Does the Mythical Unicorn Exist or Not?

Painting of a woman with a unicorn

Pretty much everyone wants to believe in the magnificent unicorn. They are one of the mythical creatures that seem to be loved on the collective whole. Robert Vavra did a great job of convincing us all that they just might exist.

Worldwide Love Affair

There is unicorn mythology from all corners of the world, however, everyone has to make that call for themselves, even though most of us will continue to believe somewhere deep in our hearts. Perhaps that’s how they do exist, because so many people wish it to be true.

Skeleton of a unicorn

A Real Unicorn Skeleton?

This is convincing, although I doubt it’s validity. I was able to find news of a unicorn skeleton exhibition, but it was difficult to tell if it was this that was displayed.

It’s probably just a goat skeleton, but that doesn’t dull it’s cool factor.

Just like a Tiffany’s box, the packaging really sells it. Put a goat skeleton in a box with unicorns on the lid and viola you have unearthed a mythical being.

I’m not a total skeptic, but you’d think if someone found a real live unicorn skeleton there would be news about it somewhere.

The horn on the nose is really what looks fishy, however if it isn’t real it is a well done fake.

A Scientific Letdown

This guy doesn’t buy it, he’s a man of science and the scientific method has no time for magical horse beings, no matter how beautiful they are.

Proof For the Believers

If the above has made you skeptical, never fear, we left the best for last. Even if only a little part of you believes, this video is testimony enough.

If you like unicorns, read more about them. Check out the list of unicorn books I put together just for the unicorn lover in you.

1,174 Comments on “Does the Mythical Unicorn Exist or Not?

  1. Hanebara

    Is it that hard to type?

    And I don’t give a crap about the Bible. If it says that, then does that mean blind people can’t believe the world exists?

    O.O you’re not a people?

  2. gdwendyml

    MAKE a unicorn???
    and how do you propose to do that, huh?
    sure, lets take a dozen helpless young foals and deform their heads a bit shall we??? maybe drill a 30 centimeter long piece of bone through their forehead?

    I don’t care how much you LOVE unicorns, but that’s just dumb….

  3. Catherine

    i belive in them and what i think that every time someone says that they dont belive in uicorns one of them dies so start saying i belive in them cus i do so olz do it start anew genaration plz and io thank u

  4. Aly

    Can’t say if they exist or don’t but don’t use the logic of improbable body structure as a reason for them to not exist Bee have thrown that logic out the window sorry. Here’s hoping for a real one to turn up!

  5. NO1

    I’ve seen one!!!! believe what you want. With the exception of the goat example shown above. I didn’t believe they were in existence at all until that day, but there it was. It actually had the appearance similar to a Clydesdale but more muscular around the neck with ivory coloured hair. The incident still perplexes and confuses me to no extent… I should also add that I had not induced any psychoactive chemicals.

  6. hannaH

    u have lost it. i mean like lost it were it will never be found again. yeah i think there once were some sort of one horned horses. u crazy. get help.

  7. level-headed

    A chimaera? In nature it is not possible. That would be a genetcally designed creature. You sure you want to folloiw that thought?

  8. level-headed

    That is cruelty to animals. You do not hold the unicorn appropriate to the species.
    My advise: Get a shrink and private lessons.

  9. hippidion

    Don’t forget the Duelmener horses, the Sorraia, and the rebred Tarpans reintroduced into the wild in north Germany.

  10. Sceptic

    The video is a fake. In the still you can see a person with a halter. The language is german, therefore I would place the scene in the Alps. In the Alps are no wild horses, by the way.
    The conversation is rather stilted, too:
    ‘- That is beautiful (meaning the landscape)!
    – Really beautiful with all the greenery.
    – and all the trees!
    – What is that?
    – Look there, there in the middle!
    – You mean the gap there in the distance?
    – That is a (giggle)
    (Focusses on horse)
    – That is a cow or something.
    – Can’t see it anymore!
    – To the right? To the right!
    I don’t think that clip is due for an Oscar.

