Famous Racehorses That Will Run Right into Your Heart

Rarely do even higher profile racehorses earn themselves worldwide fame, however there are a select few that people seem to be drawn to. Many are inspired by the courage, passion and heart that these famous racehorses display.

Huge Hearts

I’m putting together a series of some of the more charismatic race horses, known not just for their speed, these animals are known for overcoming great odds and proving that heart can be enough.

Horse people love a good horse story, and several of the most famous racehorses were honored through books and film. Generally the rags to riches stories make for the best movies. While few of them are winning big awards, these movies win big hearts everywhere for one reason: their subject matter.

An Exciting Race

In the spirit of horse racing and to get everyone in the mood I found this clip that I was so excited about. Anyone who has read Seabisuit An American Legend or seen the movie Seabiscuit will appreciate it.

This clip is 1938 footage of the actual match race between Seabiscuit and his east coast rival, War Admiral. It’s quick and worth seeing because this is a horse race that inspired the American people during troubled times.


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