin Rosenthal

    You forgot our Eclipse award-winning horseracing documentary series “On the Muscle: Portrait of a Thoroughbred Racing Stable! (can be purchased either on our website ( or on Amazon. Thanks!

  6. Nicole

    I am looking for a horse documentary that I heard about on the radio. I think that it was called “War Horse” but when I search for that it does not show up. The documentary was described as being how the horse has been used in war and talks about how many horses have died in war. I know that there is the Gettysburg documentary but the description of that movie does not have many similarities with the one that I heard about. Can someone please help me? I would love to watch this movie!

    1. Mike

      Yes, it was a British four-part series from the mid-to-late 1990’s. I’ve tried finding it too, but no luck. It’s excellent.

    2. Tracy

      I have gotten this movie from Netflix. I think it is called War Horses or something. It is excellent and sad.

  7. jane

    ^^@Nicole, the video you are looking for is a movie coming out on Dec 25th 2011 called War Horse. Its a full length feature film and looks amazing!


    My niece loved the video “Women in
    Ametican Horse Racing”. She loved the
    interview of the enthusiastic young girll as
    she was just 10 years ago. All the prominent
    women in racing as well as outriders, trainers,
    and world class female jockeys. The backside
    of the track is some what humble yet
    all interviewed love their job. With a good track record her 9 year old
    thourobred is of “Man of War” lineage. Now a show horse
    she loves the competion. GREAT DVD.

    mind for B-DAYS for other horse lovers

  9. Barwonview

    There was a documentary on horses in film, predominately about Australian movies, detailing the horses used and training methods. I think it aired in the late 80’s or early 90’s. It looked at I think Pharlap, maybe Archer, the Man From Snowy River, the CUB horses, etc. If anyone thinks they may have a title for me let me know as my tape has been lost over the years and I would love to obtain another copy.

  10. Ellie

    Here’s a really interesting documentary about horses:

    There was also another one on channel 4, aired in the uk once called ‘teenage horse whisperers’ which was actually really interesting. But unfortunately I can’t find it on DVD and it is not on catchup. I don’t know if it has been uploaded online. I personally have it saved on my TV recordings.

  11. Claes

    Ik heb in het verleden een film gezien over een wereld beroemd paard dat plotseling overleed en werd begraven in een speciaal gemaakte kist waarin hy werd begraven.ik zoek ook iets over Red Rum het paard dat 2of3 keer de derby in Engeland heeft gewonnen over die hoge hagen van bladergroen altyd in de maand Mei gehouden?????wie weet er iets van !?!?!?


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