  11. hippidion

    you are right, that the re’em was a giant ox, probably the aurochs or ur (Bos primigenius). But the WORD unicorn does not come from re’em. That was a mistranslation from hebrew to the septuaginta bible. Actually, the hebrew word for unicorn is Had-Keren or Echad-Keren. ‘Unicorn’ derives from the Latin unus=’one’ and cornu= ‘horn’.
    But there are a lot of different names for the unicorn:
    Indrik (Russia)
    Qilin (China)
    Kirin (Japan)
    Shadhavar (Persia)
    HIPPOI MONOKERATA (ancient greek for the ‘indian unicorn’)
    Karkadann (Persia, Arabia, India)

  12. Keely

    hippidion I meant that the word unicorn in the Bible! Sorry for the misunderstanding (happens to me all the time I mis-word something and someone takes it the wrong way)

  13. hippidion

    No stress, Keely!
    That little misunderstanding gave me the opportunity to look up some old information. It is obvious, that the reports don’t describe all the same species of animal. As you pointed out, they can mean long horned bulls but rhinos, goats, deers and probably tapirs as well.
    Just a little titbit for the horsey unicorn fans:
    The greek description of the ‘Hippoi Monokerata’ (one-horned horses) might point to an actual equine: “In India there are wild asses [the Monokerata or Unicorns] as large as horses, or even larger. Their body is white, their head dark red, their eyes bluish, and they have a horn in their forehead about a cubit in length. The lower part of the horn, for about two palms distance from the forehead, is quite white, the middle is black, the upper part, which terminates in a point, is a very flaming red….These animals are very strong and swift; neither the horse nor any other animal can overtake them….”.That was written in the 4th ct BC by Ctesias in his ‘book’ Indica.
    If you allow for some artistic license,then the description fits quite well to the Kiang of Tibet and India. Their body is pure white, with a red head and blanketlike red patches on their backs. In summer the red is a bright chestnut or sorrel color in winter more brownish. Their long ears are white, red and black. When running, their ears point forward most of the time. Seen from a long distance they look more white than anything else and the forward pointing long ears look like a colorful horn. In the 4th. ct. BC horses had an average height of 125 to 135cm. The Kiang has/had a height of 140-150cm – ‘even larger than horses’ in old times. And they are swift – swifter than horses! They reach 70km/h on short distances, on long distances 50km/h. The Kiangs can keep that speed up for more than an hour! They are faster than any highly trained and bred thouroghbred! Racing-horses run up to 64km/h for a few hundred meters, then they drop down to about 50km/h but can’t keep that speed up for a long time.
    And… Kiangs are very graceful and beautiful.
    If you accept, that ‘Hippoi monocerata’ is the source of the medieval unicorn legends and that it describes a Kiang, then you have your answer: Unicorns are not mythical, they live among us.
    But the Kiangs are endangered, they are on the IUCN Red List of endangered species. Soooo…, IF YOU LOVE UNICORNS, HELP THAT THE KIANG DOESN’T DIE OUT!

  14. hippidion

    Perhaps I should explain it: some parts of a skeleton are very typical for a species. For horses and all other mammals it is the teeth and some parts of the leg and skull.
    A geologist, palaeontologist or zoologist is able to tell from a back tooth if it a horse, a goat, a rhino or any other living or fossil mammal. It is even possible to discern between the horse species by a single tooth.
    There was never found a horned skeleton which showed similarites to a horse or horselike mammal.
    But they have found giants in the Sivalik mountains in India. They are called Gigantopithecus and died out 300000 years ago. They stood about 3m (10ft) tall and weighed up to up to 540 kg (1,200 lb)- no joke.

  15. Catrin

    I love unicorns ! People have to believein them because they are real . You prove it very well on this site and the world should start to solve the big mystery now or later. We shouldnt live it behind us with so many things that show us that this magical and animals with heart live hear with us

    1. Michelle

      Ah, well, I’m afraid not. Unicorn comes from the Latin words Unus (one) and cornu (horn). I suppose this still works with your description. However, the only land animal ON EARTH that has a single horn (as a rule, not as a deformity) is the Rhinoceros.
      I’m in a state of disbelief that people actually think Unicorns are real. Seriously guys? it’s the 21st Century, horses don’t have horns, nor do they have the ability to shoot rainbows out of their asses, or whatever it is that people think they do. While this is an interesting article, I think I’m learning more by reading the comments.

  16. Tory

    Mustangs aren’t wild horses. There were once domesticated horses of the Spanish conquistadors and other European explorers of the ‘New World’ that escaped from their enclosures. Early native Americans hunted and killed all horses in North and South American. So Mustangs are feral horses, not wild horses.

  17. Chills

    Please I don see why people argue over these things it’s peoples beleives and why should we fight with them we are all one and maybe they did exsist the only reason you argue because you beleive the other person is wrong but please show me evidence saying they don’t/do exist because please if you put people down over their beleifs then you are a horrible person and you must think about these things.


    So who cares we maybe weird, and who cares that we can’t spell, NO ONE! You may not belive in anything but we do. And people sould be allowed to express their opinons I don’t care what you people think. People sould be allowed to belive in anything they want to, if you don’t think that then I hope you learn sooner or later anyone can do anything if thy put there mind to it,

  19. Keely

    according to your comment “People sould be allowed to belive in anything they want to” that means that if I think that you all are inferior to me I should go out and kill you, as the Nazis did to the Jews? or as the Japanese did to the Chinese in Unit 731? So because of my believe I can come and kill you?

    NOTE – I do not believe in people being my inferiors or killing them I used that as an example

  20. deformed_fork

    the original unicorn was not that horse like to begin with, it had a body that was closer to a deer or a goat then a horse, it was shorter then a horse, i think it must have been redesigned to look more noble by religion. so if unicorns do exist they might look very different form what we assume,

  21. Keely

    I think that unicorns are real, or where real at one time, I perfer to go with the first, I am working on a story about a unicorn. I think I will entitle it, The Stranger Horse, It’s ’bout a girl, who rides at this stable and she’s drawn to this one horse, but everyone is forbidden to ride it and she finds out it’s auctually a unicorn! Is that cool or what?

  22. Anna

    Unicorns dont use there horns for attacking…its their source of power–it stores there magic. And makes them imortal… as long as they have their horn their ageless… <:)

  23. Hello It's Me

    I do believe in unicorns, fairies, dragons, vampires, werewolves, etc.Think of what our world would be like without magic…..if magic was taken away from us, people would realize how important it is. Just because we cannot see these things, it doesn’t mean that they do not exist.Magic does not come because you want it to, it comes when you need it to. Or sometimes it comes when you don’t even know it. If you keep your eyes open, or more importantly your heart, you may catch a glimpse of something amazing =)

  24. Hello It's Me

    Uummm, that wouldn’t happen to work in the middle of the desert, would it? Cuz that’s kinda where I live…..but I do believe in unicorns!!!!!!!! I know that they exist it’s just that our world is filled with so much war, and violence, and hatred that they probably don’t wanna come out. I mean think about it, if you had the chance to escape this world every once in a while, wouldn’t you?

  25. Hello It's Me

    Wow, you’re a REALLY amazing writer!!! And everything about what you said was completely true, and I couldn’t agree more.Thank you so much for posting that comment, it was beautiful, and i enjoyed every word of it =)

  26. Hello It's Me

    Oh and for all of those people who say that they own a unicorn, why don’t they share any details, such as color,and stuff? …..just wonderin cuz I know a lot of people would really like to know these things….
    Thnx 8)


    thank you everyone for agree with me. Oh and people who want to write mean thing, dont write here, or go somewhere else and talk to other people who don’t belive in unicorn. Because I belive this website is only for people who don’t dis others.

  28. ***THaT GiRL***

    Well, just cuz they haven’t found anythin YET doesn’t mean that they will =) And even if somethin like that ain’t never found it doesn’t mean it ain’t out there 8D

  29. ***THaT GiRL***

    Uummm… I believe in unicorns, but I rreeaallyy don’t think you’ve ridden 1, or seen million a day and theyre only supposed 2 live n europe like n the mountains and woods…..idk bout beaches….

  30. L

    there are other ways to make uniforms than to physically deform one.
    have you ever heard of genetic modification.
    technology is advanced and scientists have been able to create glow in the dark fish, and pigs, and goats that produce spider silk. google it.
    im sure that if scientists really wanted to they could make a horse with a horn on it but it would be a waste of resources time and money when there are much more serious things to create like GM crops etc.

  31. Keely

    Well, you take the horn buds from a calf, and apply them to the skull tissue of a foal, unfortunately if you breed the horned horse the foal will not be horned. Because the horn is not in the horses DNA.

  32. level-headed

    Think logical! It is logically impossible to prove something doesn’t exist.
    Therefore scientist PRESUME, that it might be possible for Unicorns to exist/have existed. No one has proven, or shown reliable evidence for the existence of unicorns. As long as that continues unicorns are classified as mythical.

  33. level-headed

    Your’e right, most legends have a kernel of truth somewhere – but Jonny … got to the core of the thing: If unicorns exist, they are not mythical but real, if they are mythical they do not exist. The concepts exclude each other.
    The theme of the discussion would better be titeled ‘are unicorns real or not?’

  34. Arthur Kirkland

    Hello, all!

    It’s so wonderful to see many believers! I must say, cheers to you all! Unicorns do in fact exist, and although they are not as common as they once were, a small population still exists in Europe, particularly in the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

    Unfortunately, those who can see them are as limited as the unicorns. Only those with a pure mind can gaze upon them, and in today’s society, pure minds are few and far in between. Quite a few small children possess the sight, but hardly any are exposed to unicorns and other mythical beings, and when they are their parents assure them that they’ve seen nothing at all.

    It’s quite a pity, what our world has come to.

  35. Ryuu

    That Arthur dude’s post made me laugh out loud! I love when people try to sound sophisticated and whatnot by using words like that XDDD

  36. Unicorn Dreamer

    WHAT U NEED TO KNOW fascinater, is that comments like UR’s are BORING and IRRITATING! U have nothing to contribute. There has been 2 much fiction and not enough facts about unicorns. Facts are the fuel for imagination. I bet ppl finding facts about unicorns have SERIOUS FUN doing it. LOL


    Hello, anyone here?
    Did everyone dissaper, or run away?
    Or worse did everyone go extinct on me?


    people! People! People! Why can’t we belive what we want to? Why can’t you just not comment at all if your going to say something rude? WHY CAN’T THERE BE PEACE IN THE WORLD? Why fight about nothing, WELL THERE IS NO REASON TO! I mean come on use commen sence, whats the matter with you? All this fighting over nothing will bring war, your death, your familys death, and the death of your own loved ones.

    The young people sould be the ones making the place more peaceful, not making it worse. whats wrong with you people? Do want it to get worse? Or Do you want every one to put aside there diffrences and come together like we sould? WE NEED PEACE IN THE WORLD!

  39. Unicorn Dreamer

    Sorry, UNICORNS ARE SO REAL and I BELIVE IT! I just got really angry, but UR so right, tolerance is the key. Seems to me there are mythical unicorns and real unicorns.But I wonder, if unicorns exist(ed) where do/did they live? The location, the habitat?


    Unicorn Dreamer. you have a very good point. and I think anyone can be angry at anytime. me I try not to be angry, but i’m am always sad, even as we type. You know eveyone is different, we all have different opinons. EX) Some belive in unicorns, some don’t, Some like hip hop, some like rock. some like me are very open minded.


    Hello any one there or did I chase you all off? 🙁 🙁
    🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁


    Because no one is commenting. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 I’m not mean, I’m just trying to make the world a better spot. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 ;( 🙁 🙁 ;( 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
    ;( . 🙂


    🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

  44. Unicorn Dreamer

    Seems every1 is busy shopping for Xmas. Sorry to hear ur always sad. The unicorn is a powerful symbol. Call on it to chase the sadness away. Concentrate very hard on happy moments in the past and joyful events ur looking forward to. My spirit unicorn told me to look up the song ‘Memories’ from the old musical ‘Cats’. There r the lines:
    All alone in the moonlight
    I can smile at the old days
    I was beautiful then
    I remember the time I knew what happiness was
    Let the memory live again
    I must wait for the sunrise
    I must think of a new life
    And I musn’t give in
    When the dawn comes
    Tonight will be a memory too
    And a new day will begin
    If you touch me
    You’ll understand what happiness is
    A new day has begun

    ‘My’ unicorn told me that the will is mightier than the body, even mightier than ur genes. U know what? It worked! U believe in unicorns – get in contact with ur inner unicorn – it’ll chase ur sadness away for u just as it did for me. Just believe really hard in unicorns and joy!
    A new year’ll begin

  45. Unicorn

    You humans realy amuse me! We unicorns live among you and no one suspicts it. We are no goats. We hide as humans an change into our horse-form on moonless nites.


    Unicorn Dreamer.

    Thank you, you have helped me so much.
    It is very touching to know that people do actually care about each other.


    And I have to agree, eveyone is out christmas shoping. Why i’m going after I eat my dinner.



    How come you unicorns never show you selfs to people that you belive have pure hearts, or people who have a down right misrable life?(like me) Why don’t you help them? I have always belived in Unicorns and I always will, no one can or will change that. But until I really see one it will be hard to know that they are really real.

  49. Freya rose

    I really hate how some people only believe in what they’ve seen, i believe that all myths and legends come from truth, i’ve seen a unicorn when i was younger on a school trip and i tried to tell my class mates but they’d laugh and say “you liar” i’m happy that i have a wide vision and dont care what people think, ive started to study white witch craft and speak to a witch online she also believes its like dragons, we know dinosaurs walked the earth but as soon as someone mentions “magical powers” everyone laughs and disregards it.

    Freya Rose

  50. hippidion

    Freya rose – belief,faith and science do not mix well and it is best to keep them apart. To accept something as fact is not the same as believing it. And there are a lot of things no one has seen, that are accepted as fact. Atoms for example or time. It is important how you define magic. Most scientist are aware, that the magic of a century is the science of another. What we are doing just now would have been fairly magical for a 18th ct. person. Not all humans have the same perception, but tell me how do you tell apart the attention seeker from someone with a true experiance or observation? Just look at the fake videos – there are a lot of hoaxters around.

  51. Carlo R.C

    Hey everyone.
    I actually believe, or actually, I KNOW that unicorns exist!
    I saw one when I was in the forest, I was camping.
    It was midnight, and I heard a horse. I was so excided, so I desided to follow the sounds. I saw one unicorn, that was alone. I walked closer, and the unicorn saw me. I was actually a little bit unhappy before I saw the unicorn. I touched the unicorns horn and I became so happy!
    Actually the unicorn disapeared when my friend camed.
    The unicorn ran away. But I always dream about unicorns.
    I’m a believer.

    /// Carlo

  52. Candice

    I read a book today about a manuscript that was written by a man that saw a unicorn and had the horn of a unicorn but burried it to await the true owner. I don’t know if the book was true but I belive in unicorns.

  53. Unicorn Dreamer

    I wish U a Merry Christmas! Have joy – B HAPPY! The dark time’ll B over soon. When this holiday becomes a memory, may it B a treasure 4 the future.
    Best of the season to U!

  54. Unicorn Dreamer

    Hi, UNICORNS ARE SO REAL and I BELIVE IT! and all unicorn lovers. Merry Xmas to all of U! Have joy and happiness – the dark days’ll be over soon!

  55. meri-

    Carlo R.C, I know you’re lying. I’d bet a hundred dollars that you didn’t touch a unicorn horn.
    And you said ‘camed’ instead of ‘came’.

    What are you, like, 9?

  56. level-headed

    To Carlo R.C:
    Date, time, location, description, evidence? It was midnight, say dark. How did you know it was a horse? Horses move very silent in the night. More info, please.

  57. Mythical

    I believe in mythical creatures, i mean just because you haven’t seen one doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.

  58. Unicorn Dreamer

    have a Happy Happy New Year 2010!
    Does anyone know why all the comments from december are gone?

  59. Alize

    Hello everyone,

    I have a point I want to get across to everyone.
    Wether you believe in these creatures or not. Now me I do believe there could be creatures like this somewhere inthe world. I mean, why not? When platypus’s were first discovered and sent to america, it was thought to be a hoax. Due to its unatural form, it’s beaver-like tail, waterproof fur, webbed feet, and is considered a mammal that can lay eggs. Now to me that sounds amazing, an animal with qaulities from other animals. So if there is a platypus, why cant there be Unicorns?

    1. hippidion

      Platypus’ form is not unnatural, it’s just unlikely. They don’t have qualities from other animals the attributes you mentioned are all their own. The class ‘Monotremata’ to which they belong is older than birds or beavers. Platypus retained the egg-laying from their ancestors the Theropsids (mammal-like reptiles, stem-mammals). The bill is not like a bird’s bill, but very drawn out jaws. Just look at a platypus skeleton and you see the difference. Platypus is not a good exemple for your argument.
      A horse-like Unicorn is not unlikely, that is not the problem.
      The problem is, there is not one tiny little bit of reliable evidence. Read my posts from December, 2. + 3. 2009!
      A very strong correlation exists between body plan and size, habitat, social behaviour and feeding behavior. The ‘right’ environment for ungulates to evolve horns existed 23-20 million years ago, but the equids of that time did not meet the requirements for horns. At that time a fictive unicorn ancestor might have split off from the horse lineage. If that had happened, the resulting unicorn would be only a distant relative to today’s horses, asses, hemiones and zebras.
      Don’t jump to conclusions: The horse lineage is very well documented, there is no hint at all that anything like that ever happened.
      Later there where just not the right conditions to evolve horns. 20 Million years ago, the ancestors of our horses were 3-hoofed and looked more like a hornless deer or antelopes than a modern horse. An animal diverged at that time would not be very horse-like. I’m afraid the unicorn legends go back to garbled tales of kiangs, rhinos, oryx, onehorned deer and mutilated goats.

  60. Unicorn Dreamer

    Hm, first the december comments are gone, now they R back online but ev’rything is mixed up. What’s the matter?

    1. Unicorn

      Wipe the foam from ur mouth and stop wailin’. We Unicorns r really happy that humans no longer belive in us. Live has become very peeceful 4 us.

  61. lil miss cowgirl

    Wow, there sure are a lot of comments. I for one believe there may be unicorns, pegasus, as well as big foot, and has anyone heard of the chupracabra? There are so many things humans have not discovered so why can’t those things exist. I also believe in other life forms in another place in the universe, I mean seriously how can we be the only planet with life?? As for only believing things you can see…how do you believe in love, in God, in heaven, in miracles?? They are things you cannot see. And I know that cara posted this comment a long time ago but it is really messed up to say you are God. A werewolf or a vampire maybe…though I know if I was one I wouldn’t say it…but saying you are God, Come on now…


    Hello is anyone there? 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

  63. Unicorn Dreamer

    How r u? Seems there is some mix-up. I’ve found some new posts, but I had to search for ‘2010’ in this page to find’em.

  64. Show jumper x

    I believe that unicorns are real I have a good feeling about it, why would you make somthink up like that you would just have to be sad lol x

    1. spoilsport

      Why? Because someone heard a fantastic report about an animal in a faraway land, believed it, embellished it a bit retold it in the new version, and so on….
      How do you think fairy-tales arise?

  65. Sayder

    I think that whether unicorns are existant or not, they’re beautiful creatures and very fun to draw. 🙂 I’m leaning more towards the goat theory. People who say they’ve seen unicorns could have seen a goat, deer, etc with one horn. I’d still call them unicorns though. And the mentioning of the unicorn in the Bible is an interesting thing to look up. If you compare the King James Version to other versions, the word for unicorn is replaced by “wild ox”. Each version is depicting a strong creature that’s hard to tame for the impact of the words in the verses. Every translation is just what someone decided to use to best describe what the original version was trying to depict.
    Oh, and if you think that’s interesting, take a look at this:

  66. Hannah Bear

    hi every1 im a fairy pink 1 too! fairies are soooo smart they know that vampires wouldn’t b abl 2 use a pc. tr light from pc would kill them. so you friken idiots u ar liars!!! anyway, its supposed 2 b bout unicorns not shit like werewolves

  67. larz

    hi all you weirdos I have to tell you something amazing 2 tell yous yesterday i weant to check my horses and i found something weird on my white horses (her name is rainbow) there was a bump in the middle of her eyes on her head so werewolves and lunatics there is something you should know I BELIEVE IN UNICORNS !!!!!!!!

    1. spoilsport

      read hippidion’s post from December 3, 2009. Follow the link there. You’ve got a horned horse – lots of ppl have. So, what?

  68. USA RULES!!!

    oh yea for all the ppl who say the are werewolves, unicorns ,vampire , etc….
    do u hae any D,T,W,P

    1. doe boy

      i belive in unicorns i found a skull of one with a horn on its forehead and its snout and i ant jokeing i have it in my book case set up

  69. Level Headed

    I think that all the people saying they are werewolfs s cool they believe they are. Maybe they are maybe not but you just can’t assume they arent.

  70. Cool

    Hey you just can’t assume someone isn’t a mythical creature. They could be or they couldn’t be. I am just a regular human and yeah I stick up for mythical creatures like werewolves and vampires. I honestly think that they are just understood from all the demeaning movies about them killing and hurting people. I am not a vampire or werewolf. I am just a regular person. But seriously you can’t go around judging people that they aren’t a werewolf because for all we know they could be.


    Happy lonly B-Day to me, Happy lonly B-Day to me, Happy B-Day, Happy B-Day,Happy lonly B-Day to me(it was yesterday).

    1. Unicorn Dreamer

      Hope u r fine. I’ve been flat on me nose ‘cuz of flu.
      When I thought about ur lonely birthday it made me sad. Then I remembered the future unicorn and see – it came trotting out of the dawn mists.
      It is ur’s – all ur’s alone. Ur birthday present. U find it at
      There is a file called happybirthdayunicorn.jpg. Put the mouse over it, click the right mousebutton, choose ‘save target as’ and download the file to ur PC. Post a comment when u’ve downloaded ur unicorn, then I’ll delete it from the server cuz it’s for u alone.

  72. ***THaT GiRL***

    Wow amaZing how off topic alot of ppl have gotten not that its a bad thing its just kinda funny…ive read this entire thing and i believe in unicorns but some of these guys that were on here are a wee bit NUTSO?! Lol

  73. Em

    Many people are unaware of this because of the westernization of the religion, but before King James translated the bible into his own perception, there was a book that spoke of unicorns and dragons…but he didn’t believe it fit in with his ideal “bible” so he tossed it out. There are 7 books of the bible missing from the current english version…that and the bible has been translated so many times over it doesn’t say what it once said…if you consider how badly English and Japanese are translated to each other, imagine Aramaic to Ancient Greek to English, and I’m sure a few others mixed in there – each time, it was translated however the translator(s) felt it should be spoken.

  74. Anna

    i would like to “BELIVE” but stories are stories and thoe its fun for awhile, eventually you will all forget about this articel, and we will all grow up, and no matter how hard we try this fun stuff will grow up too, exsept it will loose its horn and magical blood. i appoligise for the beeing the downer and my spelling, and i guess i had no real reason for commenting exsept to to give you that warning, because the more we put in the bucket of faith the more that will fall out when the wind nockes it over.

  75. Hadiza Bagudu

    I believe they exist, because as a child I saw one. I was born in Yola, Adamawa state, Nigeria where I spent the first 12 years of my life. At the age of 11 while I was in primary 6, my mother enrolled me into museum art club. We hold meetings every sartuday. After the meetings I run into the nearby zoo which didnt have much security back then so it was opened to everybody. There, in one of the cages, I saw a pure white horse with a horn on its fore head. I was attracted to it mostly because of its color. I think it was beautiful and I have gone there more than once to see it. The thing is that I was usually with other kids and we all saw it. It was much later in life that I found out that they are mythical. But I know I have see one before. God is my withness.

  76. Joanne walker

    i believe they are real whan i was litte girl i believe them soo dont say that if someone believe they are 😀

  77. Douchebag

    Unicorns are so fake ! I’ma dragon. I can change back into a human whenever I want. I live with all the other mythical creatures. And I’ve never seen one unicorn. You guys are morons.

  78. Unicorns are Kick Butt

    Here is a great poem about th eunicorn:
    A long time ago, when the Earth was green
    There was more kinds of animals than you’ve ever seen
    They’d run around free while the Earth was being born
    And the loveliest of all was the unicorn

    There was green alligators and long-necked geese
    Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
    Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you’re born
    The loveliest of all was the unicorn

    The Lord seen some sinning and it gave Him pain
    And He says, “Stand back, I’m going to make it rain”
    He says, “Hey Noah, I’ll tell you what to do
    Build me a floating zoo,
    and take some of those

    Green alligators and long-necked geese
    Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
    Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you’re born
    Don’t you forget My unicorns

    Old Noah was there to answer the call
    He finished up making the ark just as the rain started to fall
    He marched the animals two by two
    And he called out as they came through
    Hey Lord,

    I’ve got green alligators and long-necked geese
    Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
    Some cats and rats and elephants, but Lord, I’m so forlorn
    I just can’t find no unicorns”

    And Noah looked out through the driving rain
    Them unicorns were hiding, playing silly games
    Kicking and splashing while the rain was falling
    Oh, them silly unicorns

    There was green alligators and long-necked geese
    Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
    Noah cried, “Close the door because the rain is falling
    And we just can’t wait for no unicorns”

    The ark started moving, it drifted with the tide
    The unicorns looked up from the rocks and they cried
    And the waters came down and sort of floated them away
    That’s why you never see unicorns to this very day

    You’ll see green alligators and long-necked geese
    Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
    Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you’re born
    You’re never gonna see no unicorns.


    And a way to make unicorns=narwhal and horse breeding

  79. Dakota

    Unicorns is mentioned in the King James version of the bible. But in most modern versions it says wild ox instead of unicorns. A wild ox has two horns though. A unicorn should mean one horn, because “uni” means one. One thing i was thinking is that us as people can be born deformed. Like rarely people can be born attached to their twin (simese twins). Those are just rare people. Maybe it is just a deformed horse. Maybe it was just a rhino? they have one horn. Maybe one day long long ago a person saw a rhino. And i hvae to therios of how this could be mistaken for a unicorn and the image we have today. Theroy one is that this person saw a baby rhino from a far distance. Or theroy two is that a person was imfallimar with a rhino and they saw it and thought they found a new creture and you know when a person tells a rumor and people add and add to that rumor and eventally its completely different? Like the game telehone? well maybe this person told a friend about the rhino and people added stuff and added stuff and then the image of a unicorn completely changed. inot what we have today. But that still doesnt explain why it was in the bible. Maybe we will never know the truth about all of the mythical cretures.

  80. Stella

    Hi, I am 32 yrs old and I have believed in Unicorns ever since I was about 6. I used to dream about them all the time and write songs about them when I was really young. I used to always say at Sunday School that I thought they didnt get on the Ark in time, never knowing until today that they were mentioned in the bible and the theory that they said to Noah ‘we will swim.’ I am not at all religous now and do not beleive the Noah and Ark story really happened but I do think Unicorns existed and they were hunted for their horn and are now extinct like many other animals. But I think their spirit lives on and if you think about them in warms your heart and makes you happy. The world is such a harsh, sick, depressing place and humans suck, animals are so much purer, more innocent and honest and I hope that one day when humans have wiped themselves out on this planet, animals will rule and the Unicorn can return

  81. Mary Poppins

    Yeah i saw one last night, it was doing the tango with my pet lion. I spied on them awhile i watched they go a very fancy dinner. The unicorn ordered my mother’s birdfeeder. She was very sore in the morning

  82. Henry

    look guys, i was on holiday and takin the piss outta my friend because she was tryin to convince me that unicorns exist! but when i got home i started to question my self and decided to research it…..but a part of me is constantly saying….if a “unicorn” really did exist, then wouldnt it of been on the news. in a zoo, or somewhere where the public can go and see it. Us being the type of people we are, we wouldnt just let a money making scheme like that roam around in the wild!
    The second part of me wants to believe. just like a want to beleive in werewolves, and griffins. but im afraid harry potter isnt real! and neither are any of these mythical creatures! If somebody has some solid proof and can show me that they exist. i ask you to send me a link plz, because i really want to see! 🙂

    1. Connbright

      Hi Henry
      have a look at Very interesting. I’ve been looking at dragons, serpents, & unicorns in history & art, and the Bible. I have no doubt that these creatures were real, but the facts have been a bit distorted and blurred over time.

  83. Not a tennager yet

    Can someone? Anyone! Just tell me if unicorns are real? I have been studing my brians out trying to know! Everyone is saying they dont believe or they do believe but wich is true?? I still believe in magic and fairy tales so even if you do tell me they arent real i will still believe… I just wish someone could find a real unicorn and show me… not a fake one with a stupid plastic horn… a real life, living, true unicorn… i dont know what to do! :'(

  84. Sophia

    Unicorns are real. im a christian and the unicorn is mentioned in the bible. And no a unicorn does not have the beard of a goat cloven hooves and a lion tail. They are one horned beasts in the bible. They can be in any color a regular horse can be. And their horns hold no magic but to heal.UNICORNS ARE REAL!!!

  85. Kaiti

    i so believe in unis! btw u guys dont even no how hard it is to be a vampire:) and go to regular school and have a boyfriend oh and we age till we turn 20

  86. Chenicka

    Well if Unicorns were real humans would all want to see it and so the would try to capture it sometimes i think i am glade if they are real they should stay hidden due to humanitys stupidity so many animals are on the verge of extinction so the unicorn would probibly be the same if discovered

  87. Jasmine

    I think that unicorns,dragons and evrything eles is real because if we are real why can’t they be.

  88. abigail

    unicorns are real not just a story they may have not been seen in a long time but there real they do not vanish they do not die they don’t come out because of humans and there twisted minds there afraid of being hunted to brink of there existence humans scare them away but they are real only the people that are chosen can see them only if you truly believe in them do they come out but you have to believe they exist in your mind your and your heart i have been searching for them only to find out they live inside the ones that believe in them

  89. unicorn lover

    so if unicorns walked the earth once then why cant a horse with a horn like come one people your only saying the video is fake cause your jelouse you werent the first ones to discover them i belive in the most beutiful creature ever i know that some where out there a unicorn is wandering around and i hope one day you will all belive in these wondrful animals unircorns will rock the world forever


    hey. i read all ths comment lol. was interesting for me.. and I DO BELIEVE IN UNICORN. i never seen one. but who knows?? it might out there..This is magical things that no one can explain even the smartest person in the world and even for powerful person.NO ONE CAN EXPLAIN.! we just have to believe in it thus we can make the differences.

    This mystical creatures does exists.They are magical creatures and we are human. of course we living in different world and that why its very impossible too see em. but those who seen it before, well u guys so lucky. i never seen, but i still believe in it. 🙂

  91. Amy

    unicorns were real. It’s in the bible when God tells Job about the magnificient creatures he has created and unicorns are one of them. They are probably extinct now, like a lot of animals, but there are pictures on cave walls of horned creatures that look like horses. So if they aren’t real now, they were. 🙂

  92. ellie

    I think unicorns are real and I don’t really care if people tell me they don’t. Nobody has any proof if they do or don’t exist so who can say? Its just what you believe.

    I love my unicorn club


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